Patrick MacMillan Warrior. Skilled. Wanderer. Rogue. Gentleman. All applied to Brian. His origins somewhere in Scotland. He doesn't talk about his past. His reasons his own. Wanderlust is part of his makeup. His duration in any given land depends on what keeps his interest. Once it is lost, he is gone. His personality, is left for those who meet him to decide. |
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He stood a good six foot three, mahogany eyes with a reddish tint that darkened when angry. When amused, they turn a golden brown. His eyes changing with his moods in brown hues. Muscular build, honed through many battles fought. Scars worn as badges upon his person. His only truly trusted and loyal companion is his warhorse Max. Visual Vertigo. Driving winds blasted over the North Sea bringing with it the clash of salt water against the cliffs. Brian stood upon the highest in full warrior attire. The spray at times reaching to wash over him. |
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Eyes of a mahogany hue were intense in a stare out over the sea. The horizon lost between storm clouds and the churning waters below. A storm was upon him but it didn't match the rage within. This morning they had buried his father. He followed the death of his mother by one year exactly. The only father he had ever known. It was this day he learned he was not his father by birth. Wild blown strands of blond hair frosted with the sea spray as he turned from the turbulent waters to view the castle of Edinburgh nestled down along the point. It was a defensive, prestigious location that would stand against both sea and land forces. A mighty fortress. There had been plenty of clashes as warring clans' tempers rose. They rose easily in lands of unrest. |
This day Brian had made the decision to leave his home. It was a permanent decision for he no longer belonged. He would use the skills his father taught him as a warrior to make his own way in honor. Blood or not the bonds between the First Knight of Edinburgh and his adopted son were strong. Even in death they held.
At that point Brian found himself staring at the parchment he was making notes upon. One large blob of ink ran down the page obscuring
words already written. He would have to rewrite them. For a moment he didn't even realize where he was, so lost back in Edinburgh as that day continued to haunt him and the events surrounding it. It took a few deep breaths as a hand drew over his face to dry off the perspiration beading along his forehead and temples. Rising from his desk in the room given him at the Thistle in Heathfield, he made his way over to the hearth where the page was tossed into the fire. He watched it burst into flames then consumed, falling away to ashes. In the days that followed he gradually made a home for himself in these new lands. His expertise, especially in training men had him rise in th ranks becoming Head of the Royal Guards. Those that protected the royal family and those within the fortress walls. They also were ready to tour with any carriage bearing a royal family or any duties the Crown saw fit for them. He was content although there was not anyone he could call his own for he never found a woman that matched. There was always the possibility that could change but Brian's life was full with all the duties he took on and many comrades he called friend. -No claims are made on the photos
they are just a representation of how Brian would look. -More will be added gradually-- |