
Christopher Iden McCormick
Sheep Ranch of Heathfield
Chris passed out his father in height by
one inch, making him 6' 4". Tall but not overly. Sun streaked brown hair had a touch of curl and unruly look most of the time. He was not one to preen although he was one to keep clean. His eyes were a darker blue that sometimes took on the quality of green. A mixture of both his parents. He also inherited his father's voice. Irish tenor.
Sometimes he would sing if no one was around and sometimes if prompted by his family or friends.
He was somewhat shy to sing but he was not shy to get into a conversation and add to it. Teasing was an art if done correctly. He spent too much time around his father not to have it rub off.
A world that revolved around the ranch and the hired hands along with his family. Mariah took over the position of mother to them becoming an excellent cook and well capable of keeping the sprawling ranch and hired staff working smoothly. It was time, as their father took the two oldest aside, to venture out and meet others of their own age. To make friends and see the world. The idea was near frightening for the eldest two for the comfort in routine they had learned. They knew their father was right as Scott and Carisa had already met others of the lands here and far reaching beyond. Christopher would be the first of the two to go wandering and learning the world that existed outside the McCormick Ranch.
He and Mariah willingly took on the task of helping to raise the twins with their father. Mariah more the motherly, doting type, while Chris took them on
wild and even dangerous adventures. The four had become very close and all adored their hard working father. Eventually Scott and Carisa went off on their own adventures as they all grew older but that bond was kept strong. His father, Ian, was the epitome of what a man should be in Christopher's eyes and strove to make him proud. He was the son of a Baron,
after all, even if they worked as hard as any hired hand. It was the way of these lands and suited Chris just fine. He would
be complaining otherwise.
Strong lad liked to use his hands and skills that were developed over the years on their sheep ranch. A ranch that would one day be his as his father reminded him. His Da taught him how to run it so most of his time was spent with him. How to manage the workers and troubleshoot when things got heated. Sometimes it took a good fist well placed
against a man's jaw to establish the law. Chris was taught to fight with
his hands as well as weapons such as the bow, dagger and sword. The
constant work and skills learned had him filling out in well toned
muscles. He worked hard as a sheep ranch required and so most of the
years passed with little outside socialization. There were sheep
sheering contests and more often than not, as Chris got older, he
started winning them. His name grew in fame in the ranching world.. |
A world that revolved around the ranch and the hired hands along with his family. Mariah took over the position of mother to them becoming an excellent cook and well capable of keeping the sprawling ranch and hired staff working smoothly.
It was time for her to be pushed out of the nest that she might meet a
good man, fall in love and have a family of her own. Ian hired a cook so
that his daughter could spread her wings. Chris was going to miss her
cooking but well understood what his father was doing for her. None of
them needed to make up for what had been lacking in their mother whom abandoned
them all when they were little.
As he ventured
from the ranch, he had headed north to the notorious tavern
there. One with a vortex that threw peoples from not only
different cultures but different times together. This is where
he met AJ and quite the learning experiences from there.
Such as a Halloween party the two dressed up for, no one knew
they had even been there but she taught him dirty dancing as it
was called. He seemed to be a natural for it. So when he had
time, he continued to get out but not necessarily to that tavern
up north, it had gotten even stranger since he first visited.
Not a good strange either. |
- No claims are made of the photos used of Christopher Brown. Visual for
this fictional character in reference -