Barrett's Bay was
an extremely busy place as water transportation was cheap and
dependable. All manner of transport was by water, from the largest and
heaviest materials to the smallest farm produce, including water taxi
service from one point to another. Ships are powered by sails,
and the harbor, on a clear day, looked like a field covered with white
butterflies. All the vessels were of wooden construction and included
fish trawlers, oyster boats, barges and bogies and their construction
and repair required the skills of ship carpenters, riggers, sailmakers,
wood caulkers, painters and blacksmiths.
The Barrett Bay
Shipwright's dry dock was reconstructed to accommodate the many
different types of ships that would under go construction. With a large
deep water quay (which is an artificial basin or an inclosure in
connection with a harbor or river, -- used for the reception of vessels,
and provided with gates for keeping in or shutting out the tide) 373
feet in length, workshops and all the necessary appliances for carrying
on shipbuilding on an extensive scale or any other business requiring
water accommodation.
There are seven different types of docks that are used to work on the
ships under construction:
Dry dock, from which the water may be shut or pumped out,
especially, one in the form of a chamber having walls and floor, often
of masonry and communicating with deep water, but having appliances for
excluding it; -- used in constructing or repairing ships. The name
includes structures used for the examination, repairing, or building of
vessels, as graving docks, floating docks, hydraulic docks, etc.
Floating dock, which is made to become buoyant, and, by floating,
to lift a vessel out of water.
Graving dock, for holding a ship for graving or cleaning the
bottom, etc.
Naval dock, with which are naval stores, materials, and all
conveniences for the construction and repair of ships.
Sectional dock, a form of floating dock made in separate sections
or caissons.
Slip dock, having a sloping floor that extends from deep water to
above high-water mark, and upon which is a railway on which runs a
cradle carrying the ship. It's a slip or water way extending between two
piers or projecting wharves, for the reception of ships; -- sometimes
including the piers themselves; as, to be down on the dock.
Wet dock, where the water is shut in, and kept at a given level,
to facilitate the loading and unloading of ships; -- also sometimes used
as a place of safety; a basin.
When a ship is brought into the basin for dry docking, it passes through
the dock gate, a floating caisson. When the dock is ready to receive a
ship, the gate is moored to the quay side of the basin. Once a ship is
floated into the dry dock and its keel is resting on pre-placed blocks,
the gate is towed into position and filled with water to sink it into
place. As water is pumped from the graving dock, water pressure from the
basin forces the gate tightly in place, creating a seal that keeps the
working space beneath the ship dry. The graving dock is opened by
reversing the procedure. Next to the dry dock is the pump house where
the machinery for pumping the water from the dry dock was installed.
The Shipbuilding Plant and Materials including a boiler with all
machinery and materials for working a patent slipway; 5 cranes; 6
winches; Bogies; Jack Screws; Lathe; Cramps; Boiler and Steam Kiln;
English and Foreign Oak Elm and Yellow Pine Timber; Staging Planks; Deck
Deals old and new rope; chains; iron and wood blocks; shovels; whip and
cross saws; Augers; caulking ions; Ring Bolts; Wood and metal pumps;
Paints; oils; Naptha; Pitch; Coal Tar; New and old iron; grindstones;
Treenails; Ladders and a quantity of gear and materials, about 100 casks
and buoys (for raising ships).
In the Blacksmiths shop are 3 pairs of bellows; 4 anvils; 4 vices; Tongs
Hammers and all necessary tools.
The Overseers of the
Shipwright's of Barrett's Bay:
Master shipwright: responsible
for most workmen and all construction and repair work.
Master attendant: managed the
ships in harbour and saw to the maintenance of the ships in Ordinary,
i.e. when the ship was laid up.
Clerk of the cheque: mustered
the workmen, looked after expenses and kept accounts of earnings.
Clerk of the survey: checked the
details of all stores received, and issued and surveyed materials.
Clerk of the ropeyard: mustered
the men, and received and issued stores.
--under construction--