Covering Heathfield, Ballicastle, Tyremoor,
Innis Daingneach, Kildare, Hedgebrier, surrounding areas and Allies.
Issue 03-07
((--Disclaimer: any pictures used of
actors/actresses is only for how that fictional character may look, no
claims made.--))
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```*+*``` !!! Royal Wedding !!! ```*+*``` The wedding of Crown Prince Andrew James Barrett MacNeil and Noirin Morgane, was held February 8th. The Wizard Thalan was asked to say the nuptials due to his place in the hearts and lives of the royal family. The place chosen for the wedding was in the enchanted forest of the Sylvan Elves, north of the castle. Andrew is their King being of their royal bloodline and Noirin would become their Queen. They were all there to watch but many of the Elves stayed hidden, others were pinpoints of light moving about freely while some were in full Eleven form. The Sylvan Elves had created a wonderland with the help of nature. Blue, silver and white were the colors, the ice covering tree branches, the pure snow untouched except by moonlight. There was a frozen lake to the right of the area with the enchanted forest surrounding them. The cold did not reach the bride or groom, or the guests, though snow and ice were cold to the touch. The altar was made of solid ice with a deep blue strip of linen trimmed in white Irish lace over it. The candle and chalice were set here as part of the ceremonial props. Soft music played as only the Elves could play, surrounded the guests. Eleanora saw to the guests as they arrived, directing them to cushioned seats. The King and Queen of Heathfield, Honeee and Karl were seated in the front left row. Guests included King Chadrick and his Queen, Danielle, Trevellyn Douglas, and King Peter O'Neill. Princess Amberlette sat near her sister while the children filled the rows behind. Henna, Tykir, Rina, Attessa and Sean in the second row. Lydia was held in her mother's arms while Carlton was on his father's lap. Behind the sister castle royals were Vincent, Trevor, Lazare, Myles and Aaric. Dana was away at the time. Princess Lah served as maid of honor with Lady Julia de Beauvias as a bridesmaid. King Leoric and Regent Gaidan served as Andrew's best men. The rings were of an old Celtic design that signified the eternal circle and devotion of heart, mind and body given to each other with these sacred vows. Andrew was resplendent in the MacNeil's tartan and kilt. The broach at his shoulder holding his clan colors signified his status of crown prince. Shirt was of cream silk and boots of a fine tooled leather laced up to below his knees. Blond hair was left loose with even longer twin braids that reached his waist. Lady Noir wore a gown of white velvet, sprinkled with rhinestones that caused it to sparkle like the moon on frozen snow. A cloak of deep blue trimmed with white fur was draped over her shoulders, falling in a train. The way the skirt of the gown flowed made her seem to float as she walked down the carpet. Her hair, soft and flowing, was uncovered by the hood of the cloak. Instead a veil as delicate as a spider web and sprinkled with the same tiny stones covered her face and hair. In her hands was a bouquet of flowers from the Celtic Gardens. Roses of white and red, intermixed with baby's breath and tiny branches, silver coated with paint and glitter were carried by the bride. The ceremony conducted by Thalan was conducted with the dignity only he could hold. The ceremonial mixing of the blood, the drinking of the wine from the chalice, and the exchanging of rings all combined to make the giving of vows beautiful and poignant. When the couple was declared man and wife, flurry of snow circled around the newlyweds, sparkling in the lights, and giving that kiss a mystical quality of surreal beauty. Colors became more vibrant. The colorful spheres many of the Fae took on in form were giving a light show out over the lake. Reds, Blues. Greens. Golds. Silvers. The whole spectrum as music filled the air synchronized with the pulsing and bouncing, racing and trailing of lights. As his arms surrounded so also the music and colors to envelope. Following the greeting of the happy couple by their family and friends, they all returned to Heathfield Castle for a ceremony and opening of gifts. The next day was spent with the Sylvan Elves for their ceremonies welcoming Noirin as their Queen and to celebrate the marriage. Following that, the Prince and Princess embarked on their honeymoon. We wish them well in the years to come. --submitted by Leoric and Gaidan McLarkin The kingdoms of Heathfield and Ballicastle were well represented at a drinking contest held in the Kingdom of Leoness. Adrian and Kyle Frasier, and Channing Royce were among the contestants. Isolde Fiztpatrick observed. The drinks flowed , the company was merry, and by the end the three Frasier men were weaving their way back to their respective homes felling no pain. Adrian came in second, winning a weekend at the Four Points inn, Channing placed third and won a Four Course Meal held at Four Points. Kyle returned to Heathfield with a smile on his face and a hangover the next day. Congratulations to Adrian and Channing for their wins. - submitted by Kyle Frasier |
```*+*```+```*+*``` Featured Articles ```*+*```+```*+*``` |
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Touch Angelica - Although angelica has been used in magic and medicine for several thousand years, some scientists have dismissed this herb as medically worthless. They may have been too quick to condemn it, however. Recent research reveals several intriguing benefits and even supports a few of the traditional uses for this long respected herb. European peasants made angelica leaf necklaces to protect their children from illness and witchcraft. Angelica |
was reputed to be the only herb witches never used, and its presence in a woman's garden or cupboard was once used as a defense against charges of witchcraft. The juice from crushed angelica roots was combined with other herbs to make 'Carmelite water,' a medieval drink said to cure headache, promote relaxation and long life, and protect against poisons and witches' spells. In 1665 Europe was decimated by the bubonic plague. Legend has it that a monk dreamed he met an angel who showed him an herb that could cure the scourge. The herb was angelica and the monk so named it in honor of the angel in his dream. The name stuck and angelica water was incorporated into the official English plague remedy - The King's Excellent Plague Recipe. Healing with Angelica - Contrary to legend, angelica does not deliver humanity from epidemic disease. In fact, most of this herb's traditional uses have not stood up to scientific scrutiny. Contemporary herbalists generally recommend angelica mostly for digestive problems and to help clear mucus, uses that have some validity. Respiratory Ailments - The Doctrine of Signatures scores one. German researchers have discovered that angelic relaxes the windpipe, suggesting that it may have some value in treating colds, flu, bronchitis and asthma, after all. Digestive Aid - The same German investigators found that angelica also relaxes the intestines, lending some credence to its traditional use in treating digestive complaints. Arthritis - Japanese researchers have reported that the herb has anti-inflammatory effects, meaning there may be something to angelica's traditional Asian use as an arthritis treatment. Intriguing Possibilities - Preliminary research reports from China suggest angelica increases red blood cell counts. This means the herb may someday prove beneficial in treating anemia. They also report angelica increases the ability of blood to clot. If they are correct, that's good news for people with clotting impairment. It also means that anyone at risk for heart disease should avoid this herb. Increased blood clotting can lead to decreased blood flow to the heart and in some cases might trigger a heart attack. The Chinese have also found that angelica improves liver function in people suffering from cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis. Their research is preliminary however and no specific recommendations can be made at this time about using the herb for liver problems. Ways to prepare the herb for relief from colds, flu and bronchitis or as a digestive aid. For an infusion, use 1 tsp of powdered seeds or leaves per cup of boiling water. Steep 10-20 minutes. For a decoction, use 1 tsp of powdered roots per cup of boiling water. Bring to a full boil and simmer 2 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand 15 minutes. Drink up to 2 cups a day. Angelica decoctions taste bitter. In a tincture, use 1/2 to 1 tsp up to twice a day. When using commercial extracts, follow package directions. Angelica should not be given to children under age 2. For older children and people over 65 start with low strength preparations and increase strength if necessary. Fresh angelica roots are poisonous. Drying eliminates the hazard. Herb gardeners should be sure to dry the roots thoroughly before using them. Finally, unless you are a confident field botanist, do not collect angelica in the wild. It's easy to confuse with water hemlock (Cicuta maculata), an extremely poisonous plant. --Taken from The Healing Herbs by Michael Castleman |
Life Around Here Although the snow is still piled and the lake frozen, there is that hint of spring waiting just around the corner. That scent in the air of changes coming, of rebirth in the earth and those upon it. Perhaps it is the last leg of waiting through winter's bite, that was at first quite beautiful, that has many antsy. Cabin fever some call it for being indoors far more than warmer weather permits. The cook outs, swimming and camping soon to replace the ice skating, snowball fight and sledding. Daffodils, crocus and tulips will soon be peaking up from the ground before the snow is completely gone. Robins returning is a sure indication as we await that red breasted bird. Spring events will soon be planned in celebration. We can count our blessings this year for a winter that was fair and without tragedy. Soon more will be out and about for those that like to socialize. St Patrick's day a time of such celebration whether Irish or not. There are new faces about to meet as it seemed to come with the changing of seasons. Some known are out and about again. Many to meet for those with cabin fever, the Thistle is always open. Love seems to be blossoming as well with ones meeting others and starting to be around each other more. Many of the shops are holding special for those that like to get out to the commons. All in all it looks like a spring to look forward too, living it now. --submitted by Keriann Frasier Births: None this month. Marriages: Andrew James MacNeil to Noiren Morgane.. Engagements: Alexander McDonough to Mary Margaret Murphy. Deaths: None this Month. Citizenship: Please welcome Michael Saxton who has taken on the position of Graveyard Keeper. |
Superstitions In honor of St. Patrick's Day, here are a few Irish superstitions. 1. The bed of a person that is ill
must be placed north and south never crossways. |
3. There is one hour in the day when you make a wish it
will be granted. No one knows what the hour is. It is a chance that you
may stumble upon. 4.There is one hour in the day when ghost-seers can see spirits, but only one. Again the exact time of day is a mystery. 5.Never take an infant in your arms without saying, "God Bless it." This will keep the influence of the "Evil Eye" away. 6. Fire is considered the holiest of all things. If you walk around a fire on St. John's Eve(at sunset of June 23rd mid-summer's eve), you will be safe from disease for the whole year. 7. Never cut an infant's nails until it is a year old, or it will be addicted to stealing. 8. A child born in the morning cannot see spirits or the fairy world; but the child that is born at night will have the power over ghosts, and can see the spirits of the dead. 9. The first days of the year and of the week are the luckiest. 10.Some days are unlucky to families. For the Tudors is was Tuesday. Henry VIII, Edward, Mary, and Elizabeth all died on a Tuesday. 11. Friday is the most unlucky day of all the year, and no one should begin a journey, or move into a new house, or begin a business, or cut a new dress on a Friday. Most of all never bring a cat from one house to another on a Friday. 12. Beware of speaking ill of fairies on a Friday for if they are present, they will work some evil. 13. It is not safe to take an unbaptized child in your arms without making the sing of the cross over it. 14. A hazel switch brings good luck and has the power over the devil. 15. A whitehorn stick is very unlucky to take on a journey. 16. The seventh son of a seventh son has the power over all diseases and can cure them by laying hands. 17. A son born after his father's death has power over fevers. 18. If you want a person to win at cards, stick a crooked pin in his coat. 19.It is good to cut your hair at the new moon, and especially by the light of the moon. (Remember: never on a Friday!) 20.A shoe of a horse nailed to the door-post will bring good luck. (The shoe must be found. It cannot be given.) |
OTHER LIFE FORMS Merfolk -- As stunningly gorgeous as they are dangerous, merfolk live in loosely structured kingdoms deep in the sea, but occasionally their natural curiosity causes them to come near the shore. Although usually seen at night out on the jetties or even sometimes on the soft sand of the beaches, they have been spotted in daylight, resting on rocky outcroppings. They have been found trapped in tidal pools when the sea changes. Merfolk are at their most helpless out of water. Even though their dual-function lungs can breathe air, their silvery scales dry out with overexposure to the sun. Although merfolk are very beautiful, it is not safe to approach them. Land people and sea people have been at odds since earliest recorded memory. With pollution increasing and more aquatic species hunted to extinction, merfolk are even less likely to consider a land dweller as a potential friend. Merfolk differ widely in coloration, sharing the distinctive characteristics of fish of their region. Male merfolk, known as mermen, are rare and solitary creatures except during the mating season. They can easily be distinguished from the mermaids by their larger size. As with any culture, merfolk leave behind a significant amount of artifacts that can be found around their habitats. Small piles of discarded shellfish may well be evidence of a merperson coming ashore to dine. Sea people are unused to cooking so there will be no sign of a fire and there may be some sharp object nearby that was use to pry the food open. You may come upon sheets of seaweed drying along the shoreline. Merfolk weave a crud kind of fabric from it, called seaweed cloth, that is used for garments, rope and even baskets. |
Merfolk tools are made from bone, discarded land glass, or the sharp teeth of sharks, but never iron. These tools are often bound at one end with eel skin. You may find shells or pieces of coral with small holes in their necks and sometimes loop along their tails. The evidence for merfolk is especially strong if the shell is not native to your beaches. Merfolk have been known to travel great distances and often lose or discard things along the way. Some merfolk release an inky cloud from a sac located in their tail. They then swim off while the would-be predator is distracted. -- submitted by Kathleen Frasier - from Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide. Everyone should have one! |
March ...beware the Ides of March With so many of a particular culture, I thought I ought to do a bit of research on the upcoming religious holiday that so many of our citizens observe. It seems that, for at least one day, I have the opportunity to be an honorary Irish girl. Here is what I've found regarding the day of Saint Patrick, and no, he did not banish all the snakes from Ireland as some have come to believe. St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is one of Christianity's most widely known figures. But for all his celebrity, his life remains somewhat of a mystery. It is known that St. Patrick was born in Britain to wealthy parents near the end of the fourth century. Although his father was a Christian deacon, it has been suggested that he probably took on the role because of tax incentives and there is no evidence that Patrick came from a particularly religious family. At the age of sixteen, Patrick was taken prisoner by a group of Irish raiders who were attacking his family's estate. They transported him to Ireland where he spent six years in captivity. (There is some dispute over where this captivity took place. Although many believe he was taken to live in Mount Slemish in County Antrim, it is more likely that he was held in County Mayo near Killala.) During this time, he worked as a shepherd, outdoors and away from people. Lonely and afraid, he turned to his religion for solace, becoming a devout Christian. After more than six years as a prisoner, Patrick escaped. According to his writing, a voice-which he believed to be God's-spoke to him in a dream, telling him it was time to leave Ireland. To do so, Patrick walked nearly 200 miles from County Mayo, where it is believed he was held, to the Irish coast. After escaping to Britain, Patrick reported that he experienced a second revelation: an angel in a dream tells him to return to Ireland as a missionary. Soon after, Patrick began religious training, a course of study that lasted more than fifteen years. After his ordination as a priest, he was sent to Ireland with a dual mission: to minister to Christians already living in Ireland and to begin to convert the Irish. Familiar with the Irish language and culture, Patrick chose to incorporate traditional ritual into his lessons of Christianity instead of attempting to eradicate native Irish beliefs. For instance, he used bonfires to celebrate Easter since the Irish were used to honoring their gods with fire. He also superimposed a sun, a powerful Irish symbol, onto the Christian cross to create what is now called a Celtic cross, so that veneration of the symbol would seem more natural to the Irish. (Although there were a small number of Christians on the island when Patrick arrived, most Irish practiced a nature-based pagan religion.) He is believed to have died on March 17, around 460 A.D. The shamrock, which was also called the "seamroy" by the Celts, was a sacred plant in ancient Ireland because it symbolized the rebirth of spring. By the seventeenth century, the shamrock had become a symbol of emerging Irish nationalism. As the English began to seize Irish land and make laws against the use of the Irish language and the practice of Catholicism, many Irish began to wear the shamrock as a symbol of their pride in their heritage and their displeasure with English rule. After being conquered by the English, and forbidden to speak their own language, the Irish, like other oppressed peoples, turned to music to help them remember important events and hold on to their heritage and history. As it often stirred emotion and helped to galvanize people, music was outlawed by the English. During her reign,Queen Elizabeth I even decreed that all artists and pipers were to be arrested and hanged on the spot. As previously mentioned, Saint Patrick did not literally banish snakes from Ireland. It was a metaphor for the eradication of pagan ideology from Ireland and the triumph of Christianity. Within two hundred years of Patrick's arrival, Ireland was completely Christianized. On St. Patrick's Day, which falls during the Christian season of Lent, Irish families would traditionally attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon. Lenten prohibitions against the consumption of meat are waived and people would dance, drink, and feast—on the traditional meal of Irish bacon and cabbage. (taken from the History Channel) -- submitted by Cassie Saxton. |
```*+*```*+*```*+*``` Harp of Cnoc I'Chosgair Harp
of Cnoc I'Chosgair, you who bring sleep
--submitted by Sara Devonshire ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` |
On The Wings
On the wings of angels do my
dreams soar.
Peaceful thoughts and gentle
flutter about a sleeping mind,
thoughts of a better time, a
better place,
an untarnished world of gold
and silver.
Only in such a state does this
heaven exist:
not further than a dreamer's
--submitted by Cassie Saxton March: An Ode Ere frost-flower and snow-blossom
faded and fell, --submitted by Orianna Lynn Spring Today is the day when bold kites fly, --submitted by Orianna Lynn |
Did You Know? Dawn Song - Unexplained noises and even recognizable musical notes can sometimes be made by striking certain rocks. These natural stone-age percussion instruments ring when struck with a mallet or even with the knuckles. In the Upper Black Eddy area of Pennsylvania, there is an entire field of rocks about a third of which actually ring. Scientists theorized that over many centuries, the interaction of the weather and the geography of the field itself may have altered the structure of certain rocks, allowing these rocks to resonate at easily audible frequencies when they are struck. But some stones do not have to be struck in order to make sounds. The gigantic Colossi of Memnon are two statues that form the last remnants of a temple that stood between Luxor and the Valley of the Kings in ancient Egypt. The northernmost of the two huge statues began to make curious sounds when it was cracked during an earthquake in 27bc. It began producing an audible, bell-like sound at dawn. People flocked to the site from far and wide, believing the sounds to be the voice of an oracle. The strange sounds stopped when the cracks were repaired in 350ad. Modern commentators suggest that such sounds may have been caused by wind blowing through the cracks. Another theory is that the statues emitted high frequency ultrasound signals that were made audible to humans only by the structural damage resulting from the earthquake. Some Egyptologists have come up with the highly speculative theory that the ancient builders might have incorporated sonic factors into their structures because they were aware of the healing properties of ultrasound. Ringing noises have been heard at Stonehenge, while at the Rollright stone circle witnesses have reported curious clicking noises emanating from the area of ground around the stones in the middle of the night. When the stones at some of the sites were tested with an ultrasound receiver, seemingly odd effects are reported. Testing the Rollright stone circle found that a three foot band around the middle of the tallest stone of the circle allegedly gave off a signal at dawn that affected an ultrasound receiver. The signal ebbed away later in the day. On the east bank of the Connecticut River is East Haddam, sacred to the Pequot and other Indian tribes of the region. Their name for the site was Machemoodus, which means, there is a bad noise. It is one of the most seismically active places in New England - colonial times it was known as an area of curious sounds, called the Moodus noises. Sounds like guns, drums and rumbling have been heard at the site at times when earthquakes and other forms of seismic upheaval occurred. -- submitted by Samantha Golden (taken from the book Earth's Mysterious Places, Reader's Digest) |
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Dear Kizzie...
I'd read the query made to you by "Three Shades of Red" in the February edition of "The Heathfield Gazette". In your reply, you mentioned that you'd hoped a gentleman would write you and weigh in a bit on the subject. I cannot speak for all men, but I do think that a substantial number of men that feel as I do. Yes, there is an element of self-gratification for any gentleman who causes a lady to blush with the issuance of a compliment; you were quite correct in your assessment. There is another facet to be considered. There are few things so lovely as the light that comes to a lady's eyes as a bit of bloom comes to the rose, so to speak. |
Her smile somehow seems warmer, and lovelier, and her
laughter becomes a bit more lilting and musical. Of course, this
depends on the situation. There are times, as between siblings
or cousins, when a blush is inspired by a bit of good-natured fun.
A blush and a soft smile on the lady's part may indicate that the
gentleman's compliment, or prank, was well received, and therefore
encourages him to attempt further communication. The inspiration
of a blush on a lady may serve as a sort of social barometer for the
I do hope that this offering of opinion, and it is purely opinion, has helped shed some light on the subject. - Signed Someone who thinks you'd look lovely with a bit of a blush, too. Dear Kizzie... With spring coming and love in the air, even with the passing of Valentine's Day and cupid's arrows, does love come from a list of eligible women or men to matchmaking and hope or should it come from fate, spontaneous meeting one? - A list owner Dear List Owner, You would be surprised how love can flourish in tight spots. Many years of arranged marriages have made people happy. In fact, my parents were joined in matrimony under the careful eye of a matchmaker, and they fell very much in love. However, as I don't want to take a chance on falling in love with a stranger picked from a list so I support the notion that love should come from fate. If it is meant to be, it shall be whether you want it to or not. Even some of the coldhearted have fell under the power of love, so just let love take its time with you. Who wants to rush into all that, anyway? |
5 lb/ 2 kg apples * 12 whole cloves * 4 pt/ 2 lr/ 8 cups water * 4 lb/2 kg/ 8 cups sugar This well-flavored jelly is very easy to make and will keep -if given a chance. It is delicious on hot, buttered scones or pancakes. The secret lies in the long, slow cooking which extracts the maximum amount of pectin -the setting agent-from the fruit. To ensure a clear, bright jelly it is vital to resist manfully the temptation to squeeze the pulp when straining the liquid. Wash and quarter the apples. There is no need to peel or core them. Place in an ovenproof dish and add water. Cover, with aluminum foil if necessary. Cook overnight at the bottom of the oven, gas mark l/2, 225°F, 110°C. Next day strain through a jelly bag or a clean, white pillow case - do not squeeze! Measure the liquid into a large saucepan and for every cupful add a cupful of sugar. Heat to dissolve the sugar and bring to the boil for about 10 minutes or until a little of the mixture gels on a cold saucer. Be careful here, as over-boiling will produce a syrup which will just get thicker without setting. Pour into jars which have been warmed in the oven and cover with waxed discs and lids. --submitted by Sarah McDonough
2 1/2 lb boned mutton * 4 large potatoes * 2 large onions * 3 or 4 medium carrots * sprig of parsley * 2 cups water * salt and pepper Irish stew is easy to make and if made with mutton and cooked slowly will be both flavorsome and tender. Mutton, being an older meat, has more flavor than lamb but does need to be cooked for a couple of hours over a low heat with liquid. It should not be allowed to boil or the flavor will be spoiled. There is little agreement as to the classic recipe - should there be carrots? Should the meat be browned? Should mutton, lamb, beef, bacon or even kid be used? The following dish will be found to be hearty and nourishing and traditional enough. Cut the meat into good size chunks. Peel the vegetables and slice thickly. Chop the parsley. Choose a pot with a well-fitting lid and put in the ingredients in layers, starting and finishing with potatoes. Pour in the water and season to taste. Cover and put on a very low heat for about 2 1/2 hours until the meat is tender and the potatoes have thickened the liquid. The dish may also be made with lamb, in which case it requires only 1 1/2 hours cooking time. Serves four. --submitted by Mercy LaCorte
2 prepared pie crusts (for bottom and
top) * 5 large Golden Delicious apples * 1 large lemon * 1/2 cup dark
seedless raisins * 2 tsp vanilla extract * 3/4 tsp ground cinnamon * 2
cups cranberries * 3/4 cup sugar Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Peel, core and thinly slice apples; toss with lemon juice. Add raisins, vanilla extract, cinnamon, cranberries, sugar and flour to apples. Put apple mixture in pie shell; cover with top crust. Mix egg and water; brush over top of pie; sprinkle with sugar. Place sheet of foil underneath pie plate; crimp edges to form rim to catch any drips during baking. Cover pie loosely with a tent of foil. Bake for 40 minutes. Remove foil from top of pie; bake 30 minutes longer or until apples are tender and crust is nicely browned. Cool pie slightly on wire rack to serve warm. Cool pie completely to serve later. --submitted by Orianna Lynn. |
1/4 pt/ 125 ml/ 1/2 cup lukewarm milk *
1 tsp sugar Cream the yeast and the sugar and allow to froth up in the milk, which should be at blood heat. Sieve the flour, caster sugar and spice and rub in the butter. Make a well in the centre and add the yeast mixture and the egg, beaten. Beat with a wooden spoon for about 10 minutes until a good dough forms. The fruit and the salt should be worked in by hand; the gold ring wrapped in greaseproof paper should then be added, and the whole kneaded. Put in a warm bowl, cover and allow to rise in a warm place for about an hour until doubled in size. Knead lightly and place in a lightly-greased 7 in /15 cm diameter cake tin and allow a further 30 minutes rising time. Bake near the top of a pre-heated oven at gas mark 6, 400°F, 200°C for 45 minutes. On removing from the oven the brack can be glazed with a syrup made from 2 tsp sugar dissolved in 3 tsp boiling water. --submitted by Cairenn Turlough KUGEL 3 eggs * 1/4 cup melted margarine or butter * 1/4 cup sugar * 1/2 tsp. cinnamon * 1/2 lb. wide noodles * 1/4 cup raisins * 1/4 cup almonds * 1/2 cup chopped apples Beat the eggs thoroughly in a large mixing bowl. Add the butter, sugar and cinnamon beat until thoroughly blended. Cook the noodles and rinse them in cold water. Do not drain them too thoroughly. Put the noodles into the egg mixture and stir until the noodles are coated with the mixture. Let them sit in the refrigerator for about 15-30 minutes, so the noodles absorb some of the egg mixture. Stir again. Put about half of the egg-noodle mixture into a casserole dish. Put the raisins, almonds and apples on top. Put the remaining egg-noodle mixture on top of that. Bake for about 30-45 minutes at 350 degrees, until the egg part is firm and the noodles on top are crispy. Can be served warm or cold. Can be served as a side dish or dessert. --submitted by Kizzie Cohen.
1 cup raisins * 1/2 cup Irish whiskey * 3 cups all-purpose flour * 1/2 cup sugar * 1 tablespoon baking powder * 1 teaspoon salt * 1 tablespoon grated orange rind * 1/2 teaspoon baking soda * 1-1/3 cups buttermilk * 1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted * Whiskey Butter: * 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened * 1 tablespoon Irish whiskey This sweet bread is stuffed with whiskey-soaked raisings and orange rind and served with whiskey butter for a delicious variation of traditional Irish soda bread. If you don't want to use whiskey, simply soak the raisins in hot water. Soak raisins in Irish whiskey overnight. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and orange rind in a large bowl; mix well. Stir in raisins mixture, blending well. Dissolve soda in buttermilk; add to flour mixture, stirring well. Stir in butter, mixing well. Spoon batter into a greased 2-quart casserole. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 50 minutes or until golden brown. Cut into squares, and serve with Whiskey Butter. Yield: 8 to 10 servings. Yield: 1/2 cup. Whiskey Butter Method: Combine butter and whiskey, blending well. --submitted by Orianna Lynn. (Source: The Southern Heritage Celebrations Cookbook (Oryx Press) by Carole Lisa Albyn and Lois Sinaiko Webb (Oryx Press) Reprinted with permission.) ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` |
```*+*```+```*+*``` Classified ```*+*```+```*+*``` |
Job Finder Contact Draven MacShire for: Music Store Proprietor wanted. Donut Cafe, proprietor to open shop. Bounty Hunters, Chimney Sweeps. Cobbler store position available. Beauty Salon available. Chiropractor needed to set up shop. Consular needed. Martial Arts Instructor needed. Contact Malcolm Douglas for: Dentist needed to set up office. Another Bower needed. Pet Store proprietor wanted. Barber shop available. Catering service shop available. Cigar Shop proprietor needed. Dance Instructor needed. Tattoo Parlor proprietor wanted. Wanted, Artist -- for children's books, contact Cassie Saxton. Thanks to Job finder: Graham (Ham) Frasier took over the Butcher shop. Keriann Frasier was appointed Museum Curator. Fearghas Frasier was appointed a Castle handyman for both the library and Museum in particular. Michael Saxton took over the Grave Keeper position. Any questions contact Draven MacShire or Malcolm Douglas. Thoughts for the Month "There is no language like the Irish for soothing and quieting."~~By John Millington Synge.~~ May the friendships you make, .. Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive. I'Chosgair --submitted by Sara Devonshire ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` Advertisements Spring Scented and Hued Candles are specially priced to chase away the wintry blues with spring around the corner. Fill your home with these invigorating scents for a good uplift. Ask for Kathleen Frasier or Samantha Golden at the Candle Shop. Spring Bouquets: Carnations and Daises along with baby's breath at Lisette's Floral Shop. Wedding bouquets, anniversaries or any occasion. Benzaiten Imports has received a new shipment of items from Ireland, including blankets of Aran wool, silver jewelry and other unique items. Hours are from 9:00 am to dusk. We are located in the warehouse district. Owners: Alexander McDonough and Garath MacShire. The Needle and Spool Clothier: Spring is knocking at the doors and it is time lighter clothing soon. Imported fabrics have been acquired for the balls and dances. From a silk gown to a linen tailored suit. Any pre-made clothing for Spring will be on sale with half off the asked price. The BookStop: Things are ready for the freeze up. Stop on by to get the Almanac pamphlets as well as any books that can give pointers on winter sports and how to keep warm. Time to cover any flower bulb beds with leaves and other mulch. Heathfield Orphanage: Gifts, food, winter clothing and monetary offerings are greatly appreciated. Books in good shape are needed. Inquire with Henna Barrett Suex with any questions. McKnight Veterinary Clinic is now open at the McKnight estate in Heathfield. Donovan McKnight, DVM, and Katherine McKnight. We are trained in the treatment and care of all domestic and most exotic animals. The estates are located just outside of Heathfield near Barrington Hospital. Free check up of your pet for the first visit to get acquainted. Emergency service. Certain Somethings Shop. Special this month: all green accessories are half priced! We carry accessories needed to complete every outfit. Shoes, gloves and purses can be made or dyed to match. Hats for spring are coming in every day. Our items are made by artisans from the Realms and we also carry imported items.
Herbal Delights, located in Barrington Hospital,
has teas and tinctures available to fight off all manner of ailments.
Hours are from 9:00 am to dusk, with special openings as needed.
Sweet and Sassy Candy Shop, located just off the marketplace is having specials on green jelly beans in honor of St. Patrick's Day along with green, melt in your mouth chocolate four leaf clovers. Leather Shop Special for the month of March: leather vests and pants, made to order or off the rack. Deli Delights - If you are hungry in the middle of the day for fresh bread, meats and Jewish cuisine, come down to Heathfield's newest places to dine. If you mention seeing the ad in the Gazette, you get a free dessert! Butcher Shop - Fresh cut meats available for all your dinners. Open from Monday to Saturday from 9am til dusk. ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` |
And Found Lost: A package containing several yards of silk materials in various shades; thread, batten and a oriental style vase. If found, please contact Angel O'Banain. Reward. Lost: 100 feet of rope near the Light Tower; contact Matty or Pearl. Found: A black lab with bright blue eyes responds to foul names only. Contact Graham Frasier. ??? Question Corner ??? 1. Do your close friends tend to be older or younger than you? 2. If the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and became a paraplegic, would you go through with the marriage or back out of it? If you would like to reply and have it published in next month's issue, please submit the question with your answer to Lahoneee. Monthly Horoscope Pices (Feb 19 - March 20) -- The energy of anticipation must be palpable, and when something as huge as a whole world looms just around the corner, it can be both exciting and frightening. Change is one of the most fearsome prospects among people on the planet. Yet change of a type you have not experienced in a long time is close upon you. A long phase of your life is drawing to a close, and a new one will arise like the New Jerusalem. The door to the past will latch but not lock, and you will spend much of the year in slowly alternating phases on either side of the threshold, which is a threshold of identity. You will change, and the whole world will change in relationship to you. Notice the life you are living now. Notice what you think you want to recreate or leave behind. Make a time capsule, take some pictures, describe your current existence in emails to your intimates. Open it in one year. -- submitted by Velvet MacShire See Planet Waves for other months. Where To Find It - Services Offered Want to better your business? Place a listing here!
Flowers -
Lisette McTiel Frasier, Heathfield Commons.
Jon McAndrews Lumber Mill, Ballicastle.
Wines - Mike McAndrews Vineyards, Heathfield; Darren McCullen Vineyards, Ballicastle. Leather, Beef, Horses - Maurice, Joseph and Rory McDonough, McDonough Ranch Heathfield. Wool, Yarn & Cloth - McCormick Sheep Ranch, Heathfield. Cider, Flour, Grains, Apples, Milk, Eggs, Vegetables - Draven MacShire, Ravanna of Heathfield. Potcheen - Sean DeBurgh, Rhett Shawnesey, Dunshire of Heathfield. Baked Goods - Teri's Sweets Shoppe, Ballicastle. Shipping, Trips by Sea - Rhett Shawnesey, Dunshire, or Bovee Shipping, Heathfield. Kennels - Meadowland Kennels, Patrick and Edward McAndrews, Ballicastle. Pottery - Devon DeWinter, Heathfield. Shipwrights - Collin McAndrews and Thomas Douglas, Heathfield Port.
Imports - Xandar McDonough and Garath MacShire, Heathfield Port.
Linen and Lingerie -
Marcy McGuire, Heathfield Commons.
Candles and Crystals -
Kathleen Cleary Frasier and Samantha Golden, Heathfield Commons.
Tea House -
Iwakura Sachiko, Heathfield Commons.
Clothing -
Seamstress -
Acacia Sterling, Heathfield Commons.
Teller -
Nataliya Andree, Heathfield Commons.
Hospital -
Gates Barrington, Sara Devonshire, Heathfield.
Clocks -
Aleric and Niklas Traugott, Heathfield Commons.
Horse Shoeing, Swords, Daggers -
Lochlan Kearney, Ballicastle; Brian McAndrews,
Heathfield Commons.
and Sheaths -
Moncha McAndrews, Heathfield Commons.
- Robert
Frasier, Ballicastle.
Shop - Sara
Devonshire, Barrington Hospital Lobby.
Book Shop
- Mariah
McCormick, Heathfield Commons.
Orphanage -
Henna Barrett Suex, Heathfield.
Archeologist -
Kitavari Griffin, Heathfield.
Apothecary -
Sinead NiAhearne Frasier and Aislin NiFaelen,
Ores -
Joseph McAndrews, Ballicastle.
Smelter -
Eddie McAndrews, Ballicastle.
Investigators - Joseph McDonough,
Jacob Anderson, Mercy LaCorte and Clark
Davis, Heathfield.
- Sean MacGrath.
Veterinarians -
Donovan and Katherine McKnight.
Frasier Signs -
Kyle Frasier, Heathfield Commons and
Sweet and Sassy Candy Shop-
Carienn and Corina Turlough, Heathfield
Certain Somethings
Shop -
Sorcha Beirne, Heathfield Commons.
Leather Goods:
Strawberries and
Grains: Sagewood Farms run
by Keefe Braidy
Dairy Products:
NorthStar Dairy run by Allan Cleary
Glass Maker:
Isolde Fitzpatrick, Heathfield Commons
Many thanks to those who contribute to this newspaper. Any additions, corrections or wishing to run an ad please contact Lahoneee. |
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from the Wharf All gossip that comes in through the port, and places least expected, you can be sure that Matty and Pearl know every little tidbit and then some added. Embellishing is a way of life to make the tale far more colorful. If something is not certain nor clear, it is easy to fill in those gaps; there is nothing like assuming. They will make sure all gossip gets around come rain or shine and the sharing of a tea biscuit. There is a place for Drama Queens. |
**For all her matchmaking plotting, sending men running, it seems that the princess has been seen slanting doe-eyes at a certain lordship. If she's setting herself up, maybe she can help Pearl and me... or at least me! Pearl is giggling again. **Has matchmaking caught on to the extent brothers are set against brothers to corner them into dates? We need to slip our names onto their lists. We noticed something round and shiny about the person of one of the nannies. It certainly didn't take her long to snag the woodsman for her own. And another one bites the dust! Another one off the list. **We imagined that there was yet another man after the Mistress of the Lighthouse, but upon further inspection, it was revealed that it was mainly a hate-hate type of relationship. If nothing else, it just means that is one less female for competition. **It seems that things are heating up in the investigator's branch. We won't mention names of course, but we, and a few others, certainly got a beautiful look at the detective's... hidden assets. **It truly seemed to be the month of love. Even a lady in waiting gladly took to flirting glances and pretty smiles, this time in the direction of one usually kept completely aloof, seeming to end with a set dinner date with the woman in the kitchen. If it helps, perhaps we ought to try out our hand at cooking... then again... maybe not. Last time I tried the gent broke a tooth and I never saw him since. **One unattached seems to finally have gotten snagged by the farmer... or at least for the benefit of the kids. And here we thought the woman lived in a shoe! Perhaps she will take to being a nanny on the move. If it gets her in with the men of the kingdom, perhaps we ought to give it a try: Matty's and Pearl's Day (and Night!) Care, at your service. **The cemetery caretaker again is getting quite cozy with at least a couple of the town lasses, but we are still debating if it might not be the same girl. If there's any way to make Matty look like exactly like the two, they can be three of a kind and share the gravedigger. He must be getting his shoe in the door; a few males in the lass's family came after him. **Much to our severe disappointment, we have noticed a few new faces not of the lands sniffing around our eligible bachelors from time to time. We want to know who is trying to steal our men, royalty or not! **Taking to snooping - which we never do! - has proven dangerous! We were investigating strange lights, yes, that's what it was. The last time we looked through a window, one of the lamps flew off the table and nearly smashed the window we were looking through. Perhaps we ought to take a break, or at least avoid places that hold possessed objects. **Despite the efforts of many, none have seemed to break the constantly stoic and dark expression of a certain King's man. Not even dancing seems to bring more than a twitch of a smile to his lips. I'll bet Pearl could do it if given the chance; she's very good with her lips! **As of late, Heathfield's favorite kingsman has been seriously sought after and nearly cornered. He has been quite polite in his deflections, but how much longer can he hold out? If his strength is weakening, I'll send my daughter his way! Hell, if he is weakening I'll waylay him with me best dress on. **The rather strange lass that was commissioned to help out in the new kingdom, seems to have disappeared. Our connections are not as strong from those lands. Yet. There was something about her growing fixation with a best of the wild, feline category and being pursued by poachers. Some girls have all the luck! We could use a little excitement in our lives but the Pearl might have a heart attack. **A drinking contest turned into a dinner for two, all nice and cozy. That was until the in-laws decided to join in making it six with even a ghost included. Look who's coming for dinner! One never can be too sure. **With Valentine's Day we wanted to hide not having guy but we couldn't pass up snooping around to only find the one timer, two timing on us. She has a man! Yet last month she was caught window end spying on some hunks in the tavern. Wait, she's our kind of gal, maybe she can get us some men too! **On a final note .. where oh where has our little Deli Delight gone? Oh were or where can she be? Has she slipped off into the night to find a certain knight? |
WANTED 500 Gold Pieces Offered on Captain "Blood Bath" Black ... Dead or alive. Crimes: High treason against England and Spain, Murder, Plundering and pillaging innocents, Thievery, Arson, Kidnapping, and Rape. Reward is high for any who brings this scoundrel to justice. 500 Gold Pieces Offered on Black Doom ... Dead or alive. Crimes: Murder, Plundering and pillaging innocents, Thievery, Arson, Kidnapping, and Rape. Slavery. Reward is high for any who brings this scoundrel to justice |