Covering Heathfield, Ballicastle, Tyremoor,
Innis Daingneach, Kildare, Hedgebrier, surrounding areas and Allies.
Issue 05-07
((--Disclaimer: any pictures used of
actors/actresses is only for how that fictional character may look, no
claims made.--))
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```*+*``` Spring Planting and Flowers Blooming ```*+*``` It's that time of year again where the air breathed in holds a rejuvenation with each breath. The scent of rich earth being tilled over and seeds sown. Flowers blooming in a rainbow of colors leaving their scent to fill the air. Green finally seen again and becoming more prominent each day. Daffodils, tulips and other such early blooming wild flowers add color in patches or whole fields. Gardens are being tended and bushes trimmed. Winter's debris being swept, burned and tilled away. Cottages, manor homes and castles are being cleaned out just like the earth being refreshed and prepared for the summer months ahead. The marketplaces are thriving with vendors calling their wares, shops with their doors and windows open have a burst of sales. There has been an influx of new citizens to take part and become a part of the bustle within the lands. Love is in the air much like the birds pairing up and making their nests. There will be a few weddings by the end of this year, engagements and courting. This year there seems to be an abundance over the past, leaving ones to speculate on the why or just enjoy that part of life that makes it worth living. New families have moved in so there are quite a few new faces to meet. The Thistle has been staying open late. Soon those who gather there will gravitate to the lake. They say that no news is good news and so this past month it has been quiet in that respect yet alive in everyday things and living. The ladies will be gathering soon to organize some events to invite citizens and allies alike. A quiet spell is often needed to sit back and reflect on one's life and where they want it to go. This has been a time of such, that nap before life picks back up in the rush. --submitted by Marcella McGuire. |
```*+*```+```*+*``` Featured Articles ```*+*```+```*+*``` |
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Touch Apple - An apple a day keeps the doctor away. The old rhyme is truer than ever -- particularly if the doctor is a gastroenterologist, cardiologist, or oncologist. Apples may be good for both diarrhea and constipation and may help prevent heart disease, cancer, and some types of stroke -- top three killers. Although few contemporary herbalists consider the apple to be an herb, it has venerable tradition as a healing agent. So much of what the ancient herbalists believe about the healing powers of this delectable fruit has been scientifically supported that it's time to le the apple resume its respected place on the herbal roster. |
The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans loved apples and developed dozens of varieties, but it was ancient India's traditional Ayurvedic physicians who first prescribed them to relieve diarrhea. Applesauce is still a diarrhea treatment today. Traditional Chinese physicians have used apple bark for centuries to treat diabetes, another use supported by modern science. The German abbess/herbalist Hildegard of Bingen prescribed raw apples as a tonic for healthy people and cooked apples as the first treatment for any sickness. Around the same time in England, people said, "To eat an apple before going to bed, will make the doctor beg his bread." This evolved into our saying about "an apple a day." Not everything the English had to say about apples was so apt, however. English herbalist Nicholas Culpeper recommended apples for hot and bilious stomachs, inflammation of the breast and lungs, and asthma. He also suggested boiled apples mixed with mil as a treatment for gunpowder wounds. Eclectic physicians recommended raw apples for constipation, baked or stewed apples for minor fevers, apple bark decoction for intermittent fever (malaria) and apple cider as a refreshing drink for patients with fever. Diarrhea: Some studies show that pectin helps relieve diarrhea because intestinal bacteria transformed it into a soothing, protective coating for the irritated intestinal lining. In addition, pectin adds bulk to the stool, which helps resolve both diarrhea and constipation. Some diarrhea is caused by bacterial infection. One study shows apple pectin is effective several types of bacteria capable of causing diarrhea. No wonder pectin is the pectate in the over the counter diarrhea preparation, Kaopectate. Hearth Disease and Stroke: Pectin may help reduce blood cholesterol, a key risk factor for heart disease and some types of stroke. In the presence of pectin, the cholesterol we eat remains in the intestinal tract until it is eliminated. So eat an apple for dessert when you hav meat and dairy products, and enjoy some protection from their cholesterol. Cancer: A high fiver diet will help prevent several forms of cancer, particularly colon cancer. Pectin binds certain cancer causing compounds in the colon, speeding their elimination from the body according to studies. Diabetes: Physicians also recommend high fiber diets to control diabetes. Several studies show that apple pectin helps control blood sugar (glucose) levels in diabetics. Lead Poisoning: European studies suggest apple pectin helps eliminate lead, mercury and other toxic heavy metals from the body. Cleansing the body of these poisons is yet another reason for people who live in polluted cities to enjoy the proverbial apple a day. Wound Infection: Although the pectin in apple fruit is this herb's major medicinal component, apple leaves contain an antibiotic (phloretin). If you cut yourself out in the orchard, crush some apple leaves and press them onto the wound as first aid until you can wash and bandage it. The Safety Factor: Strange but true, apple seeds contain high levels of cyanide, the powerful poison. It takes an estimated 1/2 cup of seeds to kill the average adult, but considerably less to kill children and the elderly. Many parents are familiar with the stomachaches young children develop when they eat apple cores. The small number of seeds in the typical core poses little risk of serious poisoning but children should be taught not to eat apple seeds. Eat all the fresh apples you want, just stay away from the seeds. If apples cause minor discomforts, such as diarrhea or constipation, eat less or stop eating them. If diarrhea or constipation does not improve within a week, consult a physician. Do not attempt to treat diabetes, high cholesterol, or colon disease solely with herbs. In such cases, apples should be used to complement professional medical care. --Taken from The Healing Herbs by Michael Castleman |
Life Around Here There have been reports that the Valdez family has been practicing and the theater slowing preparing to be opened in a few months with them settling in and adjusting to their new home. We look forward for this long awaited entertainment. There have been many new faces about and some not seen in a while. A warm welcome back to Keifer Douglas is extended and heretell he will be joining the ranks of shipwright with his brother Thomas and Collin McAndrews. On the same token, we welcome back Joe Walsh and crew after a long journey abroad, he is safely back. Check out the new shops and Tavern established. On a sadden note the family of Braidy had to move on. Family matters taking them back to their previous location. Those here of the lands that had the privilege of knowing them, wish them well and hope that some day they are able to return again. An Irish blessing upon them: May the road rise up to meet you and may the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine upon your face and the raindrops fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the small of His hand! --submitted by Marcella McGuire. Births: None this month. Marriages: None this month. Engagements: Mikhail Piotr Kryepki announces his engagement to Rosalind Antonia Lancaster. A mid to late summer wedding is planned, but no official date has been set as of yet. Deaths: None this Month. Citizenship: Please welcome Aelia Lascaris, Rayen, Marlana Cherill, Eleanor Lancaster, Veronica Valdez, Lorelei Barre and Declan Connell. |
Articles from Citizens and Visitors I'd like to begin this submission with an apology to the reader; I am neither a writer, nor an author, by profession. That should become readily apparent as said reader progresses through this article. What I hope to present in a straightforward, unbiased manner is an outside perspective of Heathfield, an opinion and view from a visitor. I am not a citizen of the realm, nor have I made up my mind as whether to seek citizenship or not. My relative indecision, however, is not a poor reflection on the realm, its citizens, nor the monarchy. Now, as to how I came to visit Heathfield. I found myself between assignments. Although I do travel frequently as a condition and circumstance of my employment, I do not often travel with the perspective of a holiday vacationer. I generally arrive at a given location, complete my assignment, and move on. While visiting one of the more frequented watering holes in a different realm, I'd heard some of the locals there speaking of a place called Heathfield. The timbre and tone of the conversation were quite kind to the realm; it almost seemed a place of myth, were I to have judged it by what I'd overheard. The monarchy was fair and generous to the realm's citizenry, and visitors and travelers were made to feel most welcome. I had also heard tell that a substantial portion of the current populace were transplants, people who had come from other realms and countries for the purposes of a visit, and who subsequently found themselves staying on. Being an inquisitive sort, and having some free time on my hands, I decided to come and see if what I'd overheard was even remotely true. Upon my departure and subsequent arrival, I purposely chose to come into port at a late hour. It was nearly midnight when I arrived. Among the first things to strike me was how clean and well maintained the docks and piers were. Usually, ports and harbors are prime haunts for all manner of cutthroats, pickpockets and doxies. I found virtually none of any of those sort awaiting me. I did encounter several soldiers and guardsmen assigned to the city watch. They were courteous and civil, and provided me with precise directions on where I might seek lodging and perhaps a bit of fare. The Thistle, I was told, was the place to go. So, it was there that I went. It did not take me long to see that the things that I'd heard about the realm were very much true. Upon arriving at The Thistle, I was greeted by several of the local citizens. To a man and a woman, they were friendly, cordial, and most eager to help a visiting stranger. I was treated as a long lost friend or relation, and not as a stranger to be wary of. I was afforded a room to stay in, and whatever I wished to eat or drink, and all compliments of the monarchy. I am no more the world's foremost conversationalist than I am the world's foremost orator, so I hung back a bit and just listened for the most part. What I found were amiable people who seemed genuinely interested in the events and happenings of their friends' and associates' lives. What I did not find were irritating, nosey lookie-loos. I've been in Heathfield for about two weeks now, and in that time, I was pleased to discover that the things that I had heard about the place were true. I heard no insurrectionist talk, no whisperings or undercurrent of sedition. The citizens of the realm genuinely seem to care for their home, and as I'd mentioned earlier in this article, a great many are transplants from other regions and areas. Too often in life, we take for granted what is good. The grass always seems greener elsewhere. It was a pleasant surprise for me to find a place where the indigenous citizens and the transplants alike held the realm with equal regard. Those who were not born to these fair shores seem every bit as appreciative of what they have here as those who come from generations of naturalized Heathfielders. That, in and of itself, says more for the realm than anything else that I could write of here. As I mentioned earlier, I'm not quite sure as to whether I'll be staying on to become one of those transplants, but I can see why so many who came only for a visit subsequently decided to stay. The monarchy and citizenry of Heathfield have much to be proud of, and it's easy to see, even for an outsider, that they love and appreciate what they have here. --submitted by Wilson Kilcher ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` In the April edition of "The Heathfield Gazette", I submitted an article in which a brief mention was made of the Heathfield Graveyard Cemetery manor being haunted by several ghosts. In that same article, I had promised to give greater details once the haunting was resolved. I am both happy and relieved to relate to the reader that the manor is no longer haunted. Before I go on, I would like to extend heartfelt gratitude to several hearty and courageous souls for their assistance and participation in the resolution of the haunting. Heartfelt appreciation goes to Michael McAndrews for his invaluable aid, without which I may very well have lost two people that are very, very dear to me. I would also like to thank Abigail Frasier for assistance and information rendered on more than one occasion. To my darling cousin, Cassie Saxton, I offer my thanks and love for supporting me throughout the arduous weeks when the events and circumstances of the haunting became truly horrific. Lastly, but most assuredly not the least, I give sincerest and most genuine adoration and thanks to Keriann Frasier. Miss Frasier has stood resolutely by my side from the very beginning of the haunting, and right on through the final moments, and beyond. Her support, caring and comfort were invaluable to me during the darkest, most trying hours. Now, as to the ghosts themselves. Four spirits haunted the manor directly, those of a young boy and his younger still sister, that of their devoted nanny, and a very dark, vile entity that sought dominion over and possession of them. It seems odd that the spirits of the children, Georgie and Bella, are no longer in the manor. Although we had a rather rocky and tumultuous beginning, after a time, I was able to convince them that I meant them no harm. Before too long, they began to follow me about the manor, always leaving a little hint of clue as to their presence. Now that they are at rest and at peace, I almost miss them ... almost. What follows is a rather generic accounting of the haunting. In times past, one of the former caretakers at the graveyard took it upon himself to aid citizens under unjust rule to escape their oppressors. After a time, his efforts were uncovered, and he was seized and put to death. His wife was dragged from the manor, and taken to where the caretaker had been slain, and was put to death on that same spot. As they did not perish in the manor, their spirits were not directly bound to it. Georgie and Bella, tragically, did perish in the manor, succumbing to smoke inhalation. Their nanny, Nancy died as well, caught in the flames as the manor was put to the torch. Caught in his own treachery, the man responsible for the deaths of the caretaker and his family, and the nanny, likewise perished in the manor. The spirit of this man, a general, sought to assert dominion over the spirits of the nanny and the children for his own infernal machinations and designs. Through the intervention of those people mentioned earlier in this article, the dark entity's designs were foiled. The spirits of the parents, the children, and the nanny were reunited, and guided unto eternal rest. Successful though our efforts were, they were not without peril and grave personal danger. To try and relate the specific details of the final encounter of the haunting is beyond the skill of my modest capability to write of them. Even though I was an active participant, I find it hard to believe what happened. I don't have the skill to make the reader fully understand what exactly occurred in the haunting's final resolution. If you wish a more detailed, historically accurate accounting of the haunting, and the events that lead up to it, please contact Miss Abigail Frasier at the library. She can direct you to the proper texts and documentation. If you wish a more personal accounting of the haunting, please feel free to contact me at the graveyard, or at "The Thistle". --submitted by Mace Saxton |
Superstitions Parsley Superstitions: "Parsley is an uncanny herb..."it goes to the devil nine times and very often forgets to come back again." Parsley seed is long germinating coz "Goes to hell and back 'fore sprouts." It's surprising parsley still exists, because according to an old-wives' tale only the wicked can grow it. * It is the belief of the peasantry in this part of the country (S.Hants),that it is very unlucky to give parsley. |
A friend
will not give a parsley root away as doing so brings bad luck. * It is
reckoned very unlucky to transplant parsley. * Parsley should not be
transplanted, it means a death in the family. * If a stranger plants
parsley in a garden, great trouble will befall the owner. "Where parsley grows in the garden, the missus is the master." * Where the mistress is the master, The parsley grows the faster. - If a young woman sows parsley-seed she will have a child. * When a woman wants a baby, she should go out and plant some parsley. Parsley is believed to prevent a pregnancy, and is sometimes eaten as a salad by young married women who do not desire to have a family. |
OTHER LIFE FORMS Trolls -- Trolls are afflicted with a ravenous and never-ending hunger that leads them to devour whole flocks of livestock. In particular they have a taste for sheep, but they will eat whatever they can catch. Trolls can survive extreme weather conditions and therefore tend to settle as far as possible from human settlements. Nocturnal by necessity since sunlight will turn them instantly to stone, tolls are more common far to the north, where it is dark for months at a time. Water tolls live primarily in or near freshwater and usually make their home in a makeshift nest of rushes and mud along the banks of a bog or deep river. Bridges are also good places to build beneath as they provide shade even in the winter months. As soon as a troll moves into a new lake or river, it beings evacuating stones and debris to keep channels deep enough for it to move about easily. Greater depths allow it safety from the sun, as trolls are able to hold their breath for hours on end. Though they appear brutish, trolls can communicate in the local tongue and are skilled at word games. There are reports of trolls carrying off captives for reasons other than hunger. One northern species, Bauer's troll, has even been recorded as deceiving humans into believing it can live in accord with them. People would do well to recall that trolls are malicious opportunists always on the lookout for their next meal. -- submitted by Kathleen Frasier - from Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide. Everyone should have one! |
May May
Day is May 1, and refers to any of
several holidays celebrated on this day. May
1was a traditional summer holiday in many pre-Christian
cultures, and many elements of these holidays are still celebrated on May
1 today, such as the Maypole.
While February 1 was the first day of Spring, May 1 was the first day
of summer: hence, the summer solstice on June 25 (now the 22nd) was
"midsummer." Traditional English May Day celebrations include Morris dancing, crowning a May Queen, celebrating Green Man day and dancing around a Maypole. May Day has been a traditional day of festivities throughout the centuries. It is most associated with towns and villages celebrating springtime fertility and revelry with fetes and community gatherings. Perhaps the most significant of the traditions is the May Pole, around which traditional dancers circle with ribbons. In
many countries, this day is still celebrated as a labor day, or even
in the Irish calendar as the first day of summer, just like in the
past. (Taken from Wikipedia) |
For Jessa, Mine
Gentle thief who steals my heart
With loving touch and tender art
With but a kiss you claim my soul
My love it seems in your control
My heart you pluck without lie or guile
Instead, your heart, your eyes, your smile
Affections purloined with your embrace
Your gentle soul and lovely face
To you I now do tender care
Of all that which I have laid bare
My secret treasure, my hidden love
My precious gift from God Above
Hope "Hope" is the thing with
feathers – And sweetest – in the Gale – is
heard – I've heard it in the chillest land
– --submitted by Eleanor Lancaster ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` |
Spring When
daisies pied, and violets blue, --submitted by Mary Collen McAndrews On A
Thunderstorm Bright smiled the morn, 'till o'er
its head The rain his absent beams deplored, --submitted by Abigail Frasier |
Did You Know? Water - Sacred and Strange. Water is a necessity for life and is treated with great respect by most cultures around the world. In myth and legend, water is the magic liquid that can cure any number of ills, promote immortality and even bring the dead back to life. In ancient times many civilizations considered water to be sacred. Wherever the rivers flowed, springs welled up out of the ground, or waterfalls rushed over rocks, some spiritual force was felt to be present and was worshipped by all who visited. Prayers and sacrifices were offered at these sacred places and people came to be cured of the ailments or to seek answers to their problems. Faith in the sacred qualities of water is deep seated in the human psyche. It survives today in the belief in wishing wells and the revitalizing powers of mineral spas. Sacred sources: apart from their life giving properties, springs and their man made counterparts, wells, have been considered since earliest time to have special qualities. Some were associated with gods, goddesses, saints, spirits, and even demons. Many were said to have the power to restore health -- to clear the eyes, mend limbs, cure diseases and ease childbirth. Although virtues of the thermal springs at Bath in the west of England are disregarded by conventional physicians today, their mineral rich waters still enjoy a reputation for being able to alleviate rheumatism and diseases of the skin. The waters were popular with the Romans, who built a temple dedicated to Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, there. At this site, archeologists have discovered altars and carvings as well as hundreds of lead tablets inscribed with ancient prayers and curses. The people of every country in which such springs occur believe them to have special healing powers. After a widespread plague in Rome caused thousands of deaths in 3 BC, a temple containing thermal springs dedicated to Asclepius, the god of healing, was established in an attempt to rid the land of disease. The temple was sited on a small island in the river Tiber, called Insula Tiberina and remained a popular center of healing. Thermal baths can still be found in some parts of Italy; the Aquae Termi baths in Alessandria, in the north of the country are sill in use. Holy springs and wells are not as dramatic as megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge and Carnac in France. Yet sacred waters once played an important part in religious ritual. If modern dowsers are to be believed, water can be detected beneath almost all ancient sacred sites. Rituals at wells: At some healing wells, it is not enough simply to drink the water to effect a cure. The sick person was also required to perform the time honored rituals that were customary at that well. Some of the wells, for example, were only active on a certain day of the year or at a certain time. For example, wells dedicated to St John were believe d to cure aliments only on the pagan festival of Midsummer. Sometimes the water had to be used in special ways,. In places were total or partial immersion was the custom, stone tanks with steps leading into the water were built. Elsewhere it was sufficient simply to wash the affected area of or drink the water. At other wells, the water had to be drunk from a special receptacle. Legend has it that the Whooping Cough Well in Perth, Scotland, the water had to be drunk from the horn of a cow in order to be effective. The ancient ritual of hanging a piece of cloth on a nearby bush is the custom at several holy wells. People seeking physical or spiritual relief still hang up pieces of cloth, called clooties, near these wells. The custom is a form of sympathetic magic according to legend, the affliction leaves the sufferer as the cloth decays. Holy Springs and Wells: Coventina's Well in Northumberland, England, was dedicated to Coventina, a local Celtic healing goddess adopted by the Romans. Discovered near a Roman temple, the well was found to contain a remarkable collection of offerings to the goddess: carved heads, over 10 altar stones, figurines, jewelry, a skull and more than 14,000 coins. The well was the principal temple of a cult dedicated to water nymphs, the elemental spirits of water who were thought to reside there. Despite the coming of Christianity, local people often remained devoted to their pagan wells. In an effort to convert them the wells were simply rededicated to a Christian saint, thereby giving them a new spiritual significance. In the 6th century, St Brigid, abbess of Kildare, Ireland, became popular partly because she bore the same name as the Celtic goddess. Some of St Brigid's holy wells may once have been dedicated to the goddess: one of these wells, in County Dublin, in now a Catholic shrine. Other holy wells were founded by early saints. The 7th century medicinal well at Holywell, Wales, bears the name of St Winifrid, who, according to legend, was decapitated by a spurned suitor. The severed head was later replaced by St. Beuno, who breathed new life into the girl. A strong spring burst out of the stony soil where the head had fallen. Experiments on Water: Unlike most liquids, which contract as they are cool and freeze, water contracts as it cools down to 38 degrees F (4 C) and then expands as it freezes into the solid state. This explains why ice floats on the surface of lakes and ponds. Ice itself is one of the most perfectly bonded structures known, with precise crystalline lattices that persist even when water returns to its liquid state, almost as if water retains a memory of its icy crystalline state. Whether or not water has some sort of memory has been the focus of several controversial experiments. -- submitted by Samantha Golden (taken from the book Earth's Mysterious Places, Reader's Digest) |
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Kizzie's Advice
As the flowers
bloom, and the birds sing, we know that it is spring. It means that it
is spring cleaning time! Personally, it is a great time to break out
the brooms, and dust rags to clear out the dust and clutter that has
accumulated since the winter. Here are a few tips to make the most of
your time while cleaning. First, gather all your supplies before you start cleaning. It is a time saver instead of going to look for them later. Then just remember to always start from the top to the bottom. Dust the ceiling with a broom first, or dust the top shelf before the lower ones. Dust falls, so you always want to dust down and across. If you |
dust this way, you can also tidy things up, and get rid of clutter in the same fashion. Don't forget to toss trash, and clutter that you can't use or don't want anymore out! If you don't, it'll just build back up and you'll have more work to do the next time. And if those tips weren't good, just hire someone else to do the cleaning for you because spring is also a time for relaxing and just smelling the roses. So be sure to take the time to do so. |
Matsutake Gohan
2 1/2 cups Japanese rice * 2 1/2 cups water * 1-2 matsutake mushrooms * 1 abura-age (fried tofu) * 4 tbsps sake rice wine * 4 tbsps soy sauce Put the rice in a bowl and wash it with cold water. Repeat washing until the water becomes clear. Drain the rice in a colander. Put rice and water in a rice cooker and set aside for 30 min. Shred matsutake mushroom lengthwise. Cut aburaage into strips. Add matsutake, abura-age, soy sauce, and sake in the rice cooker and turn on the switch to start. --submitted by Sachiko Iwakura
Sea Bass in Papillote
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil * 3/4 teaspoon salt * 8 thin lemon slices from one lemon * 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced * 1 1/2 tablespoons drained capers * 4 six ounce black or Chilean sea bass filets (1/2 - 1 1/4 in thick) w/skin * 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper * 8 sprigs fresh thyme * 12 cherry or grape tomatoes, halved * Parchment paper for baking Place oven rack in middle position and pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Line a large baking sheet with foil, then drizzle with 1 tablespoon oil. Pat fish dry and sprinkle both sides with salt and pepper. Arrange fillets, skin side down in 1 layer in center of foil on baking sheet and slide 2 lemon slices under each fillet. Arrange 2 thyme sprigs on top of each fillet. Heat remaining 2 tablespoons oil in a 10 inch heavy skillet over moderately high heat until hot but not smoking, then saute garlic, stirring occasionally until pale golden, about 30 seconds. Add tomatoes and a pinch of salt and saute, stirring occasionally until tomateos are softened, about 1 minute. Stir in capers. Spoon hot tomato mixture over fish, then cover with another sheet of foil, tenting it slightly over fish and crimping the edges together tightly to seal. Bake until fish is just cooked through, 12 to 15 minutes, depending on thickness of the fish. Check by removing from oven and carefully lifting up a corner of the top sheet of foil, pulling up sides of bottom sheet to keep liquid from running out. If Fish is not cooked through, eseal foil and continue to bake, checking every 3 minutes. Transfer fillets with lemon slices to plates using a spatula and spoon tomato mixture over top. Serve immediately, discarding thyme before eating. --submitted by Eleanor Lancaster |
Andalusian Vegetable Pot 7 oz garbanzos / chickpeas, soaked overnight * 4 oz salt pork, jamon serrano or bacon * 8 oz pork * 2 quarts water * 7 oz white beans or black-eyed peas, soaked overnight * 1 lb chard or green beans, chopped * 6 oz chorizo * 6 oz morcilla or blood sausage * 2 cloves * 8 peppercorns * 3 garlic cloves * 2 tsp salt * 2 tsp smoked pimentón * 1 lb potatoes, peeled and cut into large chunks about 1 1/2 inches across * 1/2 lb pumpkin, peeled and cut into large chunks While this is best known in the Cádiz area,some version of it is served throughout Andalusia. It is usually made with chard in the winter and green beans in the summer. Just about any other vegetable on hand can be thrown in as well. Unlike the cocidos, no soup is separated out of the berza. Leftover meat and fat, called pringá, is chopped and served in a bread roll, a favorite tapa in Seville. If using both the chickpeas and beans, drain and put the chickpeas to cook first with the salt pork, fresh pork, and water. Bring to a boil, skim, then simmer for 30 minutes. Then add the drained beans. Let all simmer for about 1 hour, then add the chard or green beans, and the chorizo and morcilla. In a mortar, crush the cloves and peppercorns with the garlic, salt, and paprika and add to the pan. When the meat and chickpeas are nearly tender, add the potatoes and pumpkin. Cook for another 30 minutes. Cut the pork and sausages into small pieces and serve in soup bowls. --submitted by Brigidia Valdez
Boxty - Irish Potato Griddle
1/2 pound raw potato * 1/2 pound cooked mashed potato * 1/2 pound plain flour * Milk (as needed, see directions) * 1 egg * 1 medium onion, finely chopped * Salt and pepper Grate raw potatoes and mix with the cooked mashed potatoes. Add salt, pepper, onion and flour. Beat egg and add to mixture with just enough milk to make a batter that will drop from a spoon. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto a hot griddle or frying pan. Cook over a moderate heat for 3-4 minutes on each side. --submitted by Sarah McDonough |
```*+*```+```*+*``` Classified ```*+*```+```*+*``` |
Job Finder Contact Draven MacShire for: Bounty Hunters, Chimney Sweeps. Cobbler store position available. Beauty Salon available. Chiropractor needed to set up shop. Consular needed. Martial Arts Instructor needed. Contact Malcolm Douglas for: Dentist needed to set up office. Another Bower needed. Barber shop available. Catering service shop available. Cigar Shop proprietor needed. Dance Instructor needed. Tattoo Parlor proprietor wanted. Thanks to Job finder: Marlana Gibson took over the Blue Marlin Inn and Tavern located in port of Barrett Bay. Aelia Lascaris opened up the Hidden Treasures Shop offering unusual items. Any questions contact Draven MacShire or Malcolm Douglas. ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` Thoughts for the Month There are moments when everything goes well, but don't be frightened. --Jules Renard Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. -- Proust Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and sky as canvas.-- Elizabeth Murray The kiss of the sun for pardon, --submitted by Sara Devonshire ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` The
world's favorite season is the spring. --submitted by Kizzie Cohen Advertisements Spring Scented and Hued Candles, field of flowers in yellow are specially priced to welcome spring. Fill your home with these invigorating scents for a good uplift. Ask for Kathleen Frasier or Samantha Golden at the Candle Shop. Spring Bouquets: Roses and Daises along with baby's breath at Lisette's Floral Shop. Wedding bouquets, anniversaries or any occasion. Carnations on special this month. Benzaiten Imports receives new shipments weekly. Hours are from 9:00 am to dusk. We are located in the warehouse district. Owners: Alexander McDonough and Garath MacShire. The Needle and Spool Clothier: Spring is knocking at the doors and it is time lighter clothing soon. Imported fabrics have been acquired for the balls and dances. From a silk gown to a linen tailored suit. Any pre-made clothing for Spring will be on sale with half off the asked price. The BookStop: It's time for spring planting. Stop on by to get Almanac pamphlets. Gardening books are half price. Heathfield Orphanage: Gifts, food, spring clothing and monetary offerings are greatly appreciated. Books in good shape are needed. Inquire with Henna Barrett Suex with any questions. McKnight Veterinary Clinic is now open at the McKnight estate in Heathfield. Donovan McKnight, DVM, and Katherine McKnight. We are trained in the treatment and care of all domestic and most exotic animals. The estates are located just outside of Heathfield near Barrington Hospital. Free check up of your pet for the first visit to get acquainted. Emergency service. Certain Somethings Shop. Special this month: lovely, delicate fans as well as all lace items... Our items are made by artisans from the Realms and we also carry imported items. Hours are from nine until four.
Herbal Delights, located in Barrington Hospital,
has teas and tinctures available to fight off all manner of ailments.
Hours are from 9:00 am to dusk, with special openings as needed.
Sweet and Sassy Candy Shop, located just off the marketplace is having specials on white chocolate confections. Leather Shop Now taking orders for custom made saddles. Chaps and vests on sale during May. Deli Delights - If you are hungry in the middle of the day for fresh bread, meats and Jewish cuisine, come down to Heathfield's newest places to dine. If you mention seeing the ad in the Gazette, you get a free dessert! Butcher Shop - Fresh cut meats available for all your dinners. Get that Easter ham at a special price. Open from Monday to Saturday from 9am til dusk. Ceol m'anama (Music is my soul) Music shop is now open. Carrying musical instruments, sheet music and more. Special opening prices on all items. Sheet music half off. Hours from nine until five. Owner - Lorelei Barre. Blue Marlin Inn and Tavern is having a special all this week. Pence ales and all you can eat of meat, bread and cheese. Rooms at special rates for overnight stays. Marlana Cherill proprietor. ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` |
And Found Lost: One lucky horseshoe, bent out of shape. Contact Mikhail Kryepki at Blue Rhapsody Theater. Lost: Three foot length of fusia pink silk, bangle bracelet and a pair of fusia pink slippers at lake. Contact Dalila Valdez at the Blue Rhapsody Theater. ??? Question Corner ??? 1. When were you last in a fight? What caused it and who won? 2. You are offered 1,000,000 for the following act: Before you are ten pistols - only one of which is loaded. You must pick up one of the pistols, point it at your forehead and pull the trigger. If you can walk away you do so a millionaire. Would you accept the risk? If you would like to reply and have it published in next month's issue, please submit the question with your answer to Lahoneee. Monthly Horoscope Taurus (April 21- May 20) -- Do not underestimate the power of information. This is a lesson that's been hankering for your attention going back to the summer, but is only now becoming apparent given how you need to know in order to survive. Information is most readily forthcoming from the well documented mirror effect, the way things we need to work on show up in our perceptions of others. I don't mind this theory, but I take issue with how little compassion is typically used when it's applied, that is, compassion for one's own state of being. The mirror effect is a potent source of information, and it needs to be used gently, in measured doses. And the information must be put to work for optimistic ends: in other words, with the sense that we're becoming healthier and stronger, not weaker and more fearful. If you're tending toward the negative, I strongly suggest you use a different therapeutic approach, such as hanging out with people you respect and who really dig you. They'll have their insights too. -- submitted by Velvet MacShire See Planet Waves for other months. Where To Find It - Services Offered Want to better your business? Place a listing here!
Flowers -
Lisette McTiel Frasier, Heathfield Commons.
Jon McAndrews Lumber Mill, Ballicastle.
Wines - Mike McAndrews Vineyards, Heathfield; Darren McCullen Vineyards, Ballicastle. Leather, Beef, Horses - Maurice, Joseph and Rory McDonough, McDonough Ranch Heathfield. Wool, Yarn & Cloth - McCormick Sheep Ranch, Heathfield. Cider, Flour, Grains, Apples, Milk, Eggs, Vegetables - Draven MacShire, Ravanna of Heathfield. Potcheen - Sean DeBurgh, Rhett Shawnesey, Dunshire of Heathfield. Baked Goods - Teri's Sweets Shoppe, Ballicastle. Shipping, Trips by Sea - Rhett Shawnesey, Dunshire, or Bovee Shipping, Heathfield. Kennels - Meadowland Kennels, Patrick and Edward McAndrews, Ballicastle. Pottery - Devon DeWinter, Heathfield. Shipwrights - Collin McAndrews and Thomas Douglas, Heathfield Port.
Imports -
Xandar McDonough and Garath MacShire, Heathfield Port.
Linen and Lingerie -
Marcy McGuire, Heathfield Commons.
Candles and Crystals -
Kathleen Cleary Frasier and Samantha Golden, Heathfield Commons.
Tea House -
Iwakura Sachiko, Heathfield Commons.
Clothing -
Seamstress -
Acacia Sterling, Heathfield Commons.
Fortune Teller -
Nataliya Andree, Heathfield Commons.
Hospital -
Gates Barrington, Sara Devonshire, Heathfield.
Clocks -
Aleric and Niklas Traugott, Heathfield Commons.
Horse Shoeing, Swords, Daggers -
Lochlan Kearney, Ballicastle; Brian McAndrews,
Heathfield Commons.
and Sheaths -
Moncha McAndrews, Heathfield Commons.
Surveyor -
Robert Frasier, Ballicastle.
Herbs Shop -
Sara Devonshire, Barrington Hospital Lobby.
Book Shop
- Mariah
McCormick, Heathfield Commons.
Orphanage -
Henna Barrett Suex, Heathfield.
Archeologist -
Kitavari Griffin, Heathfield.
Apothecary -
Sinead NiAhearne Frasier and Aislin NiFaelen,
Ores -
Joseph McAndrews, Ballicastle.
Smelter -
Eddie McAndrews, Ballicastle.
Private Investigators
- Joseph McDonough, Jacob Anderson, Mercy
LaCorte and Clark Davis, Heathfield.
Furniture -
Sean MacGrath.
Veterinarians -
Donovan and Katherine McKnight.
Frasier Signs -
Kyle Frasier, Heathfield Commons and
Sweet and Sassy Candy
Carienn and Corina Turlough, Heathfield
Certain Somethings Shop -
Sorcha Beirne, Heathfield Commons.
Leather Goods:
Dairy Products:
NorthStar Dairy run by Allan Cleary
Glass Maker:
Isolde Fitzpatrick, Heathfield Commons
Blue Marlin Inn and
Tavern: Marlana Cherill Proprietor,
Barrett's Bay
Ceol m'anama (Music is
my soul) Music Shop: Lorelei Barre,
Heathfield Commons
Many thanks to those who contribute to this newspaper. Any additions, corrections or wishing to run an ad please contact Lahoneee. |
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from the Wharf All gossip that comes in through the port, and places least expected, you can be sure that Matty and Pearl know every little tidbit and then some added. Embellishing is a way of life to make the tale far more colorful. If something is not certain nor clear, it is easy to fill in those gaps; there is nothing like assuming. They will make sure all gossip gets around come rain or shine and the sharing of a tea biscuit. There is a place for Drama Queens. |
**Spring is still biting a few, dropping them like flies under cupid's arrow. The imp has been working overtime and practicing it seems on a few citizens within the lands. Some barely arriving and smitten within that week while others have been around and thought weathered against such charm. A few now fallen such as one particular Sea Captain with an exotic exchange. The newly arrived sergeant succumbed to what became the light of his life. The Caretaker and the Sculptress. Adonis and Librarian. Romeo to his Juliet. The Metalsmith and Theater worker. The Marquis and the Lady in Waiting. The Knight and his Deli Delight. The Furniture Maker and the Governess. There are quite a few hunks left. We have been out and about quite a bit hoping a stray arrow would hit. **If you need your buns warmed, see one of the Adonis noted for his hot lap. I've been trying to catch him to try it out. Pearl is hoping we can both can at the same time. She's giggling again with the prospect. Hot cross buns, one a penny, two a penny, we can spare the coins. If you should come across them ask about string wicks and burning them at both ends. Maybe the hot lap is the result of a burning wick? Try to catch them on a potcheen night. **It seems one of the Spanish flowers has riled up a few of the teens about, having them following to get a peek, taunting and even gawking. We couldn't understand what she said to them but the tone would have me thinking twice about bothering the young miss, but then I'm not a hormonal teen male. It certainly has been at least lively and Pearl thinks we should learn some of the Spanish phrases. **We're still trying to keep tabs on the private investigators, doing a little investigation of our own, crone style. We're tempted to collect all the stay cats around the port in the hopes it will not be just the lady to come around but one or all three of the males. Meow. We want to catch a tiger by the tail. Pearl is giggling again. **There is something about the hallway in the Thistle that buds romance, we can wonder if cupid hides out there. Something to investigate or maybe we can petition the private investigators to work for us to find us a few of cupid's miss-shot arrows. **What of the new shipwright come home, did he come with far more than the clothes on his back? One worthy to be brought home to meet the Bull. I hear a few giggles there. Was cupid moonlighting on a certain ship? Has the one matured in his time away? These are all answers we want to know. He will be close to keep an eye on and a nice sight to behold so there will no complaints from us. Now with the warmer weather we can hope to see more skin. **The warrior lass has been still occupied in the forests of Kildare, has she found her Tarzan there? **We still need to investigate the wild rush of birds down by the lake. The sudden flight, as we were making our way around rocks and shore, plummet Pearl into the cooler waters as she lost her balance. I couldn't be positive if there had been a shriek for all the commotion. The lake will be popular soon and we were picking out good hiding places with a prestigious advantage in view. **Another scoop was the Potter going to stay at the Dairy for a while. Did she go to supply saucers for cream or something much more under the ruse of a vacation. We will have to see about snooping around there without getting chased by one of the bulls. On a similar note, the lady in waiting has gone to stay at the Marquis' manor. Will love blossom there? It seems the males are lining their nests. **Hubba hubba, was the words from Pearl's lips when she got sight of the new man seeking out Storm rider. There too is another tall dark and handsome elusive one. They will take being hit by cupid's cannon to fall. Arrows would probably do little more than a dent. We wonder if anyone is up for the challenge. We wonder if there will be any more coming! **There seems to be some concern stirring over the Sign Maker and his drinking. With this in mind, I wonder if we can slip into his place and ease all his troubles while under one of his stupors. I'm watching him closely for that opportunity. I can then drag him to the Thistle with me and become part of the love shack when couples gather. I can dream! Maybe Pearl will trap the elusive head of the Royal Guard, that was another with a hubba hubba attached. **There's a new girl in town, how long will she last staying single? There's a new boy in town, how long will he last either? Signs might be put up -- Beware traversing to these lands presently with a rapid Cupid on the loose and love sickness spreading like the plague. **Pearl and I hear tell that almost every knight and squire has met the Beast in the back courtyard. All have fallen at one time or another and it's afforded a peep or two at a few fine backside. Pearl is giggling and reminding me that there are three close friends who have managed to not tackle the Beast. Can it be their high rank keeps them dust free? Maybe Pearl and me could volunteer to do the dusting! **The singing Adonis is back again, one that seems to be immune to Cupid's play. The Frenchman has been sighted at the warehouses. Even the Queen and King have been reported out. Some stirrings there on one of his men. Either I or Pearl would willingly volunteer to cure any of his ills. We need to find our way to the King's field for a most magnificent sight come dawn. I'll be armed with smelling salts for Pearl. |
WANTED 500 Gold Pieces Offered on Black Doom ... Dead or alive. Crimes: Murder, Plundering and pillaging innocents, Thievery, Arson, Kidnapping, and Rape. Slavery. Reward is high for any who brings this scoundrel to justice |