Covering Heathfield, Ballicastle, Tyremoor,
Innis Daingneach, Kildare, Ashfort, surrounding areas and Allies.
Issue 07-08
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```*+*``` Royal Heir Birth ```*+*``` On June 9th, in the early morning, the expectant Crown Princess Noirin MacNeil went into labor. She was attended by Queen Honeee, her husband, Crown Prince Andrew and Doctor Gates Barrington. Prince Valandil Fionn MacNeil was born at the hour of 2:00 PM. The newborn prince weight 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 22 inches long. Mother and child are doing well. Congratulations to the Royal couple on the birth of their son and heir! Word rang out throughout the lands as many stood and cheered as the news was passed. Bells rang in all chapels at the precise hour alerting all those who had waited once word first went around the Princess was in labor. King Peter's ships shot off a few cannons in salute while tug boats and barges added the sounds of their bells or horns. The Sylvan Elves came out of hiding in the hidden forests to mingle amongst the other citizens in celebration. It was the first contact they had with others that were not blood related. Gifts were given of delicate foods, necklace wreaths of woven flowers and ivy. Valandil was as much their heir as he was of Heathfield and its lands. ```*+*``` Allied and Friends Events ```*+*``` Midsummer's Night at the Moors: There was a night of fun in dressing up, where the Fae play and other mystical beings. A fountain that pours your favorite drink no matter your choosing. Allies and friends joined in the festivities that turned to a renewal of vows between the King and Queen, Byron and Caillean. Those of Heathfield attending were three of the McAndrews brothers, Jon, Joe and Liam along with Morgan Murray. --submitted by Jon J McAndrews |
```*+*```+```*+*``` Featured Articles ```*+*```+```*+*``` |
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Touch Caraway - is best known as the seed that flavors rye bread. The reason it's in rye bread, and many other foods, is that caraway has been used since ancient times to calm the digestive tract and expel gas. Caraway seeds have been found in prehistoric food remains from 3500 BC. The ancient Egyptians loved the aromatic seeds. They were recommended for digestive upsets in the Ebers Papyrus, one of the world's oldest surviving medical documents, about 1500 BC. Caraway is one of only a handful of herbs whose major medicinal use has remained unchanged throughout history. In Shakespeare's day, baked apples with caraway seeds were considered a stomach-soothing dessert. |
Throughout history, in Europe, the Middle East, and early America, caraway was a favorite addition to laxatives herbs because it tempered their often violent effects. Caraway's only other traditional uses relate to women's health - for menstrual cramps, menstruations promotion and milk promotion in nursing mothers. Healing with Caraway: Digestive Aid - modern researchers have discovered that two chemicals (carvol and carvene) in caraway seeds soothe the smooth muscle tissue of the digestive tract and help expel gas. Women's Health: Antispasmodics, which appear to be present in caraway, soothe not only the digestive tract but other smooth muscles such as the uterus as well. Thus caraway might relax the uterus, not stimulate it. Women may try it for relief of menstrual cramps. Rx for Caraway: Fresh seeds may be mixed into any food or chewed a teaspoonful at a time. Add caraway seeds to any dishes that benefit from their unique flavor. They are often used in breads, soups, salads, stews, cheeses, sauerkraut, pickling brines and meat dishes. There have been no reports of harm from caraway. Although caraway appears to have antispasmodic properties, which means that it might relax the uterus, the herb has been used throughout history to promote menstruation. Pregnant women should exercise caution and not use the herb medicinally. It should still only be used in medicinal amounts only in consultation with your doctor. -- Excerpts Taken from The Healing Herbs by Michael Castleman |
Life Around Here The Rangers: Not many know a lot about the Rangers that keep the lands safe. There is a few dozen that make up the regiment, mostly Elves for their speed and proficiency with bows and arrows. They go unseen in the further stretches of the lands, mountains, valleys and forests alike. They expel poachers caught, as well as highway men. The royal guards take care of the areas inside the castle walls while regiments of soldiers patrol outside for a few miles keeping these areas secured. It is outside that perimeter, as well within at times, that the Rangers take care of. Michael Reeves Silvertone heads this division under the castle. Unlike the guards stationed to a particular castle or Keep, these units keep safe the boards and lands within of all three lands, Heathfield, Ballicastle and Tyremoor. Arrangements will be made or units trained to include Kildare in the near future. The Zoo: There is much excitement and anticipation over the building of a Zoo for the lands. Calum Creighton has been made Head Keeper with Kaylea MacKay as Second Head Keeper. The grounds have been broken and buildings being constructed. It is plan that the main manor on the lands where the Head Keeper will reside in the upper portion, will have a museum and history of various animals, birds and reptiles as an attraction. It is hoped to have it opened by August or September if all goes as planned. There will be articles added in the upcoming Gazette editions to tell of the various animals, birds and reptiles as they are added. Sir Amory Randall is donating his camel that he had won during an event in the past year. Aleric Traugott will be donating a male Capuchin monkey he has. Faelan Callihan and possible a sibling or two, has offered to help capture various species in the wild once the zoo is completed. --submitted by Maurice McDonough Births: Rory and Kia McDonough, son Maurice Robert, born June 3rd. Andrew and Nori MacNeil, son Valandil Fionn, born June 9th. Marriages: None this Month. Engagements: None this Month. Deaths: None this Month. Citizenship: Please welcome Raphael O'Keeffe and Artani Gunari. |
Superstitions To find a four-leaf clover is to find good luck * If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck * If a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck * To break a mirror will bring you seven years bad luck * To open an umbrella in the house is to bring bad luck * To find a horseshoe brings good luck * Step on a crack, break your mother's back * Garlic protects from evil spirits and vampires * Clothes worn inside out will bring good luck * Wearing your birthstone will bring you good luck * If you blow out all of the candles on your birthday cake with the first breath you will get whatever you wish for. |
To have a wish come true using a wishbone, two people make a wish, then take hold of each end of the bone and pull it until it separates. The person with the longer end gets his or her wish * An itchy palm means money will come your way * A beginner will always have good luck: beginner's luck * Crossing your fingers helps to avoid bad luck and helps a wish come true * It is bad luck to sing at the table * It is bad luck to sleep on a table * After receiving a container of food, the container should never be returned empty * A lock of hair from a baby's first haircut should be kept for good luck * Goldfish in the pond bring good luck * An acorn at the window can keep lightning out of the house * If the bottom of your feet itch, you will make a trip * It is bad luck to chase someone with a broom * A sailor wearing an earring cannot drown. |
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Mythology The universe's pantheon holds a vast array of gods and goddesses, each pertaining to a different aspect of life. It is not unusual to discover that a number of these deities are also reflected in other cultural mythos, such as Gallic and Roman; amongst these cross-cultural deities is the goddess of the Horse, Epona. It is frequently assumed that Epona was a native Celtic goddess predating the Roman conquest of Gaul in 52BCE This may well be true; the evidence for it is sadly lacking |
The earliest datable evidence is a wall painting in Pompei, which must date to before the eruption of Vesuvius in 79CE. The latest is a large marble statue from Thessaloníki dating to 299-303CE. Thus, all Epona evidence dates from the Roman Empire and before the adoption of Christianity by Constantine. There is a missing century of Epona evidence between the conquest of Gaul in 52BCE and, say, 50CE. A theory that Epona is a pre-conquest Celtic goddess must explain this gap. An alternate theory that Epona is a post-conquest, fusion Celtic-Germanic-Roman goddess is not troubled by this gap. The earliest dated Epona finds are not centred on Gaul as might be expected. They are widely dispersed - Italy, France, England, Bulgaria, Rumania. The name 'Epona' - The name Epona comes from Gaulish, a member of the Celtic family of Indo-European languages. Gaulish was spoken during the later Iron Age (La Tčne C and D, around 300 BCE to 50 BCE) and then in parallel with Latin during the Roman Civil War and Roman Empire (50 BCE onwards), gradually dying out over the next four centuries. Gaulish was spoken over much of continental north-western Europe including modern France, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany[Lambert pp13-24, Mallory]. Related Celtic languages were spoken in Spain (Celtiberian), in Britain (Brythonic, or British, from which later developed Welsh, Cornish and Breton), in northern Italy (Lepontic), Hungary and Romania (Danubian), and as far east as Turkey (Galatian) [Mallory]. The word epos means horse in Gaulish, derived from the proto-Indo-European root *ék u os and giving similar words in other Indo-European languages such as equus (Latin), ech (Old Irish), ešva (Old Lithuanian), ekvon (Venetian) and Ηιππος (híppos, Greek) [Delamarre p. 163-4], the latter giving the English name hippopotamus, water horse. In Gaulish, -os is the masculine singular ending and –a, the female singular [Lejeune p.325, Lambert pp. 29-30]. Thus epa means a mare, a female horse. The component -on- is frequently found in the names of Gaulish or Gallo-Roman divinities including, besides Epona, such examples as Divona, Maponos, Carnonos, Matrona, Rigatona, Sirona [Jufer]. However, it is also found in other contexts like personal names and in the names of months (such as Giamonios) [Lambert p.108-115] and there are divine names that do not have it, such as Esus. It should probably be considered to be a way to turn the name of an object into a personal name [Gwinn]. The name Epona thus means, in Gaulish, ‘divine mare’ or 'she who is like a mare'. Although Celtic peoples possessed writing in the late Iron Age, they did not produce a body of literature in their native languages, or use monumental dedicatory inscriptions before becoming part of the Roman Empire. Thus, the Gaulish name Epona is only found as a foreign word in Latin or Greek inscriptions and literature. Who worshipped Epona? - Epona seems to have been a protector of horses and was worshipped by people whose primary job function or livelihood depended on horses. Examples include cavalry (naturally Epona was more popular among the cavalry alae than among infantry), scouts, dispatch riders, mule drivers, carters, stable hands and grooms. Epona Temples - The Romans were very accepting of other deities, regardless of origin, provided they were worshipped in what was considered an appropriate manner [Woolf pp1-23 and chapter 8]. Thus, in general, Epona was worshipped in the same way as any other Roman deity - praying by making vows, dedicating altars in fulfillment of a vow, erecting temples, sacrificing animals, incense, or wine. Temples were set up (although in Gaul these would be the Gallo-Roman fanum type rather than the classical type - a taller central cella surrounded on all four sides by a covered walkway. Sacrifice of animals, incense, and libations of wine were made in the customary Roman manner, the same as other deities. Libations were made by pouring wine from a specal shallow dish called a patera. Many sidesaddle depictions of Epona show her holding a patera in her right hand. Epona in the Home - Several of the Epona depictions are small, portable bronze or pipeclay figurines. These were probably used in a domestic or workplace shrine, or indeed in the lararium, the shrine found in each home and attended to by the paterfamilias or head of the household, who also acted as priest for the whole family in their daily devotions. Moulded pipeclay figures were cheap to make and widely available; bronze figures would be used by the more wealthy. Epona in Stables - The worship of Epona - small shrines were made to Epona, not just in temples but also in stables, presumably to protect the horses and asses in them. This is confirmed by archaeology; several Epona artefacts having been found in Roman stables such as the inscriptions in the stables of the praetorium of the governor at Apuulum. In the Golden Ass, the carved depiction is enclosed in a small shrine and fixed to the main pillar that supports the roof. Painted images of Epona on stable walls are also known. Apuleius tells us that it was customary to decorate such depictions with flowers, in this case fresh roses; presumably this was well enough known among the general population that finding an Epona shrine could be introduced into the story as a way to get the needed roses. Note that despite the non-temple location, the small shrine was still considered sacred - taking the flowers or other offerings would be considered sacrilegious. ( - a scholarly resource) |
July Once known as 'Quintilis', as it was the fifth month of the Roman year. The name 'Julius', later 'July' is believed to derive from the honour of the Roman Emperor 'Julius Caesar', named by Mark Anthony. It is the seventh month of the year. As part of the seasonal calendar July is the time of the 'Hay Moon' according to Pagan beliefs and the period described as the 'Moon of the Red Cherries', and 'Moon when Cherries are Ripe' by Black Elk (Black Elk Speaks, Neihardt). July was also known as: 'Hooymaand' (Hay month) 'Moedd-monath' (Meadow month, cattle were
turned into the meadow) The last month of 'Beltane', before 'Lammas', July is more commonly associated with the healing properties and sanctity of water. Perhaps this is due to the knowledge that July is a month of warmth, of the sun, the scorching heat, and the dryness of the land that comes with the dreaded drought. Man, being so much water, has understood only to well how water is such a vital resource for the body and the spirit. It is no surprise then that water and springs have been universally included in many beliefs, legends and folklore, seen as sacred. Is it not ironic that today modern man is battling with pollution to maintain what has always been viewed as precious. Again like our ancestors we are beginning to value water, but perhaps the reasons and methods are different. Whilst the ancient practice of divining is still used the ability of animals to discover a watering hole indicates their closeness and dependency on the earth. There are many instances of this in the teachings of the Celtic church and of the severed head being connected to many of the sacred wells. The head was seen by the Celts to be the place where the soul existed (we can see similarities here with Aries and the head being the power source). The head being detached from the body was seen as the final act of sacrifice given by the sacred king in Celtic mythology, and in the early Celtic church. Placing the head in water was seen to draw on the strength and wisdom of the sovereign, believing that it flowed forth into the waters. The appearance of a new spring at a site where a king or saint died was also common. The Druids believed that the appearance of a new spring or well indicated a spot where man would find a place acting as an opening or bridge to eternity. It has been suggested also that these sacred sites indicated where the power of light, of positive forces could enter and spring out of the earth Water and wells have also been associated with providing the opportunity to reach eternal life, seen as a sign or mark of that belief when drunk or carried. Indeed we can note the significance within many faiths of water and the ritual of baptism, where it is poured over the body or man is immersed within it. The Chalice Well, at Glastonbury, Somerset, England is one such site visited by thousands of people, being associated with the Celtic cult of the severed head and the Holy Grail. Trees growing by water were associated with wisdom, those bearing nuts being especially favored with the ancients, as these could be gathered and eaten. The fish of the water were also seen to benefit from their proximity, and it was said that anyone eating fish from such waters, where nut trees grew nearby, would receive inspiration and mystical powers to further the third eye. Perhaps connected with this was the belief that sacred waters could also heal sickness, especially of the eye. Wells were viewed as having power of time as well as eternity as has been said here. To have full effect on curing the malady, the person drinking the water had to sleep immediately. Here again we have associations with the many stories that describe man waking by water having received prophetic visions or wild terrifying dreams. The rituals of Well dressing are still widely practiced, which is believed to originate from the placing of prayer rags by pilgrims to sacred sites water as a vehicle for asserting that negative forces, even the Devil existed, was used most effectively by the Catholic church during the Inquisition. Those considered to be in league with such forces were cast into water; should the person float it was taken as proof of their rejection of God, (but we must remember that to prove the presence of God the person should not float which surely resulted in many innocents being drowned). from Mystical-WWW : Mystical Months and Days -- submitted by Mary Colleen McAndrews he saves a king, he doth a noble deed.' |
Between the Dusk of a Summer
Night "Between the dusk of a summer
night --submitted by Nycole Nolan ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` Lang Days "In lang, lang days o' simmer, --submitted by Deirdre Callihan ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` |
Bed in Summer "In winter I get up at night --submitted by Joshua McDonough A Violet Bank I know a bank whereon the wild thyme
blows, --submitted by Morgan Murray Summer "Along
the river's summer walk, --submitted by Deirdre Callihan |
Did You Know? Mystical Landscapes - Ancient peoples believed the earth to be alive and the landscape and the heavens to exist in the form of deities. Within this living environment, they worshipped the earth and sky as gods and goddesses, often believing their kings and queens to be descended from them. To express their sense of unity with this natural, God-filled world, people constructed roads, drew lines and patterns across the lands and created vast earthworks. Much of what these people left behind, in the lost cities of the Incas, in the sacred landscapes of Europe and Australia, and in the effigy mounds of the Americas, remains inexplicable. Yet some archeologists and anthropologists are beginning to unlock the intriguing secrets of some of these mystical ancient landscapes. The Incas: More than 500 years ago, the Incas made changes to enormous areas of The South American landscape to make it more sacred. Around 1200 AD they began to amass an empire that stretched from present-day Ecuador in the north to Chile in the south. By building a variety of roads, cities and shrines, the Incas created a symbolic landscape, one that combined ancestor worship, water symbolism, astronomy, ceremonial and social activities. The capital and seat of the emperor, Cuzco, lay a the heart of this sacred Andean landscape. The Incas believed that their emperor, himself called the Inca, was the son of the sun. And each year as the winter solstice neared (in June at the latitude of Cuzco), the emperor sat in a niche facing the sun in the Coricancha, or Temple of the Sun, as the sun rose. Sheathed with gold and set with gems, the niche glittered in the sun's rays, thus proving the emperor's divinity to the people. For the Incas, Cuzco was the center of their empire. The Temple of the Sun stood in the middle of the city, its site chosen by a god. Inca mythology tells that Manco Capac, the first Inca, who was sent to earth to spread civilization, used divine means to locate the site of the temple. He stuck a golden rod into the soil to find the right site: at the correct spot, the myths said, the golden rod disappeared into the earth. Manco Capac's golden rod may be a mythical reference to the cosmic axis, an imaginary vertical line that was believed by many different peoples to link the zenith with the mystical naval of the world or sacred center. This cosmic axis was believed to provide an access to heaven, hell and the spirit world. Mysterious Ceques: When the Spanish invaders arrived in Cuzco in 1533, they sacked the city and conquered its people. Their chroniclers, however, recorded some of what had gone before and been ruined. According to their accounts, 41 ceques, which they translated as 'lines', radiated out from the Temple of the Sun like rays from the sun, or spokes from the hub of a wheel. Yet they did not explain what the ceques, which no longer exist, looked like. Many researchers now believe that the Spanish did not describe the ceques because they were never visible on the ground. They were probably not roads or even lines but directions or alignments of Inca sacred places (called huacas in Quechua, the Inca language.) These huacas could take many forms: standing stones or natural boulders, waterfalls or springs, temples, holy mountains or caves. Modern scholars have located some of these sacred places. One of them is Tambo Machay, a ruined huaca outside Cuzco that also served as a lodge for the Inca. The temple of Pukamarka in the city itself is another shrine. There were approximately between 3 and 15 sacred places along any one ceque. Yet scholars do not know what purpose the ceques actually served. It seems most likely that they had a number of different functions. The geography of the city itself was also sacred. Around 1440 the emperor Pachacuti divided Cuzco into quadrants. He laid out the principle buildings of the capital according to a regular pattern, which contained a strict social ordering. Thus the people of Cuzco lived in certain regions, based on kinship groups (ayllus) to which they belonged. These in turn were related to the part of the empire from which their ancestors came. Quartering the World: The city of Cuzco and the Inca empire beyond were divided into quarters. The suyus or four quarters of the city, were believed to extend out to the farthest corners of the empire. The Huatanay River divided the city and the surrounding valley into two halves, one for the privileged and the other for the commoners. The Inca road system had its hub in Cuzco at the great plaza of Haucaypata. There, four main roads me to form the dividing lines between the suyus. But the quarters of the city did not form a regular X-pattern: some were larger than others. The main reason for this variation in size, according to modern experts, is that the suyu boundaries track the flow of water in the Cuzco valley, for instance in the form of rivers or canals. The boundaries assigned the right to use water to various kinship groups. The hunas on the ceques were often located where the flow of water changed direction, such as at the bend of a river or where two rivers meet. The spirit world was also related to water. According to Aveni, the kingship groups received 'water directly from their ancestors who were believed to reside within the earth'. The ceques, some of which were located near rivers, were thus sacred to the ancestors of the kinship groups that lived in the area. The kinship groups were responsible for worshipping at the holy places along their ceques at certain times of the year. The ritual year rotated through the land around Cuzco, as the huacas on the ceques became ceremonially active. At such times the huacas may have been tended by the kinship group that lived nearby, visited by pilgrims or used as staging posts on the journeys of the children who were on their way to be sacrificed. Some adult human and animal sacrifices may also have been carried out at the huacas. The ceques also helped to order the territorial relationships between groups. They may also have determined how they organized cooperative ritual an work activates, and even intermarriage. In sum, says Aveni, the ceque system may be considered a rather complex kinship map based upon residence and ancestor worship. -- submitted by Samantha Golden (taken from the book Earth's Mysterious Places, Reader's Digest) |
Vichyssoise 1/2 cup sliced leeks or chopped onion * 1 tsbsp butter * 1 1/2 cups sliced, peeled potatoes * 1 cup chicken broth * 1/8 tsp salt * Dash of pepper * 3/4 cup milk * 1/2 cup whipping cream * Snipped fresh chives. In a medium saucepan, cook leeks or onion in butter until tender but not brown. Stir in potatoes, chicken broth, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Cover and simmer 20-25 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Cool slightly. Place potato mixture in a blender container or food processor. Cover, blend or process until smooth. Pour into a bowl, stir in milk and cream. Cover, chill well before serving. Garnish with chives. Makes 4 side-dish servings. --submitted by Caitriona MacKenna |
Potato and Onion Skillet Fry 1 large onion, peeled, halved and thinly sliced * 2 tablespoons butter * 1 tablespoon olive oil * 4 medium potatoes, baked (or boiled) and cooled * Salt and pepper to taste Heat the oil and butter in a skillet. Add the onions and cook until soft and lightly browned. Remove the onions from the pan with a slotted spoon. Reserve. Slice the potatoes into 1/4 inch slices. Add to the hot pan and brown on both sides. Return the onion to the pan, toss and season. Serve warm. Makes 4 servings. --submitted by Sarah McDonough ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` |
```*+*```+```*+*``` Classified ```*+*```+```*+*``` |
```*+*```+```*+*``` Yearly Horoscope ```*+*```+```*+*``` Cancer (June 22 - July 22) In January, September and November of this
year, the greater benefic Jupiter forms a helpful angle to Saturn. This can
prove fortunate in terms of your health, with some improvement likely if you
have been ill in any way. You could also receive a wonderful work
opportunity that brings in a steady income for many years. Stability in your
financial situation is likely to be achieved easily at the time. |
And Found Lost: One leather vest down at the lake. If found, please return to Morgan Murray. Job Finder Contact Draven MacShire for: Chimney Sweeps. Cobbler store position available. Beauty Salon available. Chiropractor needed to set up shop. Martial Arts Instructor needed. Dentist needed to set up office. Barber Shop available. Men's Tailor and Seamstress needed. Thanks to Job finder: Many positions are found every day from sailors and dock workers to shops and streamlined services. Thoughts for the Month "Hot July brings cooling showers, Apricots and gillyflowers." - Sara Coleridge, Pretty Lessons in Verse "Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still." --Chinese Proverb -- submitted by Sara Devonshire ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` What kind of stones are never found in the ocean? Dry! What month has 28 days? All of them! What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years? The letter M.
-- submitted by Lei McAndrews
Advertisements Summer Scented and Hued Candles - Rose in red, lilac in purple are specially priced for the summer. Fill your home with these invigorating scents for a good uplift. Ask for Kathleen Frasier or Samantha Golden at the Candle Shop. Summer Specials - Red roses and multicolored carnations, at Lisette's Floral Shop. Wedding bouquets, anniversaries or any occasion. Benzaiten Imports - receives new shipments weekly. Special this month: All items from the India. Hours are from 9:00 am to dusk. Located in the warehouse district. Owners: Alexander McDonough and Garath MacShire. The Needle and Spool Clothier - All green pre-made attire, is half off. Any orders for ball gowns and tailored suits must be received, no later, than two weeks in advanced. The BookStop - Light fiction, all classics - 25% to 50% off. Marisa and Carisa McCormick. Heathfield Orphanage - Gifts, food, spring and summer clothing and monetary offerings are greatly appreciated. Books in good shape are needed. Inquire with Henna Barrett Suex with any questions. McKnight Veterinary Clinic - at the McKnight estate in Heathfield. Donovan McKnight, DVM. We are trained in the treatment and care of all domestic and most exotic animals. The estates are located just outside of Heathfield near Barrington Hospital. Emergency care 24 hours a day. Specials for the entire summer: Flea treatments, tick removal. Certain Somethings Shop - Special this month: Purses of all types and sizes. Our items are made by artisans from the Realms and we also carry imported items. Hours are from nine until four. Herbal Delights Apothecary - located in Barrington Hospital, has teas and tinctures available to fight off all manner of ailments. Special this month: Ointments for bug bite and sunburn. Hours are from 9:00 am to dusk, with special openings as needed. Sara Devonshire, proprietor. Sweet and Sassy Candy Shop - located just off the marketplace is having specials on chocolate truffles. Haypenny candy available. Corina and Cairenn Turlough. Leather Shop - Closed until further notice. Deli Delights - Bring your sweetheart in for a slice of pie. Two for the price of one when you mention this ad. Kizzie Cohen Butcher Shop - Order your hams now, and get a free Cornish hen. Open from Monday to Saturday from 9am til dusk. Ask for Ham Frasier. Ceol m'anama (Music is my soul) Music shop - Carrying musical instruments, sheet music and more. Special this month -- all flutes, recorders and tenpenny whistles.. See Lorelei Barre. Blue Marlin Inn and Tavern - is running a special on seafood platters throughout this whole month. Reduce rate includes a tankard of ale or a glass of wine. Marlana Cherill proprietor. The Clean Slate Soap Shop - In honor of the birth of the new prince, we are running a special on soaps for babies and all those with sensitive skin. Also on sale: oils and salts for pregnant & new mommies. Come pamper yourself this month! The Potter - Need any ceramics replaced, put in an order with Devon Winters Cleary. |
??? Question Corner ??? 1. After a medical examination, your doctor calls and gravely says you have a rare lymphatic cancer and only a few months to live. Five days later, you are informed that the lab tests were mislabeled; you are perfectly healthy. Forced for a moment to look death in the face, you have been allowed to turn and go on. During those difficult days you would certainly have gained some insights about yourself. Do you think they would be worth the pain? 2. Do you feel ill at ease going alone to either dinner or a movie? What about going on a vacation by yourself? ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` Answer to last month's Question: 1. Would you be willing to go to a slaughterhouse and kill a cow? Do you eat meat? I would like to take this time to stand up and say that I eat meat. I eat meat, I wear leather, I sometimes use rendered animal fats in my soaps. With this declaration comes an admittance of responsibility - which is why I would definitely visit a slaughterhouse or butcher and either watch or take part in the killing of a cow. If we cannot take personal responsibility every step of the way for the choices we make, then it is time to take a good hard look at ourselves and the life we have chosen. I honor that animal for making the sacrifice, by using as many products as I can so as not to be disrespectful and wasteful. Do we blame the lion for eating the gazelle? Do we consider it less than "natural" because we use tools to kill our prey, a knife or arrow instead of a claw? Some food for thought. --submitted by Morgan Murray ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` **If you would like to reply to any of these questions and have it published in next month's issue, please submit the question with your answer to Lahoneee.** Where To Find It - Services Offered Want to better your business? Place a listing here!
Lisette McTiel Frasier, Heathfield Commons.
Jon McAndrews Lumber Mill, Ballicastle.
Wines - Mike McAndrews Vineyards, Heathfield; Darren McCullen Vineyards, Ballicastle. Leather, Beef, Horses - Maurice, Joseph and Rory McDonough, McDonough Ranch Heathfield. Wool, Yarn & Cloth - McCormick Sheep Ranch, Heathfield. Cider, Flour, Grains, Apples, Milk, Eggs, Vegetables - Draven MacShire, Ravanna of Heathfield. Potcheen - Sean DeBurgh, Rhett Shawnesey, Dunshire of Heathfield. Baked Goods - Teri's Sweets Shoppe, Ballicastle. Shipping, Trips by Sea - Rhett Shawnesey, Dunshire, or Bovee Shipping, Heathfield. Kennels - Meadowland Kennels, Patrick and Edward McAndrews, Ballicastle. Pottery - Devon DeWinter, Heathfield. Shipwrights - Collin McAndrews and Thomas Douglas, Heathfield Port.
Imports -
Xandar McDonough and Garath MacShire, Heathfield Port.
and Lingerie -
Marcy McGuire, Heathfield Commons.
and Crystals -
Kathleen Cleary Frasier and Samantha Golden, Heathfield Commons.
House -
Iwakura Sachiko, Heathfield Commons.
Teller -
Mikhail O'Connell, Heathfield Commons.
Hospital -
Gates Barrington, Sara Devonshire, Heathfield.
Clocks -
Aleric and Niklas Traugott, Heathfield Commons.
Horse Shoeing, Swords, Daggers -
Lochlan Kearney, Ballicastle; Brian McAndrews,
Heathfield Commons.
and Sheaths -
Moncha McAndrews, Heathfield Commons.
Robert Frasier, Ballicastle.
Shop -
Sara Devonshire, Barrington Hospital Lobby.
Book Shop
Mariah and Carissa McCormick, Heathfield Commons.
Orphanage -
Henna Barrett Suex, Heathfield.
Apothecary -
Sara Devonshire, Heathfield Hospital.
Ores -
Joseph McAndrews, Ballicastle.
Smelter -
Eddie McAndrews, Ballicastle.
- Joseph McDonough, Jacob Anderson, Mercy
LaCorte and Clark Davis, Heathfield.
- Sean MacGrath.
- Donovan
Signs -
Kyle Frasier, Heathfield Commons and
and Sassy Candy Shop-
Carienn and Corina Turlough, Heathfield
Somethings Shop -
Sorcha Beirne, Heathfield Commons.
NorthStar Dairy run by Allan Cleary
Maker: Isolde
Fitzpatrick, Heathfield Commons
Marlin Inn and Tavern:
Marlana Cherill Proprietor, Barrett's Bay
m'anama (Music is my soul) Music Shop:
Lorelei Barre, Heathfield Commons
Fearghus Frasier
Clean Slate - Morgan and Aislinn Murray,
Heathfield Commons
Brother Thomas, Heathfield Castle Chapel
Instructor: Anneliese Harper,
Heathfield Commons
Many thanks to those who contribute to this newspaper. Any additions, corrections or wishing to run an ad please contact Lahoneee. ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` |
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from the Wharf All gossip that comes in through the port, and places least expected, you can be sure that Matty and Pearl know every little tidbit and then some added. Embellishing is a way of life to make the tale far more colorful. If something is not certain nor clear, it is easy to fill in those gaps; there is nothing like assuming. They will make sure all gossip gets around come rain or shine and the sharing of a tea biscuit. There is a place for Drama Queens. |
**The Deli Delight has been seen parading around with her knight, the mastermind of the water challenge. What did he have in mind? Did he lose it? We can wonder if it was to see all the ladies get wet. Pearl and I are ready to be tested if it will win us a man by going the gauntlet. Pearl made us some umbrella hats in anticipation. The story teller that had been around could gain some interesting tales to tell. We will try to corner him sometime if he comes back and feed him all he needs know. Le-sigh, a man after me own heart. **Is the soap lady trying to cleanse everyone in the lands? We need to keep an eye on that one. Perhaps there is more to her means we can learn a new trick or two from. We wouldn't mind washing a few particular males' backs. Maybe she can hire us to take care of the surplus. Like the two captain brothers, a little young but whose counting years at this point? **Pearl and I have yet to figure out the new large species of birds we've gotten glimpses of. They seem to be nesting down near the lake. Could they be gargoyles? That has Peal in the shivers and now I'm dragging her to the lake by her ear telling her there are no such creatures although I'm beginning to wonder. I wonder if the soap lady has any wares that would repel such animals, we'd be the cleanest ladies in the lands so we can continue gaining information to share. **One particular clan, men are falling like flies. A triple wedding to be held or so the rumors fly. On a ship, out to sail, we are devising a way to become stowaways. Something grand to see, knowing wll there are a few still single. We can help them out there with two willing and able. Get the sea captain to marry us too under the threat to walk the plank. Arrrrragh mae matties, Davy Jones awaits o' yea wedd'in day. Pearl is practicing her pirate talk, she wants to lead this siege and wear a patch over her one eye even if she can see. **I'll have to send me daughter back up to Kildare and get the scoop there for all our avid readers who want to keep in the know. **We were hoping the Elder of Montrose would be staying after regaining his health back. Now there is a man more our age with means we could have all the tea and biscuits we need. Pearl thinks he's too old but some men are grand surprises in making good husbands, especially if they have entered their second or third childhood. We could get him dancing on the docks and throwing pebbles at the masts. **In the meantime we are getting bows made and Pearl is adding feathers to the arrows. Since there is going to be open range, we might try our skills in a few ways. We have a few bets in mind and pray the wind that day is kind. We'll even eat Haggis for one particular knight in his stead if we will take a wedding date instead. Even give him a choice. Large or Small. Good things come in both packages. **We are even entertaining the idea to get into the Orphanage if we can disguise our years and get adopted. Desperation knows no bounds. There is the new zoo to consider and the rather handsome keeper, we could use a bit of keeping, wouldn't even mind being behind some bars if it would land us a man. We hear there is a certain knight willing to give swimming lessons, can he teach a walrus to float? We'll need to track him down. **There are the bounty brothers to consider if only we could devise a trap, ah, plan, in getting them to come after us. Surprise, there's a preacher at hand. Pearl needs to get her thinking cap on, she hasn't been able to find it in a while so I've been winging it. There seems to be a lot of focus on a certain unattached trio of knights. Red hot, quiet burn and fancy pants. So there is one extra, my daughter could use a man. I think I'll save fancy pants for her. **There are many paths in attraction and with the latest rumor, we're going to start wearing steel corsets. Are the ladies swarming the tattoo parlor for more than a design on their skin? Or does the Tattoo hunk have other designs in mind? The rest of us females want to know if we too should get our running shoes on. **There's always fun in abundance when the blond Adonis brothers are around. We knew immediately, and rushed there to see firsthand, when we heard the female shrieks coming from the lake. **With so many falling to matrimony, Pearl and I are pleased to see others coming in of single status. There is a new Captain in town who's stay is rumored to become permanent. He's got his own crew as well partners to check out in the coming months. Pearl and I will be placing our dibs. **An unusual race held had us a glimpse of a man in paint running with the racehorses on the local tracks. Hard sneaking around that place and not stepping in plops. Still we can't complain for it even had Pearl drooling or that was tears from the stench we ended up crouched in. |
WANTED 500 Gold Coins Offered on Black Doom, Black Beard, Stirling Scourge each ... Dead or alive. If all are brought in, a bonus of 500 will be added making it 2000 Crimes: Murder, Plundering and pillaging innocents, Thievery, Arson, Kidnapping, and Rape. Slavery. Reward is high for any who brings these scoundrels to justice. Contact Danny Frasier or James Callihan. WANTED Wanted Alive: Ultan and Gillean Callihan of Kildare. 100 Gold Coins Reward for information that leads to their whereabouts. 500 Gold Coins for their capture alive. Crimes: Wanted for Treason.. Contact Ronan or James Callihan. WANTED Wanted Alive: Four Henchmen: Francis Talbot, Dane Gregore, Henry Wills and Oliver Stapleton. 50 Gold Coins Reward for information that leads to their whereabouts. 200 Gold Coins each for their capture. Crimes: Wanted in association of Treason, kidnapping, torture and the intent to kill. WANTED Wanted Alive: Two Highwaymen known as Murph and Billy. 50 Gold Coins Reward for information that leads to their whereabouts. 200 Gold Coins for their capture. Crimes: Thievery and harassment. Contact Michael Reeves Silvertone. |
((Disclaimer: any pictures used of actors/actresses is solely for how that fictional character may look, no claims made. This is a fictional newspaper created for entertainment in the role-playing world. Articles from books, websites, etc., are credited. If any author has a problem (as it is a form of advertisement for them) with their credited works being depicted, please contact me and they will be promptly removed. Please put in the subject heading - Heathfield Gazette so I know it's not spam.))