Original Artwork
By the Player of Caiomelle, Concessa and Misha - Wyrmrest Accord WoW

Here are some of my original pieces of artwork done over the years. Oil, watercolor and sketches. A lot smaller than actual sizes of the pieces. My background is in art, BS in Art and Education. I also had worked as a professional computer graphics hi-end process color artist for Donnelley Directory.  All artwork copyright.

Oil on Canvas

Oil on Canvas

Oil on Canvas

Oil on Canvas

2nd one Oil on Canvas

Oil on Canvas

Oil and Acrylic on Canvas

Pen - Design

Oil on Canvas

Oil on Canvas



Florescent Watercolor

Florescent Watercolor

Florescent Watercolor

Mix Media Pen - Design Watercolor Resist
Watercolor Pen - Contour Drawing Mix Media
Oil - What my uncle had started before death. Oil - What I finished, resizing as well. Pencil