Artwork Here are some of my original pieces of artwork done over the years. Oil, watercolor and sketches. A lot smaller than actual sizes of the pieces. My background is in art, BS in Art and Education. I also had worked as a professional computer graphics hi-end process color artist for Donnelley Directory. All artwork copyright. |
Oil on Canvas |
Oil on Canvas |
Oil on Canvas |
Oil on Canvas |
2nd one Oil on Canvas |
Oil on Canvas |
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas |
Pen - Design |
Oil on Canvas |
Oil on Canvas |
Watercolor |
Watercolor |
Florescent Watercolor |
Florescent Watercolor |
Florescent Watercolor |
Mix Media | Pen - Design | Watercolor Resist |
Watercolor | Pen - Contour Drawing | Mix Media |
Oil - What my uncle had started before death. | Oil - What I finished, resizing as well. | Pencil |