Past Events

Tournament of Champions

Ran from 1-1-02 to 3-30-02

Was the first of this new way of free-form method, three spar events: Hand to Hand, Swords and Jousting. Logs from these events can be found on our message board for viewing on how they are done (under "Tournament of Champions Matches"). From this experimental run I was able to tweak this process to make it even better. I'm sure there will always be improvements along the way also. This was a semi-closed event with the ending result of a successful method and three Champions assigned to Honeee. Karl von Rundstedt, Peter James O'Neill and Stephen McCarin. They were knighted giving them the status of Sir, a special sword empowered by Andrew (100 Swords of Heathfield - description on Message Board), cape and shield with the Heathfield emblem.

Swords Tournament - Male Division

Ran from 8-25-02 to 10-29-02

Second event was also successful. All contestants where well matched, the margin of winning was fractional with the caliber all showed. Crimson Havelock taking first place with the award of a sword, shield and gold cup. Michael Reeves taking second (tied with Jerome so based on 'losses', Michael having no losses) with the award of a sword and silver cup. Jerome O'Neill taking third with a shield and bronze cup. Ceremony was conducted on November 21st concluding this tournament completely.

Contestants final standing (2point for a win, 1 point each for ties): Crimson Havelock - 09, Michael Reeves - 06 (no losses), Jerome O'Neill - 06 (2 losses), Brandon Easterly - 05, Blake Gardner - 03, Veril Delathein - 01

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