Ian Kendall
Sheep Ranch, Heathfield
Originally from the Isle of Eire, Donegal. A tall well toned muscular
man at 6' 3", eyes of a deep water blue. Hair as the darkest night
cropped in front, tapering back, a few braids tied off in leather strips
according to his clan, set a nice contrast. His features striking in the
strong set of his jaw and chin, high cheekbones and lips that would
quirked into a smile with ease. He was well bred yet he didn't hold airs
about him, only assured of himself in who he was. He was an Irish tenor
and had sung on occasion for his ale, entertaining the masses.
He had a
quick wit, good sense of humor and enjoyed a good joke even if played on
him. He looked much like a rancher in dress and skill, a good tempered
sword at his side and a vest over a cotton shirt worn. A wide brown belt
sported a large intricately designed buckle holding up brown twill
breeches of a good sturdy cloth. Laced up leather boots that conformed
to his feet gave him ease of agility, a dagger tucked in his belt. He
was a skilled swordsman and rider. He started up a sheep ranch when he
settled in the lands of Heathfield. Married many years with four
children but as time passes so does it bring changes. She left after a
quiet divorce as the children stayed on with him at the ranch. He had
not been in contact with his former wife in a few years. Life marched