Marcella Ann McGuire ~Marcy~ ~~~*~~~ Long dark hair fell where it pleased, framing flawless silken skin of delicate features. Deep green eyes, as Ireland itself, held a haunting quality about them. Secrets hinted. A sweet smile graced dusty rose lips with a natural curl to their corners. A spirit full of energy and curiosity found mischief easily. A cream color gown offset the rich dark hair tapering down to lie softly over the curves of her feminine form, ample, strong and toned. A ray of sunlight filters, alighting her hair with its kiss into blazing red highlights, kindred to the spirit within. A heart of gold to those who are friends and an Irish wrath of burning vengeance to those who become foe. A soul naturally deep rooted in kindness as the norm, she helps those in need but can just as quickly become the brick wall her enemies didn't see. Her bloodline a mixture of human and Fae with Druid ways. Proprietor
of the Linen and Lingerie Shop, Heathfield Commons. |
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