Captain of the Dragon's Tooth
six foot
four * dark blond hair * violet-blue eyes
twenty-three * single
wears a dragon's tooth that was embedded in his shoulder
when he killed the Dragon guarding gold in one of their
Co-Captain of the Fianna until it Sank by the hands of Unholy
Trinity |
Originally from
County Clare, Ireland in the province of Munster. Their grandfather,
Tomas traveled to seek his fortune making his home in a rough and
tumble land that eventually became the Duchy of Montrose under the
Kingdom of Kildare. His son
Ronan eventually became Duke. He and his wife had four sons and
three daughters. James Roy, Adam, Alhannah, Morgan, Faelan, Regan
and Deirdra. When their youngest was still a child, the
Duchess died. Ronan never remarried again, knowing he would
mourn his Rose until his dying day. Ronan's allegiance was to the
King of Kildare, Seamus McLarkin and settled into a peaceful life
until King Seamus died and the Witch took over Kildare. He separated
himself from the chaos as best he could becoming lands unto
themselves for the duration. Towards the end of the Witch's reign,
he had words with his eldest son in the heat of an argument, James
riding directly after not to return. He had not meant them and after
calming down, he spent many years trying to find him. Taking his men
to the far stretches of the world. His brother came to live with him
soon after, needing a place for himself and his two children.
Ronan became ill
and the people whispered the illness was sent from Kildare itself
and the Witch.
His closest advisor -- his brother Ultan -- began to take over the
Duchy, leaving Ronan little more than a puppet. Faelan and
his year older brother, Morgan, were sent off to Ireland to
learn the ways of sailing a ship. Within a year they led a mutiny against their
corruptive slave driving captain and now have their own ship. With
things growing worse in Montrose, they slipped into the fortress
while a winter storm raged and spirited their sisters,
Alannah, Regan and Deirdre away. An angry Ultan sent men
to find them but they managed to elude them. They dropped Alannah
and Deirdre off in the lands of Heathfield while he, Morgan and
Regan went off to find their brother as well adventure.
In a foreign
marketplace, Faelan got hold of a map that turned out to be real
bringing them to foreign lands in a hunt for gold and treasure. It
was deep within the earth and a room filled with such treasures that
they encountered the dragon. One they fought and in the end it was
Faelan to slay the beast though as the dragon fell, his tooth became
embedded in his shoulder. Odd repercussions followed and the fear he
would become a dragon. This luckily didn't happen though he took on
some aspects of the enchanted beast. He wears the tooth on a chain
around his neck. They escaped the traps of the ancient ruins and
headed home laden with gold and jewels. Unknown to them they were
being followed by none other than the two notorious pirates, Black
Doom, Black Beard and the uprising pirate known as the Stirling
Treasure and
Dragon Adventure SL
* Whole of this SL in Vendettas
Family Website
-No immature gaming or
ooc. Fantasy Medieval Based. Character created 2-24-07-