Golden brown eyes
Dark hair
Five foot seven
Twenty and Five
Elizabeth, was the
first born daughter of Duncan and Corina McKnight. The McKnight
family had supported the Barrett family through the war, sending
their children away until peace was regained. Duncan returned with a
Portuguese beauty as his wife, they had three children: Donovan. Lizabet
and Kat. Their mother returning to her native home with
her three children. Donovan was the first to return to Heathfield in
spite of the title bestowed upon him. Kat joined him shortly
afterwards to help out so Lizabet remained home to see to their
mother. It would break her heart if they all left her. When Kat
returned, Lizabet took it as an omen for her to finally travel and
learn of these lands of the McKnight family, their namesake. She had
always loved animals, bringing home any wounded ones for her brother
to fix up. In the process she had learned a lot in the care of them.
With their sister home, she knew he could use help and so would
become the substitute. Little did he know she was on her way while
Kat took care of their mother and family in Portugal.
For her age in
social circles she was considered an old maid, though not old at
all. It was more she never fitted well into such social circles nor
cater to their beliefs that a woman should be married by the age of
eighteen if not younger. If being considered unmarriageable at
this point, it was to her benefit not determent. She had fire in her
eyes and a wit to match if so provoked. Usually she watched
silently, observing and staying on the outskirts than in the
spotlight. There were the times for the spotlight much to the
chagrin of her mother. Like whipping the contents of her glass in a
Count's face for his unwanted advances. Perhaps it would be to her
mother's relief that she headed for Heathfield to help out her
Star - Race Horse
Falkirk Downs |
McDonough Stables
Thunder Bird
Starling Rose
2 years, 15.3hh
Racing Stats:
~~Profile in
progress. Roleplaying character = Not Real. Actress used is only in
reference on how Elizabeth would appear. No claims made to any
photos. RPL#1. No IM play except those within Heathfield according
to need. 022209~~