of the Sea Serpent - Prince of Ballicastle
The First of a
New Generation * Six Foot Five * Distinctive Very-Blue Eyes
Nineteen Summers * Dark mahogany hair with Celtic Braids often
Twin sisters - Mary and Marisa * Oldest son of Seamus * Single
He takes after his
father, Seamus. His mother Rosalia had left many years ago.
Protective of his sisters although taunts them. Riley is a devil
every chance he gets. He is prone to pranks, any ruckus he can get
into and downright plain mischief. This is not to say he can't
behave himself for if behaving will help him to pull off a good
prank later on, he will. He knows how to act, he is educated
and brought up properly but he had the McAndrews blood in him. If in
a new environment around those he doesn't know, he may well become
quiet. He will be watching like a hawk though, just waiting. He has
the McAndrews dimples to compliment his devilish ways
He likes girls
well enough but he might be more apt to pull some prank on them than
think of romance, although the latter is coming more into play as he
is getting older. He hasn't experimented a whole lot except for a
few stolen kisses, some he got promptly slapped for, others too
willing. Turning nineteen finally, he started it off by borrowing
his Uncle Collin's ship in a gallant attempt to help them out. A
lesson learned. His father bought him the ship for his birthday

Ballicastle - Home of most of the McAndrews
-I don't tolerate
immature gaming or ooc drama. No rp in IMs. RPL#1. Character would
resemble actor Jared Leto, no claims made to photos used.- |