There will be
7 Official
Registered Thoroughbred Races and 1 hometown race for
Win, Place or Show
will gain Prizes or Money according to what is Bet per race.
No less than 20 coins and no more than 100 coins per horse and
up to four horses each race.
10 horses per Race
(d=#of horses, sides=24) for 5 laps : quarter mile track = 1.25 mile race or10
can register up to 10 horses. Individuals may have only 2
registered horses.
Betting is done
through the Betting Booth
- Procedure/Rules there.
Citizens can bet amongst
themselves as well.
There will be
If two or more horses tie then extra dice will be use to break
the tie.
IC: judges make the call. Three stationed at the finish line.
The last race
called Hometown will be for individual citizens of Heathfield,
sister castles, allies, friends and guests who wish to race
against each other. These horses cannot be official registered ones.
There is no Official
Betting on the Hometown Race. Private betting is allowed. There
are Prizes for the winners
There will be
extra riding horses offered for the Hometown race for those not
owning a horse but wish to participate.
The Hometown
Race is only for those attending the race that night who wish to
((Position of hometown
races will be setup like the registered races - dice done under
Patrick Frasier or host that evening.
This will eliminate the
suspicion anyone is using a cheater program which we know are
out there and used by some.))