The Knighting Ceremony

Peter made use of his large office in the castle as the three that were to become knights under him were called in. Aiden and Lancely there in witness as well as some of the other warriors and knights they had befriended. Although more a private ceremony it was open to any family, friends and comrades.

Finding her way through the wide castle hallways, she followed the directions in the missive until she reached the King's office. Squeezing quietly through the door, Morgan kept to the back of the room so as not to disturb.

Aiden had arrived on time, and stood near Peter. He wore a tunic of dark blue with the crest of Innis Daingneach.over his heart. As always, his empowered sword hung at his hip. A cape of black and red satin was also worn, the crest of the kingdom on its back, turned at the shoulders to show the lining.  He kept his face a stoic mask, save for his eyes. There was pride in them as he waited for the ceremony to begin.

Andrew stood just behind and off to the side from Peter. Attired in the MacNeil kilt, tartan and sporran for the occasion. The pierce of blue eyes touched upon each as they entered with a subtle wink given Noirin.

Calhoun stood with his brethren, attired in the knightly ensemble. Empowered sword at his hip, dark clothing beneath the cape of black and red satin showing turned over his shoulders. Smile ghosted as he was proud of the new men to be knighted. A touch of Fae eye stalled Cara's way the moment with a bit more of a smile. Giving a slight nod to the others as they came in, including Morgan.

Cara was there at Calhoun's request, standing towards the back in a gown of deep blue green that set off her golden hair. A smile warmed in his direction before she curtsied quickly to the Crown Prince and Princess, then nodded to the others, getting out of the way.

Cole was ready as he could make himself for the knighting ceremony, exchanging his usual dusty black for stark, unrelieved grey that suited his darker features. His hair still had not been cut and occasionally fell into his eyes as he waited to be called by Peter, a nod greeting the ladies he knew, and politeness offered Andrew and Noirin, whom he knew of by name if not by sight.

Gabriel wore dark clothing as he knew that was the usual dress attire of the knights of Innis. He was a bit nervous as he entered due to a deep welling excitement. He gave a bow to all the royals respectfully before acknowledging others with eye contact and a lingering smile before taking a stand near Cole in wait.

Ian stood with a military proper posture, shoulders square, spine and neck ramrod straight. His hands were clasped loosely behind his back, feet shoulders width apart. Although his outward demeanor and expression were calm and respectful, inwardly, he shared a bit of Gabriel's nervousness. Clad in solid black from throat to heel, he stood next to Cole and Gabriel, and silently offered the proper salutations to those others gathered therein the office.

Lancely stood off to the side attired in the knightly duds, dark poet's shirt, pants and boots. Black cape with the Innis crest on the back and the sides turned over his shoulder showing the red satin beneath. He greeted each with eye contact and a brief nod before focus was back on Peter in wait of the ceremony.

Given her condition, Noirin was seated for the ceremony. She smiled at Andrew as he winked, then turned the same warm smile on each as they entered. She had observed the ceremony before but that in no way lessened what was about to take place now.

Michaela arrived in Cara's wake, coming stand beside her in the light of observing the knighting. She too curtseyed to Prince Andrew and Princess Noirin, a bit of a soft smile curling her lips in a look shared with Peter ere dark eyes touched upon each known to her. Certain as the ceremony was directly to begin, she kept to her place and watched with interest.

Facing all three knights, "Please kneel before me." Indicating the spot about two feet away from where he stood. Eyes lifting briefly to rest on Michaela needing not words in the brief connection. Smile touched.

At the King's command, Cole came forward to bow deeply, then kneeled where told, his head bowed in reverence for the ceremony's solemnity and honor.

Gabriel moved up to within the few feet distance to kneel before Peter at his command. Cole to his left and Ian to his right. His head also lowered in honor.

Summoned forth, Ian moved in unison with Cole and Gabriel, and knelt on the spot that Peter had indicated. As did the other two, he bowed his head in respect and reverence.

Once they were kneeling he approached Cole first being his would not be with the empowered sword but a well crafted one of the finest quality. The blade highly polished and shaped, silver-white, with an intricate handle sporting the O'Neill Crest. Something to be proud of in wearing and what it symbolized. A page brought the sword over to Peter that laid across his forearms over a piece of velvet. Peter took it up, holding it parallel in front of him "Cole, do you swear by your honor and your life to be faithful to the Crown of Innis and her sister lands? That you will serve me from this day forth as your King with fidelity to me and the Kingdom of Innis Daingneach first and foremost? To uphold justice, your word your honor, to show valor in combat to the best of your skills becoming a brother with all other knights and warriors under me and to follow the codes of old that has knighted many before you?"

"I do, Sire." He nodded as he spoke with quiet resolve, the dark eyes lifting to meet Peter's intently and without flinching.

Which had the touch of a smile before continuing. "I commit you into my service which is in the service of those of these lands and sister lands by your acceptance."  Lowering the sword's tip to touch flat upon his left shoulder then up and over his head from the left to the right before lifted up and away, "please rise Sir Cole Lachian of Innis Daingneach." Once risen the first page was back over to hand him a finely tooled leather sheathe to put on then the sword into its holder as another page came over to put on the cape, black weather resistant cloth with the crest of Innis and lined in red velvet. The lad folded the edges over Cole's shoulders before the last came with his shield, a finely polished brass finish layered over the metal with the crest of Innis embossed.

He stood calmly while he belted on the sword, then lowered enough to allow the page to fasten the cloak bearing the Innis crest before rising to accept the shield. With a bow, he took a step back, his part in the ceremony finished for the moment.

Andrew drew the sword from the intricately tooled worked sheath. Long gleam danced blue-white of a higher power that was about to be set to life; life given by connecting it with Gabriel as an extension. Bringing it over to hand to Peter so that he could do the knighting before stepping back off to the side.

Peter took it up the empowered sword to hold parallel in front of him as he turned to Gabriel. The words would be a little different for the difference in sword for him and Ian to be knighted with. "Gabriel, do you swear by your honor and your life to be faithful to the Crown of Innis and her sister lands? That you will serve me from this day forth as your King with fidelity to me and the Kingdom of Innis Daingneach first and foremost? To uphold justice, your word your honor, to show valor in combat to the best of your skills becoming a brother with all other knights and warriors under me and to follow the codes of old that has knighted many before you?"

"That I do Sire with my word and honor." His words ringing true as dark eyes lifted to set upon his King.

"Few receive one of the Hundred Swords of Heathfield. An alloy that is a combination of those here and those not of here, forged in the fires of these lands and each empowered through the master sword, by Andrew, until fitted to the life force of those chosen. The sword will then be set by Andrew to your hand and your hand only. It cannot be taken by another unless you allow it. The blade can cut through stone without dulling, it cannot be destroyed by normal means. The only way it will shatter is if the bearer tries to use it for selfish purposes or that of malicious, evil, intentions. Only then it will become as brittle as dried clay." Otherwise it was near invincible. "Do you, accept all that this sword entails?"

"Aye, Sire, with my heart, knowledge and the honor of the lands to wield it justly." Eyes holding fast as once more his words rang true.

"Gabriel Vaughn, I commit you into my service which is in the service of those of these lands and sister lands by your acceptance." Lowering the sword to touch upon his left shoulder, lifting up and over to touch the right next before moving it away, "please rise Sir Gabriel Vaughn of Innis Daingneach." Once risen the first page was over to hand him the finely tooled leather sheathe to put on. The sword being handed to Andrew from here. Another page came over to put on the cape, black weather resistant cloth with the crest of Innis and lined in red velvet. The lad folded the edges over his shoulders before the last came with his shield, a finely polished brass finish layered over the metal with the crest of Innis embossed. "Andrew will now set the sword to your hand."

Andrew indicated for Gabriel to step off to the side once receiving the sheathe, cape and shield as Peter got ready to knight Ian.

Gabe moved to where Andrew indicated and waited on him to set the sword to his hand.

"Know that each Sword is different with an energy all its own but the core always remaining with the Master Sword. If you leave these lands and service, the power drains out leaving it as any well made sword and nothing more.  You will find the powers it has to be individual to your hand as each is individual." He placed the hilt in Gabriel's right hand before covered over with both of his. His essence surrounded in a deeper peace set by the universe's song. A song that came in colors that leaped along the outline of his hands and fingers and danced along the blade until all turned to a blue-white then pure white.

He would feel the vibration with the blueprint of his life force added to that of the sword. "This sword belongs to you and you to the sword. It will come when you call, it will be the light to fill the darkness in the void." With the last of his words all light swallowed back down along the sword to the hilt as his hands left his before stepping back. "You shall  practice this sword with only those that have the same. They are not to be used in regular practice with others for the unfair advantage and possible harm. Always keep it on you so none happen upon it accidentally for it is not friendly to others unless allowed by you." A good shock usually kept one from it but if persistent it would burn their hand. "Congratulations Sir Gabriel."

He watched amazed, feeling a power of the likes he'd not even imagined before. Couldn't help the smile nor the awe as the sword was set. "Thank you your Majesty," bowing before Andrew as he sheathed the sword, his words committed to memory for the days to come. He move then to stand by Cole and watch Ian being knighted next.

Andrew drew another empowered sword from the intricately tooled worked sheath. Long gleam danced blue-white of a higher power that was about to be set to life; life given by connecting it with Ian as an extension. Bringing it over to hand to Peter so that he could do the knighting before stepping away.

Peter took it up the empowered sword to hold parallel in front of him as he turned to Ian. "Ian, do you swear by your honor and your life to be faithful to the Crown of Innis and her sister lands? That you will serve me from this day forth as your King with fidelity to me and the Kingdom of Innis Daingneach first and foremost? To uphold justice, your word your honor, to show valor in combat to the best of your skills becoming a brother with all other knights and warriors under me and to follow the codes of old that has knighted many before you?"

"My life in your service, Sire. I do," Ian replied solemnly. As he met Peter's gaze unflinchingly, his eyes burned intensely, proudly. This was not an honor casually conferred, and he was proud to be accounted among such

"Few receive one of the Hundred Swords of Heathfield. An alloy that is a combination of those here and those not of here, forged in the fires of these lands and each empowered through the master sword, by Andrew, until fitted to the life force of those chosen. The sword will then be set by Andrew to your hand and your hand only. It cannot be taken by another unless you allow it. The blade can cut through stone without dulling, it cannot be destroyed by normal means. The only way it will shatter is if the bearer tries to use it for selfish purposes or that of malicious, evil, intentions. Only then it will become as brittle as dried clay." Otherwise it was near invincible. "Do you, accept all that this sword entails?"

"Death before dishonor. My blood will stain this blade before I e'er sully it, my liege," Ian responded, that same pride that was reflected in his eyes was now couched in his tone of voice.

"Ian Waincross, I commit you into my service which is in the service of those of these lands and sister lands by your acceptance." Lowering the sword to touch upon his left shoulder, lifting up and over to touch the right next before moving it away, "please rise Sir Ian Waincross of Innis Daingneach." Once risen the first page was over to hand him the finely tooled leather sheathe for the sword once done. The sword being handed to Andrew from Peter. Another page came over to put on the cape, black weather resistant cloth with the crest of Innis and lined in red satin. The lad folded the edges over his shoulders before the last came with his shield, a finely polished brass finish layered over the metal with the crest of Innis embossed. "Andrew will now set the sword to your hand."

Andrew indicated for Ian to step off to the side once receiving the sheathe, cape and shield.

Accepting the finely crafted leather sheath from the page, Ian stepped to the side as directed, and faced Andrew.

"Know that each Sword is different with an energy all its own but the core always remaining with the Master Sword. If you leave these lands and service, the power drains out leaving it as any well made sword and nothing more. You will find the powers it has to be individual to your hand as each is individual." He placed the hilt in Ian's right hand before covered over with both of his. His essence surrounded in a deeper peace set by the universe's song. A song that came in colors that leaped along the outline of his hands and fingers and danced along the blade until all turned to a blue-white then pure white. Ian would feel the vibration with the blueprint of his life force added to that of the sword. "This sword belongs to you and you to the sword. It will come when you call, it will be the light to fill the darkness in the void." With the last of his words all light swallowed back down along the sword to the hilt as his hands left his before stepping back. "You shall practice this sword with only those that have the same. They are not to be used in regular practice with others for the unfair advantage and possible harm. Always keep it on you so none happens upon it accidentally for it is not friendly to others unless allowed by you." A good shock usually kept one from it but if persistent it would burn their hand. "Congratulations Sir Ian."

Were this not such an auspicious occasion, he'd have been grinning, beaming proudly from ear to ear like some addlepated loon. "Thank you, my lord," Ian replied reverently, the blade gratefully and appreciatively accepted. A respectful nod and bow accorded Andrew, Ian then backed away and moved to stand with Cole and Gabriel.

"I am honored to have these three fine men in my service as knights to the Crown of Innis Daingneach. Know that they were chosen for not only their proficiency in skill but in conduct also, living up to what makes a knight of the realms. Congratulations to each of you. Sir Cole, Sir Gabriel and Sir Ian."
