Grand Rapids

Canoe Race


To be Held
Thursday, July 27th, 9:30pm EST

CrystalGoldLake HF

All are Invited from Heathfield, Allies and Friends
Bring your own canoe or use one courtesy of Heathfield.

Hosted by Draven MacShire and Xander McDonough
No Pre-registration needed. Register the evening of the event



Grand Rapids River

Feeds into the Crystal Gold Lake. The beginning of the race is five miles up from the lake at an accessible spot where it has been cleared and canoe rentals available. The fee waived for this event for anyone entering the Canoe Race. The first mile consists of shallow waters and small spurts of fast moving waters and gradually into the churning turbulent waters.

There are tents set up, one for food and one for drink for those waiting at the lake where the Five Mile River flows into. Picnic grove with tables and swimming allowed along the sandy shore area down from the grove.




Fresh fish baked in the pit
Potato salad
fresh vegetables
Fruit salad
Potatoes baked in the pit
cold cooked ham, sliced for sandwiches
cold cooked turkey, sliced for sandwiches
sliced brown bread
various pies and cakes


Potcheen - both plain and flavored
raspberry, peach, strawberry and cherry
Potcheen Punch (milder)
Ale and Meade
Various Wines




For one and all finishing the race: A plaque with their name and event. A Purse of 100 gold along with a New Canoe loaded with Picnic Equipment such as a large basket filled with food, two bottles of wine, potcheen and goblets. Large picnic blanket, plates, utensils and linen napkins.

New Canoe loaded with Picnic Equipment such as a large basket filled with food, two bottles of wine, potcheen and goblets. Large picnic blanket, plates, utensils and linen napkins.

A large basket filled with food, two bottles of wine, potcheen and goblets. Large picnic blanket, plates, utensils and linen napkins.



~OOC Rules~

1d20 dice used. Each contestant in the contest rolls for placement with the 1d100. Roll of die is done before text entry of action/words so you know what is cast and can role play it accordingly. Be creative. Example text for dice //roll-dice1-sides20 (or 100) or use keyword: dice roller.

First Mile - 4+ to manage the normal flowing waters, less than you have run into too shallow waters or got stuck on a sandbar. A 1d10 use for a save, needing a 4+ to be successful.

Second Mile - 6+ to manage the faster flowing waters, less than you have run into the shore or got stuck on rocks. A 1d10 use for a save, needing a 5+ to be successful.

Third Mile - 8+ to manage the widening rapid waters, less than you have capsized, run into the shore or got stuck on rocks. A 1d10 use for a save, needing a 6+ to be successful.

Fourth Mile - 12+ to manage the turbulent waters, less than you have been capsized, or smashed against the rocks. A 1d10 use for a save, needing a 7+ to be successful.

Fifth Mile - 14+ to manage the turbulent waters, less than you have been pulled off course and down another rapid flowing vein with a waterfall dumping  you in a deep pool below.. A 1d10 use for a save, needing a 8+ to be successful. If successful, the rapids smooth out feeding into the Crystal Gold lake area. In the case of more than one making it to the end, winner will be determined by the highest rolled die. If they are equal then a roll off will commence of race into the Crystal Gold Lake's finish line until one rolls higher.

Note: If the dice required is not met and the save not met, then that person is out of the race.

IF no one completes the course then the one who made it the farthest will receive the second prize. The one second closet the third prize.

Good Luck!