Covering Heathfield, Ballicastle, Tyremoor,
Innis Daingneach, Kildare, Hedgebrier, surrounding areas and Allies.
Issue 04-07
((--Disclaimer: any pictures used of
actors/actresses is only for how that fictional character may look, no
claims made.--))
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```*+*``` Spring Has Sprung ```*+*``` Finally the much awaited season has arrived and one can tell by all of those outside. Sun is bright, breeze is warm, crocus blooming along with the daffodils. The Fountain in the Square had officially been turned on as one of the awaited signs of pushing winter out the door for good. Talks of carnivals, balls and socials have been buzzing about the lands. Land being tilled and planted. The first Robins spotted a few weeks ago and now the other summer birds are following. Geese circling lakes to find the perfect spot can be hard honking at various times of the day. Today, on the first of April, many pranks will be pulled on one another in good humor. Early morning finds the warriors, king's men and horsemen out on the practice field without shirts, a noticeable gathering of women become more common to watch that are allowed passes to this private field. The fields near the Spar Hall have also drawn their attention along with young boys and men that wish to aspire as guards or knights. The gathering of debris is a common sight to be burned in piles under a watchful eye, leaving the green grass beneath with air to breathe. This is the season of rebirth and nurturing for growth. New faces and old ones not seen for a while have surfaced to greet one and all. Stargazer night at Devonshires. A trivia and stein contest in honor of St. Patrick's Day was held in Devonshires at the Stargazer Inn. Edward McAndrews and his brother, Joseph were in attendance with Eddie being a judge of the steins. Also attending was Keriann Fraiser, Michael Saxton and Rayen. The trivia questions were about Ireland such as: What does "Cead Mile Failte" mean, and What is colcannon? The answers being a thousand welcomes, and potatoes and cabbage. The stein contest involved several magnificent beer steins. The one entered by Joe McAndrews was of silver and gold with black metal inlay. A griffon perched on top with wings up while four griffon heads with rings in their mouth decorated the sides. Joe received third place. All in all, it was a night of much laughter, a good night to greet old friends and make new ones. Ravenwood Carnival event: March 10th found several of the McAndrews brothers participating or watching a few events involving cherries at the Ravenshire's Spring Carnivale. Eddie took part in the cherry pit spitting, which involved eating a cherry and spitting the pit at one another. Going against 7 others, he lasted almost the entire game, taking aim at many a lovely lass's rear. Following that came Pass the Cherry, using only lips, with four of the brothers taking part: Liam, Joe, Eddie and Michael. Plenty of laughter ensued, especially when brother had to pass a cherry to brother. Liam was out in round one. Eddie got a little skittish when he had to take a cherry from Joe and dropped it. Joe's turn, the lass in line dropped hers, so he was force to pass the cherry to Michael. Michael then had to pass it to Tarro, the Minotaur. The mino was so shocked at having to face a male, that he tried to suck the cherry in without touching and failed. After the next failed, Michael and Joe had a face-off. Michael dropped his cherry, leaving Joe the Cherry passing champ. |
```*+*```+```*+*``` Featured Articles ```*+*```+```*+*``` |
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Touch Anise - The licorice flavored cough remedy. Anise sends down a long taproot. But its roots in the history of herbal healing are equally deep. Since the time of the pharaohs, the aromatic seed (actually fruits) of this small plant have had many uses. Its alluring fragrance made it one of the world's earliest perfumes and smelling salts. Ancient Greeks used it to prevent seizures. Today the popular herb is best known as a popular spice. And its rich taste of licorice is used to make candy. In fact, most licorice candies contain no licorice. They are flavored with anise. Its taste can also be detected in many commercially made cough syrups and lozenges. For |
some its flavor is even intoxicating. The Greeks, for example, are known to love their anise-based ouzo, the French their pastis. But anise's greatest potential in not found in the candy jar or liquor cabinet. It's found in the medicine chest. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, recommended the herb to clear mucus from the respiratory system. His contemporary, Theophrastus had a more romantic use for the herb. He wrote that anise, when kept by one's bed at night, brought sweet dreams with its sweet aroma. The Roman naturalist chewing fresh anise seed as a breath freshener and digestive aid after big meals. Early English herbalist John Gerard suggested anise for hicket (hiccups). It is also been prescribed as a milk promoter for nursing mothers and as a treatment for water retention, headache, asthma, bronchitis, insomnia, nausea, lice, infant colic, cholera. and even cancer. Women's Health: Anise also contains chemicals (dianethole and photoanethole) similar to the female sex hormone estrogen. Scientists suggest their presence probably accounts for the herb's traditional use as a milk promoter in nursing mothers. Anise has only mild estrogenic activity but it may help to relieve menopausal discomforts. Many herbalists recommend anise during pregnancy to treat morning sickness. The herb has never been associated with birth defects or miscarriage but the medical consensus is that pregnant women should stay clear of all drugs including medical doses of herbs. Men's Health: Female sex hormones similar to estrogen are used to treat some case of prostrate cancer. Of course by itself anise cannot treat this disease, but men taking hormone therapy for prostrate cancer should discuss anise's mild estrogenic action with their physician. Taking the herb in addition to standard medication can't hurt and it might help. Cautions: Estrogen and even herbs such as anise that have mild estrogenic activity may conceivably cause harm. Estrogen is an ingredient in birth control pills, so women whose physician advises her not to use the Pill should consult her doctor about anise's estrogenic activity before using medicinal quantities of the herb. Estrogen may contribute to migraine headaches and abnormal blood clotting and promote the development of certain types of breast tumors. The herb is generally regarded as safe although high doses of anise oil on the order of several teaspoons may cause nausea and vomiting. It should only be used in medicinal amounts only in consultation with your doctor. Anise and star anise should not be confused with Japanese anise (illicium landeolatum) which is poisonous. --Taken from The Healing Herbs by Michael Castleman |
Life Around Here I would like to begin this article by thanking everyone who has made me feel so welcome in the relatively short time since I've arrived in Heathfield. From the generosity of the monarchy to the cordiality of it's citizen's this is the most hospitable, most charitable, and most inviting locale that I've ever had the pleasure of visiting, and I've been to a great many places. My original purpose for coming to Heathfield was to look up my dear, sweet cousin, Cassandry Rose Saxton. Shortly after being reunited with her, I found that I had yet another relative in Heathfield, Cassie's younger sister, Jessamine. For those of you that do not know Jessamine, she is the lighthouse keeper. For those of you who do know her, you have my deepest, most sincere condolences. All right, I really didn't mean that; I just wanted to see if it would make it into print. With the consideration and assistance of Draven and Gerrard MacShire, I was able to assume the position of caretaker of the Heathfield Graveyard. Truth be told, the MacShires warned me that the graveyard manor was haunted, but I did not believe them. As it turned out, I should have, as there are at least four ghosts that actively haunt the manor. I would be most remiss at this point if I did not thank Malcolm Douglas and Abigail Frasier for their invaluable assistance in identifying the spirits by name and age. Out of respect for the dead, I shall refrain from divulging any personal information about the spirits at least until after they have been set to rest peacefully in the hereafter. In closing I would like to include an aside to Mattie and Pearl. It was the sculptress. --submitted by Michael Saxton Births: A daughter, Ciara Rose, was born on March 25th to Danny and Shiloh Frasier. Marriages: None this month. Engagements: None this month. Deaths: None this Month. Citizenship: Please welcome Rosalind Lancaster who has opened up the Silver Rose Shop, offering items made from precious metals and stones. |
Superstitions An old superstition said to wear something new on Easter. A new garment worn on this day would bring good luck through the coming year. The birds would punish those who wore old attire by dropping decorations on them from the air. The Easter Parade grew out of the old beliefs about dressing up in new clothing. This grand event provided a chance to be seen wearing the latest fashions and fads. The elegant ritual reinforced social hierarchies through conspicuous displays of wealth and taste. |
Easter has deep roots in the mythic past. Long before it was imported into the Christian tradition, the Spring festival honored the goddess Eostre or Eastre. The name is pronounced Easter. She was the ancient Anglo Saxon goddess of the dawn and the Vernal Equinox. Her name venerates the sun rising in the east. Easter Sunday sunrise services continue the sun-worship aspect of the holiday. The equinox is when the days begin growing into the long sunlight that will be Summer. This increase of daylight makes crops possible, hence the theme of fertility. The annual event in honor of Eastre celebrated new life and renewal. The superstition about wearing new clothes came later, but echoed the commemoration of the new. Eastre is in the lineage of Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of love and fertility. Other names for this archetype include Inanna, Aphrodite, Diana, Isis, Venus, Astarte, Demeter, Esther, and Freya. Freya is specifically honored on Good Friday, the day named for her. The Easter Bunny is a continuation of the reverence shown during the spring rites to the rabbit as a symbol of abundance. The honoring of such emblems of fertility extended to eggs. The egg serves as a representation of new life. It stands for the renewing power of nature and, by extension, agriculture. The egg can also symbolize regeneration in a spiritual or psychological sense. The ritual of coloring Easter eggs stems from the tradition of painting eggs in bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring. Hot cross buns have long been associated with Good Friday and Easter. They were originally cakes for the Queen of Heaven. The markings indicating the four phases of the moon. The crescent moon is a goddess emblem. It is sometimes seen as the horns of a bull or ox. The word bun is derives from the classical Greek for ox.
OTHER LIFE FORMS Nixies -- Guardians of freshwater pools and streams, nixies (also called naiads and nixes) are bound to the body of water in which they dwell. They are not commonly spotted alone and can be identified by the liquid continuously streaming from their hair and clothes as well as the greenish sheen of their skin. Nixies are amphibious and unlike mermaids, they have legs rather than a tail. Nixies love music and dancing. Look for instruments made from reeds, especially pipes, near the banks of streams. Unlike their merfolk cousins, they are very curious about land dwellers. They are bound to their body of water and much like treefolk may only venture a little way from their trees, can only venture a short distance from their pools. Therefore they rely |
on other faeries to bring them information. Occasionally nixies will lure a human into their pools, but they are usually more interested in company than in drowning their visitor. Like some merfolk, nixies have hair that is, in fact, external gill filaments that take in oxygen from the water as they swim. They have no fingernails or hair to speak of and their skin has a beautiful opalescent sheen to it much like the soft underbelly of a frog. Nixies have a translucent nictitating membrane that functions as a third eyelid and protects the eye while underwater. -- submitted by Kathleen Frasier - from Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide. Everyone should have one! |
April April 1st - April Fool's Day The derivation of the name (Latin Aprilis) is uncertain. The traditional etymology from the Latin aperire, "to open," in allusion to its being the season when trees and flowers begin to "open," is supported by comparison with the modern Greek use of ἁνοιξις (opening) for spring. Since most of the Roman months were named in honor of divinities, and as April was sacred to Venus, the Festum Veneris et Fortunae Virilis being held on the first day, it has been suggested that Aprilis was originally her month Aphrilis, from her Greek name Aphrodite (Aphros), or from the Etruscan name Apru. The Anglo-Saxons called April Oster-monath or Eostur-monath, the period sacred to Eostre or Ostara, the pagan Saxon goddess of spring, from whose name is derived the modern Easter. St George's day is the twenty-third of the month; and St Mark's Eve, with its superstition that the ghosts of those who are doomed to die within the year will be seen to pass into the church, falls on the twenty-fourth. (taken from Wikipedia) On a more church-oriented note, we find that the death and believed resurrection of Jesus the Christ is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox (20 March). Some Christians observe the entire Holy Week before Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday recalls Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem one week before his execution. Holy Monday is remembered as the day Jesus cleansed the temple by throwing out the traders and vendors. Holy Tuesday is when Jesus described the destruction of Jerusalem. Holy Wednesday (once called Spy Wednesday) recalls the day that Judas decided to betray Jesus for 30 silver pieces. Maundy Thursday holds the Last Supper in rememberance, in addition to Jesus' arrest. Maudy is derived from the Latin "mandatum", the commandment of God (Gospel of John 13:34-35). Some cultures have authorities wash their followers' feet in commemoration of this day. Good Friday honors the execution by crucifiction of Jesus Christ. Some believe that it is named 'good Friday' because of the good that His sacrifice would provide humanity with. Holy Saturday pinpoints the last day of the Lenten Fast as well as the last day of the Holy Week. Many Christians baptize with water their new followers on this day. And of course, Easter Sunday is the day which followers believe was Christ's resurrection from the grave. This was formally recognized by the Coucil of Nicea in 325 AD. And how can we neglect the pagan symbols that shadow the Christian's holy holiday, or visa versa? This same timeframe is honored by many as a fertility celebration. At the feast of Eostre, the Saxon fertility and spring goddess, for example, an ox was sacrificed. The ox's horns became a symbol for the feast. They were carved into the ritual bread. Thus originated "hot cross buns". The word "buns" is derived from the Saxon word "boun" which means "sacred ox." Later, the symbol of a symmetrical cross was used to decorate the buns; the cross represented the moon, the heavenly body associated with the goddess, and its four quarters. Many will also celebrate spring by holding a sunrise service, commemorating the moment in the year when the daylight is to exceed the length of nighttime. Many times, as Christians light candles in memory of their own God, pagans will light candles or bonfires to welcome the return of the sun god. (religious references paraphrased from --submitted by Cassie and Jessamine Saxton |
Written in Early Spring I
heard a thousand blended notes, --submitted by Sara Devonshire April The
sun was warm but the wind was chill.
--submitted by Tara Shawnesey
Spring When daisies pied, and violets blue, --submitted by Cassie Saxton |
It was a
Lover and his Lass IT
was a lover and his lass, --submitted by Sarah McDonough April Rain The April rain, the
April rain, --submitted by Kia Monahan A
Light Exists in Spring
light exists in spring
--submitted by Cassie Saxton |
Did You Know? Dowsing - In recent decades, dowsers have been working at many prehistoric sites around the world. In the process they have directed archeologists to a number of significant finds and opened a whole new chapter of earth mysteries. Many dowsers claim to be able to sense and map strange energy lines and grids that surround and even link prehistoric sites. Yet impossible for two reasons. Conventional science does not accept the validity of dowsing nor does it believe in the existence of bizarre energies in the earth. Since Roman times, dowsing has provided clues to the existence and location of water hidden beneath the earth's surface. Roman dowsers used a twisted loop of willow, known as lituus, as a dowsing rod. Throughout the centuries, dowsing has also been used to search for various metal ores and oil hidden beneath the ground. It is easy enough to test the accuracy of a metal or water dower simply by digging at the precise spot the dowser indicates. Prediction of the existence of water or minerals under the earth has none of the vagueness of a prediction concerning supposed presence of energy lines. In fact, many professional water-finders are so confident of their skill that they are even willing to work on a "no water, no pay" basis. Dowsers began to explore ancient sacred sites. They mapped clusterings of what they called 'water lines', which they believed were underground streams. Dowsers in other countries found similar water lines at other ancient sites. It has even been suggested that the whole layout of those ancient monuments is based on subterranean water. However, many dowsers claim to find more than water at prehistoric sacred sites. They claim to be able to detect and map lines of energy lying not only between individual stones at a site but even between entire sites. The idea that grids or networks of energy encircle the globe is an extension of this energy-line theory. Despite all the confusion, however, there is little doubt that the dowsers believe they are getting a reaction that indicates something at these sites. Results of scientific test would seem to bear out their beliefs. Some of the energies sensed at the stones appear to register as measurable physical forces on specialized scientific equipment. Why dowsers are able to respond to so many different types of earth energies is also a mystery. A number of intensive studies have been conducted by various scientists in an effort to understand more about dowsing. It has been suggested that dowsers exhibit an exaggerated sensitivity to tiny changes in natural radiation and ionization and magnetic electrostatic fields. But when response was tested it varied from one energy dowser to another and was rarely consistent. Physiologically the dowser has a very strong, almost uncontrollable physical response that is similar to the knee-jerk reflex. But the dowser's response would appear to involve both body and mind and dowsers themselves often claim that any energy, physical or psychic can affect this response. The dowsing response appears to be most effective at discovering precise changes and weakest at recognizing slow changes. Almost the only consistent feature of dowsers at work is a characteristic EEG (electroencephalograph) or brain wave pattern. Dowsers produce more of the brain waves associated with meditation or deep sleep. This may indicate that they are in touch with their environment on a deeper, subconscious level. Dowsing is sometimes claimed to be a way of relearning the kind of intuitive awareness of the landscape that animals appear to have. Dowsers have shown that something special is occurring at ancient sites, though just what that is, and whether ancient peoples were consciously aware of it, remain to be discovered. -- submitted by Samantha Golden (taken from the book Earth's Mysterious Places, Reader's Digest) |
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Kizzie's Advice
I've always been an opinionated person. Now, the great editors of the Gazette have given me a spot to rant or praise whatever I please or answer questions if they are given to me. I hope they don't regret this decision since my friends and loved ones have told me before that I am sort of a big mouthed whirlwind ( and there isn't anything wrong with it! ). I suppose I'll start off the new column by asking a question and hoping that I'll figure out an answer. How do the crones see everything? They know about every kiss, and very fight. Do they even see people dress and undress? If so, cover up carefully men, they are coming after you. I hope the crones are reading this, and I hope I get a response next month. Until then, Zei Gesund. |
1 C milk * 2 T yeast * 1/2 C sugar * 2 tsp. salt * 1/3 C butter, melted and cooled * 1 tsp. cinnamon * 1/2 tsp. nutmeg * 4 eggs * 5 C flour * 1 1/3 C currants or raisins * 1 egg white * Glaze : 1 1/3 C confectioner's sugar * 1 1/2 tsp. finely chopped lemon zest * 1/2 tsp. lemon extract * 1- 2 T milk In a small saucepan, heat milk to very warm, but not hot (110°F if using a candy thermometer). Fit an electric mixer with a dough hook. Pour warm milk in the bowl of mixer and sprinkle yeast over. Mix to dissolve and let sit for 5 minutes. With mixer running at low speed, add sugar, salt, butter, cinnamon, nutmeg and eggs. Gradually add flour, dough will be wet and sticky, and continue kneading with dough hook until smooth, about 5 minutes. Detach bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let the dough "rest" for 30-45 minutes. Return bowl to mixer and knead until smooth and elastic, for about 3 more minutes. Add currants or raisins and knead until well mixed. At this point, dough will still be fairly wet and sticky. Shape dough in a ball, place in a buttered dish, cover with plastic wrap and let rise overnight in the refrigerator (see note at right if you're in a hurry). Excess moisture will be absorbed by the morning. Let dough sit at room temperature for about a half-hour. Line a large baking pan (or pans) with parchment paper (you could also lightly grease a baking pan, but parchment works better). Divide dough into 24 equal pieces (in half, half again, etc., etc.). Shape each portion into a ball and place on baking sheet, about 1/2 inch apart. Cover with a clean kitchen towel and let rise in a warm, draft-free place until doubled in size, about 1 1/2 hours. In the meantime, pre-heat oven to 400° F. When buns have risen, take a sharp or serrated knife and carefully slash buns with a cross. Brush them with egg white and place in oven. Bake for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 350° F, then bake until golden brown, about 15 minutes more. Transfer to a wire rack. Whisk together glaze ingredients, and spoon over buns in a cross pattern. Serve warm, if possible (Hot Cross Buns). ( --submitted by Cassie Saxton ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` SIMNEL CAKE 175g/6oz light muscavado sugar *
175g/6oz butter, softened 175g/6oz self raising flour * 3 large
eggs * 25g/1oz ground almonds * 2 tbsp milk * 100g/4oz sultanas *
100g/4oz cherries, quartered, washed, and dried * 100g/4oz dried
apricots, snipped into small pieces * 100g/4oz stem ginger, finely
chopped Preheat oven 160C/320F/Gas 3.
Grease and line the base and sides of an 20cm/8in deep, round cake tin
with baking parchment. |
1 (3- to 31/2-lb) whole chicken * 2
(14-oz) cans low-sodium chicken broth (3 1/2 cups) * 1 cup soy sauce * 1
cup dark soy sauce* (see cooks' note, below) * 1 cup Chinese rice wine*
(preferably Shaoxing) or medium-dry Sherry * 1/4 cup coarsely crushed
yellow rock sugar* (2 oz) or 1/4 cup packed brown sugar Rinse chicken inside and out and pat dry. Combine remaining ingredients in a 4- to 6-quart heavy pot and bring to a boil. Add chicken, breast side down, and reduce heat to a simmer. (Chicken may not be completely covered with liquid.) Cook, covered, 15 minutes. Turn off heat and let chicken stand, covered, 30 minutes. Turn chicken over, then cover and let stand 15 minutes more. (Chicken will be cooked through.) Transfer chicken to a cutting board, reserving cooking liquid. Cut off drumsticks and thighs, then cut off wings, transferring pieces to a serving platter. (Chicken will release juices.) Separate breast (with rib cage) from back, discarding back. Using a cleaver or other sharp large heavy knife, cut breast against grain through bone into 1-inch-thick slices. Spoon some of warm poaching liquid over chicken and serve chicken warm, chilled, or at room temperature. Pour remaining poaching liquid through a sieve set into a bowl and serve additional poaching liquid as a sauce if desired, then reserve remaining liquid to use again. Accompaniment: cooked rice or noodles. Garnish: fresh cilantro leaves. Cooks' notes: Dark soy sauce gives a deeper color to this dish. If it's unavailable, additional regular soy sauce is an acceptable substitute. Chicken keeps, covered and chilled, 2 days. Leftover poaching liquid keeps, chilled, in an airtight container 1 week, or frozen 3 months. Thaw if necessary and bring to a boil before using. --submitted by Iwakura Sachiko
1/2 cup butter * 1 cup sugar * 4 eggs * 1/2 teaspoon strawberry flavoring or vanilla * 3-1/2 cups all-purpose flour * 4 teaspoons baking powder * 1 teaspoon salt * 1 cup milk * 1 cup chopped fresh or frozen strawberries * 1/2 cup chopped nuts * 1 recipe Powdered Sugar Glaze (see recipe below) (optional) Lightly grease two 9x5x3-inch loaf pans or three 8x4x2-inch loaf pans. Set aside. In a large bowl, beat sugar, butter, eggs, and strawberry flavoring or vanilla with electric mixer until well combined. In another bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, and salt. Add to egg mixture alternately with milk, beating until combined after each addition. With a spoon, stir in strawberries and nuts. Turn into prepared pans. Bake in a 350 degree F oven for 45 to 50 minutes for larger loaves, 30 to 35 minutes for smaller loaves, or until a toothpick inserted near the center of the bread comes out clean. Cool bread in pans on wire racks for 10 minutes. Remove from pans. Cool thoroughly on wire racks. Drizzle with Powdered Sugar Glaze, if you like. Makes 2 large or 3 medium loaves (24 servings). Powdered Sugar Glaze: In a small bowl, stir together 1 cup sifted powdered sugar and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla. Stir in enough milk (2 to 4 teaspoons) for a drizzling consistency. --submitted by Sarah McDonough QUICK MAPLE UPSIDE DOWN PUDDING 1 cup maple syrup * 2 tsp baking powder * 1 tablespoon butter or margarine * 1/4 tsp salt * 3 tablespoons brown (or maple) sugar * 1 cup sifted flour * 1 egg * 1/2 cup milk Heat maple syrup to boiling and pour into bottom of buttered baking dish. Cream shortening, add sugar, cream together until fluffy. Sift flour, baking powder, salt, and add alternately with milk in small amounts beating well. Pour batter into hot syrup and bake in hot (420°) oven for 25 minutes, turn upside-down onto serving plate, garnish with chopped nuts, whipped cream. Or serve like a puddling in bowls with nuts and plain cream to pour on it. --submitted by Downy Feather |
```*+*```+```*+*``` Classified ```*+*```+```*+*``` |
Job Finder Contact Draven MacShire for: Bounty Hunters, Chimney Sweeps. Cobbler store position available. Beauty Salon available. Chiropractor needed to set up shop. Consular needed. Martial Arts Instructor needed. Contact Malcolm Douglas for: Dentist needed to set up office. Another Bower needed. Barber shop available. Catering service shop available. Cigar Shop proprietor needed. Dance Instructor needed. Tattoo Parlor proprietor wanted. Wanted, Artist -- for children's books, contact Cassie Saxton. Thanks to Job finder: Esmeralda Gibson took over the Pet Shop located in the Heathfield Commons. Lorlei Barre opened up the Music Store. Any questions contact Draven MacShire or Malcolm Douglas. Thoughts for the Month The year's at the spring ~Robert Browning Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer. ~Geoffrey B. Charlesworth Toast: Here's to being single, drinking doubles and seeing triples. --submitted by Sara Devonshire ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` Advertisements Spring Scented and Hued Candles are specially priced to chase away the wintry blues with spring around the corner. Fill your home with these invigorating scents for a good uplift. Ask for Kathleen Frasier or Samantha Golden at the Candle Shop. Spring Bouquets: Carnations and Daises along with baby's breath at Lisette's Floral Shop. Wedding bouquets, anniversaries or any occasion. Long stem roses on special this month. Benzaiten Imports receives new shipments weekly. Hours are from 9:00 am to dusk. We are located in the warehouse district. Owners: Alexander McDonough and Garath MacShire. The Needle and Spool Clothier: Spring is knocking at the doors and it is time lighter clothing soon. Imported fabrics have been acquired for the balls and dances. From a silk gown to a linen tailored suit. Any pre-made clothing for Spring will be on sale with half off the asked price. The BookStop: It's time for spring planting. Stop on by to get Almanac pamphlets. Gardening books are half price. Heathfield Orphanage: Gifts, food, spring clothing and monetary offerings are greatly appreciated. Books in good shape are needed. Inquire with Henna Barrett Suex with any questions. McKnight Veterinary Clinic is now open at the McKnight estate in Heathfield. Donovan McKnight, DVM, and Katherine McKnight. We are trained in the treatment and care of all domestic and most exotic animals. The estates are located just outside of Heathfield near Barrington Hospital. Free check up of your pet for the first visit to get acquainted. Emergency service. Certain Somethings Shop. Special this month: Spring hats. Our items are made by artisans from the Realms and we also carry imported items.
Herbal Delights, located in Barrington Hospital,
has teas and tinctures available to fight off all manner of ailments.
Hours are from 9:00 am to dusk, with special openings as needed.
Sweet and Sassy Candy Shop, located just off the marketplace is having specials on caramel, coconut cream and peanut butter filled Easter eggs. Leather Shop Special for the month of April: All winter items on sale. Now taking orders for custom made saddles. Deli Delights - If you are hungry in the middle of the day for fresh bread, meats and Jewish cuisine, come down to Heathfield's newest places to dine. If you mention seeing the ad in the Gazette, you get a free dessert! Butcher Shop - Fresh cut meats available for all your dinners. Get that Easter ham at a special price. Open from Monday to Saturday from 9am til dusk. Ceol m'anama (Music is my soul) Music shop is now open. Carrying musical instruments, sheet music and more. Special opening prices on all items. Sheet music half off. Hours from nine until five. Owner - Lorelei Barre. Blue Marlin Inn and Tavern is having its grand opening all this week. Pence ales and all you can eat of meat, bread and cheese. Rooms at special rates for overnight stays. Marlana Cherill proprietor. ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` |
And Found Found: One woman's earring, dangling. Gold with garnets. Very sharp. Found in a room at the Thistle. Leave a message with Alex for Joseph McAndrews. ??? Question Corner ??? 1. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fie; after saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? 2. How would you react if you were to learn that your mate had had a lover of the same sex before you knew each other? If you would like to reply and have it published in next month's issue, please submit the question with your answer to Lahoneee. Monthly Horoscope Aries (March 20 - April 21) -- By now you've recognized that you must think with precision, but the necessity to act with precision builds with each passing day. Indeed, the current process of your life may be developing toward one specific instance of knowledge, decision and directed movement. You can be certain of two things. One is that the openings are there. Certain people will be revealing themselves as unexpectedly influential in the role of what might be called gatekeeper, enough to completely change what seems to be the outer climate of your life. Second, you will have the strength of both will and endurance to make what can be reasonably called the last of many decisions of a major growth cycle. People feel different, and not just to you -- within themselves, they know it, and you appear to them as someone who has long known something they simply missed. Don't let this go to your head. Their old fears were honest. Now you can get together and agree that there's much more to life. -- submitted by Velvet MacShire See Planet Waves for other months. Where To Find It - Services Offered Want to better your business? Place a listing here!
Flowers -
Lisette McTiel Frasier, Heathfield Commons.
Jon McAndrews Lumber Mill, Ballicastle.
Wines - Mike McAndrews Vineyards, Heathfield; Darren McCullen Vineyards, Ballicastle. Leather, Beef, Horses - Maurice, Joseph and Rory McDonough, McDonough Ranch Heathfield. Wool, Yarn & Cloth - McCormick Sheep Ranch, Heathfield. Cider, Flour, Grains, Apples, Milk, Eggs, Vegetables - Draven MacShire, Ravanna of Heathfield. Potcheen - Sean DeBurgh, Rhett Shawnesey, Dunshire of Heathfield. Baked Goods - Teri's Sweets Shoppe, Ballicastle. Shipping, Trips by Sea - Rhett Shawnesey, Dunshire, or Bovee Shipping, Heathfield. Kennels - Meadowland Kennels, Patrick and Edward McAndrews, Ballicastle. Pottery - Devon DeWinter, Heathfield. Shipwrights - Collin McAndrews and Thomas Douglas, Heathfield Port.
Imports -
Xandar McDonough and Garath MacShire, Heathfield Port.
Linen and Lingerie -
Marcy McGuire, Heathfield Commons.
Candles and Crystals -
Kathleen Cleary Frasier and Samantha Golden, Heathfield Commons.
Tea House -
Iwakura Sachiko, Heathfield Commons.
Clothing -
Seamstress -
Acacia Sterling, Heathfield Commons.
Fortune Teller -
Nataliya Andree, Heathfield Commons.
Hospital -
Gates Barrington, Sara Devonshire, Heathfield.
Clocks -
Aleric and Niklas Traugott, Heathfield Commons.
Horse Shoeing, Swords, Daggers -
Lochlan Kearney, Ballicastle; Brian McAndrews,
Heathfield Commons.
and Sheaths -
Moncha McAndrews, Heathfield Commons.
Surveyor -
Robert Frasier, Ballicastle.
Herbs Shop -
Sara Devonshire, Barrington Hospital Lobby.
Book Shop
- Mariah
McCormick, Heathfield Commons.
Orphanage -
Henna Barrett Suex, Heathfield.
Archeologist -
Kitavari Griffin, Heathfield.
Apothecary -
Sinead NiAhearne Frasier and Aislin NiFaelen,
Ores -
Joseph McAndrews, Ballicastle.
Smelter -
Eddie McAndrews, Ballicastle.
Private Investigators
- Joseph McDonough, Jacob Anderson, Mercy
LaCorte and Clark Davis, Heathfield.
Furniture -
Sean MacGrath.
Veterinarians -
Donovan and Katherine McKnight.
Frasier Signs -
Kyle Frasier, Heathfield Commons and
Sweet and Sassy Candy
Carienn and Corina Turlough, Heathfield
Certain Somethings Shop -
Sorcha Beirne, Heathfield Commons.
Leather Goods:
Strawberries and
Grains: Sagewood Farms run by Keefe
Dairy Products:
NorthStar Dairy run by Allan Cleary
Glass Maker:
Isolde Fitzpatrick, Heathfield Commons
Blue Marlin Inn and
Tavern: Marlana Cherill Proprietor,
Barrett's Bay
Ceol m'anama (Music is
my soul) Music Shop: Lorelei Barre,
Heathfield Commons
Many thanks to those who contribute to this newspaper. Any additions, corrections or wishing to run an ad please contact Lahoneee. |
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from the Wharf All gossip that comes in through the port, and places least expected, you can be sure that Matty and Pearl know every little tidbit and then some added. Embellishing is a way of life to make the tale far more colorful. If something is not certain nor clear, it is easy to fill in those gaps; there is nothing like assuming. They will make sure all gossip gets around come rain or shine and the sharing of a tea biscuit. There is a place for Drama Queens. |
**The Lighthouse Mistress has fallen completely silent, and even our lookout has said things have been pretty quiet around the cliffs. However, we heard from our cousin's daughter's friend's beau that someone told him that they saw the silhouette of a man moving around in the house late one night. Is our dear Mistress holding out on us? Or perhaps has taken up cross-dressing? **Ghosts seem to be arriving more frequently than actual people, and we're beginning to wonder if it is our curse for always running after men. Pearl suggested that we run after the ghosts and see if we meet more men. Pearl's been giggling again. **Everyone's favorite Scottish Captain seems to have attracted the attention of yet another female! Captain Nemo popularity is growing but can anyone land the sea captain? He seems firm in staying single and avoiding entanglements of the fairer gender. Perhaps he prefers fair winds to the storms of women's wiles. We've also learned he likes getting into brawls and now bringing in others that he's accepted as family. They're going to be getting a nicknames soon like Nemo's Whammy and the Gravetaker's Planter. **As Pearl was innocently scooping out the theater and its new inhabitants, she happened to catch sight of a cloaked figure snooping around the outside of it, as well, and then, it vanished inside. Do Pearl and I have competition in our prowling or is it just one of the tell-tale ghosts that lurk around? We are finding they are harder to follow, disappearing like that but we're determined. **Speaking of the four new males about the theater, maybe we should look into getting some Spanish Fly. Never underestimate the wiles of the Crones as we hit desperate. After all we hear they are from Spain. Pearl is really giggling now so it must be a good idea. We might experiment on the Russian first that hangs around with the Troupe. Rumor has it he is looking and well, we're looking, been looking, he would never lack for food. **Whose idea was it to begin dueling without a sword, and why did no one tell either of us that this kind of fighting existed here in Heathfield!? If there are no fatalities - well, even if there are - we might just have to give it a try ourselves! We've tongues that waggle well, proven over the years. We want a dueling match! **Le-sigh, we've noticed yet another female to enter the realms, competition is mounting but we'll find a way to overcome beauty, wit, gracefulness, talent, appeasing figures. I'm voluptuous, you get three rolled into one. Pearl is on the straight board skinny side but that can be overlooked? **Romance is in the air as one couple we've been watching started out with a haunted dinner. Dinner for two ended up being a family affair with extra guests not invited. Unseen too. They give a twist on the old adage of children should be seen and not heard. They are not seen but make their presence known. Both Pearl and I got the shivers and jitters just being around that graveyard manor. Something is just not right about that place nor the graveyard itself we had to run through. Well, running is not quite with speed and Pearl nearly fell in a newly dug hole. **We've been keeping track of one blond Adonis who seems to favor the library still. Not that Pearl and I can read all that well but we might start hanging around the shelves of books and put on a good pretense. We're very good at pretenses, makes up for our lack in other areas provided we can get a man to look beyond the physical and see the real beauty. We haven't figured that one out yet but we will. We've still got our eye on that one time two timer that seems to be buddies with quite a few. Maybe we can bribe her with food? **The Milkman has gotten his cows, will the potter become the Milkmaid anytime soon? **Snooping around has its benefits as Pearl near fainted with the same sight that had me swooning seeing Woodsman making use of the hot springs down behind the Celtic Garden. We took a back way for our presence seems to set those little balls of light all a flitter. One flew up Pearl's nose causing her to sneeze uncontrollably and near got us caught. Ah, to have been the governess that day. We can dream. Anything can happen in dreams. **The Sign maker still hasn't chosen a date to accompany his brother and his potter with. We've written at least a hundred little notes hinting of our availability and love of eating that we sent out today. He should find his shop filled with those little reminders every where he looks. Even in the latrine. That was Pearl's idea. She's giggling again. **Speaking of food, we found there is a bun in the oven that will be done in about seven months. At first the incident that night in the castle had everyone wondering if the lady was going to jump to escape her husband. We should think on a gift to send one of our former favorite males to talk about. A baby-size wingback chair with an impressionable cushion. Where one horseman, least expected, is setting up house another is back to available. We'll see what we can do for him, maybe make him infamous here in the least. We're updating our list of available males and might start bartering copies off for food items. The old one has too many crossed off and just as many written in the margins. **Pearl and I heard a ruckus in the Thistle and of course we had to investigate. We found three of the McAndrew princes drinking and enjoying themselves, with much talk of wicks, snakes and mistresses. The One Timer was spotted window peeking came in and somehow managed to avoid being enticed to decorate a lap of two. Me and Pearl were considering going in to volunteer when first one, then two and three left to sleep off their celebration of spring. Maybe we'll be able to catch them come summer. **With the return of spring, the Egyptians have emerged from their hibernation. First the tall, dark and handsome single one, then the youngest and her too handsome guard. He had a new lass drooling over him, yet didn't seem to affected. The youngest was too busy watching him to notice. Wonder if the men are like the Scottish and what they don't wear under their kilts. Anyone brave enough to peek? **Will the Deli lass take up with the Gauntlet man or just dueling tongues suffice? Will the Tyremoor Lord finally fall for a certain Lady in Waiting? Has she been waiting for the right one to come along and he be it? What of the warrior lass snooping around an abandoned manor in the Kildare Forests? Is she looking for a man or beast? Has the younger clockmaker met an angel that will take him to a heaven on earth? Has the candymaker lass become taken with the exotic male more than chocolate covered cherries? We're still wondering on a few. With spring here some should bloom more. |
WANTED 500 Gold Pieces Offered on Black Doom ... Dead or alive. Crimes: Murder, Plundering and pillaging innocents, Thievery, Arson, Kidnapping, and Rape. Slavery. Reward is high for any who brings this scoundrel to justice |