Covering Heathfield, Ballicastle, Tyremoor,
Innis Daingneach, Kildare, Hedgebrier, surrounding areas and Allies.
Issue 06-07
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```*+*```Douglas Wedding```*+*``` On May 19th, in the early afternoon Thomas Keegan Douglas, son of Duke Trevellyn Douglas, and Serafina Rosletta Annette Lorenzo were united in marriage by King Chadwick McAndrews. Malcolm Douglas, brother of the groom and Francesca Lorenzo were best man and maid of honor. Alexander and Ailish Douglas, children of Malcolm served as ring bearer and flower girl. In attendance with the Duke were his sons and their spouses or guests. Queen Danielle McAndrews and her three older sons, the McAndrews sons and their spouses or guests along with the Dowager Queen Mary Ann McAndrews. Also in attendance were the Brothers Sibio who provided a wonderful meal following the wedding. After the reception, the happy couple left on their honeymoon. They plan to travel to the ancestral homeland of the Douglas Clan, as well as the island of Sicily. Our best wishes to the happy couple as they begin their married life together. --submitted by Francesca Marie Riccio ```*+*```Castle Events```*+*``` Boar Hunt: On the eve of May 21, at the gracious invitation of Their Royal Majesties of Solurius, was held a boar hunt in their lands. The invitation, extended to Heathfield and her allied castles, was accepted by the Princess Elaina O'Neill, accompanied by Lady Georgette O'Shey and Michaela de Benoit, all who took part in the game of shooting three arrows at the boars scattered nigh through the forest. Princess Elaina took her shots and with a fine eye, skewered a boar to be showered with glory, for the boar she shot carried a pouch of gold on her third try! Well done, Princess Elaina! Lady Georgette, known as Ette to her friends, took her tries next. Though she grazed one of the boars, it was the pixie of the Solurius woods and the trees that felt the bite of her arrows. Best of luck next time, Lady Georgette! Michaela stepped forward as the third of Heathfield's representatives and not only hit the pixie, and the woods, but was sent sprawling by an injured boar. She was uninjured but quickly retired the field to repair the damage done from the muck, followed shortly by the Princess and the Lady Georgette. Others who attended triumphed or suffered equal fates, but it was clear a good time was enjoyed by all who attended. The ladies extend their thanks to King Byron and Queen Caillean for a fun hunt and a fine evening out. -- submitted by Michaela deBenoit |
```*+*```+```*+*``` Featured Articles ```*+*```+```*+*``` |
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Touch Balm - Bees love this fragrant herb, which explains its generic name, melissa - Greek for Bee. Balm is also a honey of a healer. It was popular among herbalists for some 2000 years and is still sweet news for today's herbal enthusiasts. The ancient Greek physician Dioscorides applied balm leaves to skin wounds and added the herb to wine to treat a variety of illnesses. The Roman nauralist Pliny recommended it to stop bleeding. During the 10th century, Arab doctors recommended balm for nervousness and anxiety. The great 11th century Arab physician Avicenna wrote, "Balm causeth the mind and heart to become merry." |
Melissa water, or Eau de Melisse, became so popular as a tranquilizer and sedative that Charlemagne ordered the herb grown in all the physic gardens in his realm to guarantee an adequate supply. European herbalists greatly expanded on balm's earlier uses, prescribing it for just about everything: insomnia, arthritis, headache, toothache, sores, digestive problems, menstrual cramps and as a menstruation promoter -- so many aliments, in fact, that balm became know as a cure-all. Healing with Balm: Contemporary herbalists tout balm's traditional uses: It's still used to induce sweat and menstruation and is recommended to treat headache, flatulence, hypertension, stress, bronchitis, indigestion, asthma and infant colic. Modern science has not supported all of balm's traditional uses -- it has abandoned the notion that balm is a stimulant and Culpeper was off base by saying it "opens obstructions in the brain." But studies show this herb may have even greater healing potential. Wound Treatment: Score one for Dioscorides. Balm contains chemicals (polyphenols) that may help fight several infection causing bacteria, among them Streptococci and mycobacteria. Balm also contains eugenol, an anesthetic that my well help relieve wound pain. Herpes and other Viral Infections: Balm helps fight mumps, herpes and other viruses. American pharmaceutical companies have ignored balm's possible antiviral action but Europeans have not. In Germany where herbal medicine is more mainstream, balm extract is an active ingredient in Lomaherpan Creme, an ointment used to treat cold sores and genital herpes. A Natural Tranquilizer: Researchers have discovered that balm oil - the source of the plant's pleasant fragrance - may have tranquilizing properties, supporting the herb's traditional use as a relaxant. In Germany, balm is widely used as a tranquilizer and sedative. Digestive Aid: German researchers have discovered that balm relaxes the smooth muscle tissue of the digestive tract, thus supporting its age old use as a digestive aid. Women's Health: Herbs that relax the digestive tract may also calm another smooth muscle, the uterus. This potential effect could help support balm's traditional use in treating menstrual cramps. However, balm has also been historically recommended as a uterine stimulant to promote menstruation. No contemporary research clarifies this confusing situation. For this reason, pregnant women should not use it. Other women might try it to begin menstruation. Rx for Balm: For a relaxing bath, tie a handful of balm in a cloth and run your bathwater over it. In addition to feeling its tranquil effect, you'll love its lemony aroma. To help treat wounds, make a hot compress using 2 teaspoons of leaves per cup of water. Boil 10 minutes, strain, and apply with a clean cloth. For a light lemony tasting infusion, which may help soothe the stomach, fight infection or ease menstrual pain, use 2 teaspoons of leaves per cup of water. Steep 10 to 20 minutes. Drink up to 3 cups a day. In a tincture use 1/2 to 1 1/2 teaspoons up to three times a day. When using commercial preparations, follow package instructions. Medicinal infusions or tinctures of balm should not be given to children under age 2. For older children and people over 65, start with low strength preparations and increase strength if necessary. The Safety Factor: Two recent studies show that balm interferes with the thyroid stimulating hormone, thyrotropin. There are no reports of this herb causing thyroid problems but anyone with a thyroid condition should discuss balm's thyrotropin inhibiting effect with a physician before using it. Balm is on the Food and Drug Administration's list of herbs generally regarded as safe. The medical reports contain no reports of toxicity. For otherwise healthy, nonpregnant, nonnursing adults who do not have thyroid conditions, balm is considered safe in amounts typically recommended. Balm should be used in medicinal amounts only in consultation with your doctor. If it causes minor discomfort, such as stomach upset or diarrhea, take less or stop using it. Let your doctor know if you experience any unpleasant effects or if the symptoms for which the herb is being used do not improve significantly in two weeks. Growing Balm: Balm is a branching, erect perennial that grows to 2 feet. It has the mint family's characteristic square stems and small, two-lipped, white or yellow flowers which bloom in bunches throughout the summer. The aboveground parts die back each winter but the root is perennial. Balm grows easily from seeds sown in spring or from cuttings of root divisions. Seeds germinate indoors or out and often do best when left uncovered. Simply keep them moist. Germination typically takes three to four weeks. Balm likes well drained soil with a pH near neutral. Thin seedlings to 1 foot spacing. The herb prefers partial shade. It wilts in full sun and loses some aroma. For medicinal use, the leaves should be harvested before the plant flowers. Cut the entire plant a few inches above the ground. Dry it quickly or the leaves may turn black. Balm loses much of its fragrance when dried. After drying, powder the leaves then store them in tightly sealed opaque containers to preserve the volatile oil. --Taken from The Healing Herbs by Michael Castleman |
Life Around Here The month of June, believed named for Juno the wife of Jupiter, king of the Greek Pantheon, is well come to Heathfield and the surrounding lands. The breath of summer comes gently on winds scented by early roses and sun-warmed earth from the farms tended by hands that treasure the lands for the bounty they reap. The sparkling waters of lakes and rivers present fine invitations to take a moment to cool from the deepening heat and enjoy the sweet leisure times of summer while birds and children take to the air with songs and chatter. It is a crown of a month, thought to bring luck to brides in fruitful, happy marriages. The best time of the year, believed of many, as sweet berries ripen on their plants to be plucked for eating and brought home to waiting mamas like bright jewels. Nigh perfect a time, for it's neither too warm nor too cool, the people savor the colors, the scents, the tastes of the days and welcome the nights as sun goes down and moon comes up. A very romantic time is June, meant to be enjoyed by all... for as Spring ripens to Summer, love may yet be in the air. --submitted by Michaela deBenoit. Births: None this month. Marriages: Congratulations to Thomas Douglas and Serafina Lorenzo, married May 19th. Engagements: Allan Cleary announces his engagement to Devon Winters. A late summer wedding is planned, but no official date has been set. Deaths: None this Month. Citizenship: Please welcome Michaela de Benoit, Matthew Clarendon, Viola Clarendon and Paris Moore. |
Superstitions A swarm of Bees in May is worth a load of hay. A swarm of bees in June is worth a silver spoon. A swarm of bees in July is not worth a fly. Weather Lore: Clear moon, frost soon. Cloudy mornings turn to clear afternoons. Evening red and morning gray help the traveler on his way. Evening gray and morning red bring down rain upon his head. Good weather all week, but come the weekend the weather stinks. |
Halo around the moon, rain soon. Halo around the sun or moon, rain or snow soon. If you see the underside of the leaves in the gentle breeze, it will rain before you sneeze. Mare's tails and mackerel scales make tall ships take in their sails. No weather is ill when the wind is still. Pale moon doth rain, Red moon doth blow, White moon doth neither rain nor snow. Red skies at night sailor's delight, Red skies at morning, sailors take warning. See Matthew 16:2. Smoke curling downward, poor weather. Waning Moon plant biennials, perennials, bulb and root crops. Waxing Moon, plant annuals that produce their yield above ground. When a cow endeavors to scratch its ear, it means a rain shower is near. When he thumps his ribs with an angry tail, look out for thunder, lightning and hail. When the stars begin to huddle, the earth will soon become a puddle. When your joints all start to ache, rainy weather is at stake. |
OTHER LIFE FORMS Dwarves -- Dwarves are a diminutive race of faeries that live in mountains and deep forests. Since they are primarily subterranean by nature, most avoid bright light (including sunlight), and some are even nocturnal. Many have white beards, although black beards have also been recorded. Much of their clothing is drab and earthen in color. Young dwarves have a harsh, stone-like appearance that supports the theory they are carved from rock rather than born. As dwarves become older, their skin becomes finer and more polished, sometimes resembling marble. Dwarves can shift form to become a tree stump or stone, but if you look closely, you may be able to see their features in the wood or rock. While the elves appear to behave like the aristocracy of faerie, idling away their days, dwarves are hard workers with strength far greater than their size. Like elves, however, they value bravery and loyalty and will punish those that ridicule or trick them. Mountain climbers will sometimes find rings or other odd items along ledges or in shallow caves. They may also occasionally hear the clanging of these eternal laborers. Master craftsmen, dwarves can forge any metal and make fine weapons that will never lose their sharpness. Because they lead very long lives, the death of other, less enduring things is a continuous source of sadness an many of their creations are an attempt to improve on nature. -- submitted by Kathleen Frasier - from Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide. Everyone should have one! |
June According to the Georgian calendar, which is used over most of the world today, June is the sixth month. On the Roman calendar, it was considered the fourth month and had only 29 days. Julius Ceasar gave the month 30 days in 46 B.C., when he reformed the Roman calendar. Spring ends and summer begins around June 20, 21, or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere. It's the time that the flowers are beautiful. It is especially the month for roses. In the Southern hemisphere, winter begins during June, and it brings cold, rainy weather to this part of the world. It is also time for the June Bug to emerge. The June Bug also known as June beetle, is the name for several large beetles seen in the United States during May and June. They are usually seen at night, when the light attracts them. June bugs eat the young leaves of trees and plants. They deposit their eggs in the ground. The young larvae bury themselves in the soil in the autumn and stay there two years. They then come out in May or June as adult beetles. |
Invictus Out of the night that covers me, --submitted by Paris Moore The Shipfitter's Wife I loved him most --submitted by Marcy McGuire ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` |
Untitled Roses are red, --submitted by Lei McAndrews Sunset Rain Rain sweet, summer
storm --submitted by Lei McAndrews ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` Time and Again Time and again, however well we know
the landscape of love, --submitted by Marcy McGuire ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` |
Did You Know? Temples of Dreams - One of the special powers of sacred places is their alleged ability to open the mind to waking visions and vivid dreams. Since ancient times, people have slept at sacred places in order to heal diseases, learn divination, or make contact with spirits. In the Shinto Temple of USA in Kyushi, ancient Japanese emperors would often sleep on a special polished stone bed, the kamudoko, in order to dream answers to problems of state. In India sleeping in temples to inspire dreams was a common practice and is still carried on to some extent today. Even in the Bible, dreams were linked with certain structures -- Jacob reportedly dreamt of angels on a heavenly ladder as he slept with his head on a stone (Genesis 30:11-12). He built a temple at the site called Bethel. Water is often associated with sacred sleep. Among the Celts of Britain, seers would wrap themselves in animal skins and lie near holy pools or waterfalls in order to have visionary dreams. In ancient Greece there were 320 documented dream temples, or Asclepions, all of which had sacred springs. Water played an important part in the purification procedures that were followed at these ancient dream temples. The Greek dream temples were dedicated to the god of healing, Asclepius, who according to local legend was taught by the centaur Chiron to use a serpent to locate medicinal herbs and plants. The serpent, usually coiled around a rod, became one of the symbols associated with Asclepius. Since the Greeks believed that Asclepius effected cures or prescribed remedies in dreams, the practice of sleeping in temples dedicated to him became common. Therapeutic sleep, or dream incubation, took place at the Asclepions, many of which are near mineral springs. Typically a sick person would stay for a period at an Asclepion, making offerings and undergoing various purifications, such as bathing in, and drinking copious amounts of the temple's sacred waters. Then the patient would fall asleep in a specialized cell called an abaton, hoping to dream of Asclepius or one of his symbols. Afterwards, a helper or therapeute -- the word from which our term therapy derives, would assist the sufferer in analyzing the dream. The dream had to be interpreted to find out what cure was indicated. In some cases, the very act of dreaming at a temple had a healing effect. -- submitted by Samantha Golden (taken from the book Earth's Mysterious Places, Reader's Digest) |
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Kizzie's Advice
Dear Kizzie, I have four brothers and am the youngest. Being the only girl, I get teased constantly from being too small to not having a boyfriend to being married off to some old nasty. How can I get them to stop teasing or should I just go after them tooth and nail? -- Sincerely, Fed Up. |
Dear Fed Up, I was born an only child in my family, which is highly unusual in a Jewish home. However, it didn't allow me to escape from the teasing of the eldest children of the community, or even the children of my extended family. I've been called some nasty names, and I've been playfully teased. Honestly, I believe your family is just teasing in good spirit. That doesn't excuse them though. I feel the best remedy for this situation is to tease back. I'm sure they have some embarrassing secrets that would shut them up quickly. So, Fed up, just smile. -- Kizzie |
1 pound frozen phyllo sheets * 1 cup melted butter * 2 cups finely chopped walnuts or blanched almonds * 1/2 cup sugar * 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon * 3/4 cup sugar * 3/4 cup honey * 1 cup water * 1 tablespoon lemon juice Thaw phyllo pastry and separate sheets according to package directions. Keep pastry not being used covered with clean damp dish towel to keep it from drying out. Place half of pastry sheets in a greased 15x10x1-inch baking pan, one by one, brushing each sheet quickly and all over with melted butter. Combine nuts, 1/2 cup sugar, and cinnamon; sprinkle over buttered pastry. Place remaining sheets on top, brushing each with melted butter. Cut baklava pastry into 2-inch diamonds. Bake at 400° until brown and crisp, about 30 to 35 minutes. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, combine remaining 3/4 cup sugar, honey, 1 cup water, and lemon juice; bring to a boil. Boil baklava syrup for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until syrupy. --submitted by Paris Moore ```*+*```*+*```*+*```
Cucumber Salad Vinaigrette
1 English cucumber (also called hothouse), peeled and sliced into 1/4" circles * 3 small Roma tomatoes, sliced into 1/4" circles * Salt * Freshly ground black pepper * 2 tbsp dried basil or 6 fresh basil leaves cut in chiffonade style (thin ribbons) * 2 tbsp dried oregano * 2 tbsp parsley or 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley * 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil * 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar * Onions may be added if desired Line an ungreased 9x13 pan with cucumber and tomato slices. Sprinkle salt and grind pepper liberally, then sprinkle the herbs over the slices. Lightly cover the slices first with the olive oil, then the balsamic vinegar. Cover and keep cold until time to serve, preferably 2-3 hours to allow the flavours to penetrate the cucumbers and tomatoes. Serve on chilled plates. Can be stored for up to 3 days. --submitted Rosalind Clarendon ```*+*```*+*```*+*```
Muffuletta Sandwich
1/2 cup chopped green olives * 1/2 cup chopped black olives * 1/3 cup chopped kalamata olives * 1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley * 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro * 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil * 1 Tbsp. minced garlic * 1/4 tsp. pepper * 6 hoagie buns, split * 1 lb. thinly sliced cooked ham * 1/2 lb. sliced Swiss cheese * 1/2 lb. sliced Provolone cheese * 3 tomatoes, sliced You can make the olive mixture ahead of time and keep it in the fridge for use as a sandwich spread with any cold sandwich recipe. Combine olives, parsley, cilantro, red bell pepper, olive oil, garlic and pepper in a small bowl and mix well; set aside. Make sandwiches by stacking olive mixture, ham, cheeses, tomatoes, and some more olive mixture on split hoagie buns. Press together gently and serve immediately. 6 sandwiches. --submitted by Francesca Riccio |
Boston Cream Pie
cup plus 2 tablespoons sifted cake flour * 2/3 cup sugar * 1 1/2
teaspoons baking powder * 1/4 teaspoon salt * 1/2 cup milk * 1/4 cup
cooking oil * 2 egg yolks * 1 teaspoon vanilla * 2 egg whites * 1/4
teaspoon cream of tartar * Pastry cream, recipe follows Ganache, recipe
follows * Pastry Cream Filling: * 2 cups whole, 2 percent fat, or 1
percent fat milk * 1/2 vanilla bean, split lengthwise, seeds scraped out
* 6 egg yolks * 2/3 cup granulated sugar * 1/4 cup cornstarch * 1
tablespoon unsalted butter Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium mixing bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture. Add milk, oil, egg yolks, and vanilla. Beat with an electric mixer on low to medium speed until combined. Beat an additional 3 minutes on high speed and set aside. In a large mixing bowl, beat egg whites and cream of tartar on medium to high speed until soft peaks form. Pour the egg yolk mixture over the egg white mixture and fold in. Gently pour the batter into a 9-inch greased pie pan. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until the top springs back when lightly touched. Invert the pan onto a wire rack. Cool completely. Pastry Cream Filling: In a medium saucepan, heat the milk and vanilla bean to a boil over medium heat. Immediately turn off the heat and set aside to infuse for 10 to 15 minutes. In a bowl, whisk the egg yolks and granulated sugar until light and fluffy. Add the cornstarch and whisk vigorously until no lumps remain. Whisk in 1/4 cup of the hot milk mixture until incorporated. Whisk in the remaining hot milk mixture, reserving the empty saucepan. Pour the mixture through a strainer back into the saucepan. Cook over medium-high heat, whisking constantly, until thickened and slowly boiling. Remove from the heat and stir in the butter. Let cool slightly. Cover with plastic wrap, lightly pressing the plastic against the surface to prevent a skin from forming. Chill at least 2 hours or until ready to serve. (The custard can be made up to 24 hours in advance. Refrigerate until 1 hour before using.) Ganache: In a medium bowl, pour the boiling cream over the chopped chocolate and stir until melted. To assemble pie, remove the cake from the pan. Cut the cake in half horizontally. Place bottom layer on a serving plate or board, and spread with the pastry cream. Top with second cake layer. Pour chocolate ganache over and down the sides of the cake. Store in refrigerator. --submitted by Paris Moore
1 quart dulce de leche ice cream * 1 cup heavy cream * 1/4 cup powdered sugar * 6 sugar cookies, crumbled * 1/2 cup chopped toasted almonds * 1 cup caramel ice cream topping, whole almonds for garnish * chocolate jimmies for garnish Line 12 muffin cups with paper liners and set aside. Let ice cream sit on the counter to soften while you beat the cream with powdered sugar in a large bowl until stiff peaks form. Add ice cream and beat until smooth. Fold in cookies, chopped almonds, and ice cream topping until marbled. Pipe or spoon mixture into prepared muffin cups. Garnish with whole almonds and chocolate jimmies. Freeze for at least 4 hours, until frozen solid. Let stand at room temperature for 10 minutes before serving. --submitted by Francesca Riccio |
```*+*```+```*+*``` Classified ```*+*```+```*+*``` |
Job Finder Contact Draven MacShire for: Bounty Hunters, Chimney Sweeps. Cobbler store position available. Beauty Salon available. Chiropractor needed to set up shop. Consular needed. Martial Arts Instructor needed. Contact Malcolm Douglas for: Dentist needed to set up office. Another Bower needed. Barber shop available. Dance Instructor needed. Tattoo Parlor proprietor wanted. Looking for help with a new catering service being set up. Need to know how to cook and prepare for multitudes. Contact Paris Moore. Thanks to Job finder: Paris Moore took over the catering service. Elizabeth O'Sullivan opened up the Pet Shop. Matthew Carendon will be opening up the Cigar and Tobacco Shoppe. Any questions contact Draven MacShire or Malcolm Douglas. ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` Thoughts for the Month O my Luve's like a red,
red rose If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance. - Bern Williams Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. -Albert Einstein "Great spirits have always encountered serious opposition from mediocre minds" - Albert Einstein Technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn't have to experience it. - Max Frisch ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` Advertisements Spring Scented and Hued Candles, field of flowers in yellow are specially priced to welcome spring. Fill your home with these invigorating scents for a good uplift. Ask for Kathleen Frasier or Samantha Golden at the Candle Shop. Spring Bouquets: Roses and Daises along with baby's breath at Lisette's Floral Shop. Wedding bouquets, anniversaries or any occasion. Carnations on special this month. Benzaiten Imports receives new shipments weekly. Hours are from 9:00 am to dusk. We are located in the warehouse district. Owners: Alexander McDonough and Garath MacShire. The Needle and Spool Clothier: Spring is knocking at the doors and it is time lighter clothing soon. Imported fabrics have been acquired for the balls and dances. From a silk gown to a linen tailored suit. Any pre-made clothing for Spring will be on sale with half off the asked price. The BookStop: It's time for spring planting. Stop on by to get Almanac pamphlets. Gardening books are half price. Heathfield Orphanage: Gifts, food, spring clothing and monetary offerings are greatly appreciated. Books in good shape are needed. Inquire with Henna Barrett Suex with any questions. McKnight Veterinary Clinic is now open at the McKnight estate in Heathfield. Donovan McKnight, DVM, and Katherine McKnight. We are trained in the treatment and care of all domestic and most exotic animals. The estates are located just outside of Heathfield near Barrington Hospital. Special on flea dips during the summer months. Certain Somethings Shop. Special this month: New summer hats and lacy gloves... Our items are made by artisans from the Realms and we also carry imported items. Hours are from nine until four.
Herbal Delights, located in Barrington Hospital,
has teas and tinctures available to fight off all manner of ailments.
Special ointments to relief bug bites and sunburn. Hours
are from 9:00 am to dusk, with special openings as needed.
Sweet and Sassy Candy Shop, located just off the marketplace is having specials on peppermint sticks. Penny candy available. Leather Shop Now taking orders for custom made saddles. Vests and lightweight gloves on special for June. Deli Delights - If you are hungry in the middle of the day for fresh bread, meats and Jewish cuisine, come down to Heathfield's newest places to dine. If you mention seeing the ad in the Gazette, you get a free dessert! Butcher Shop - Fresh cut meats available for all your dinners. Get that Easter ham at a special price. Open from Monday to Saturday from 9am til dusk. Ceol m'anama (Music is my soul) Music shop is now open. Carrying musical instruments, sheet music and more. Sheet music half off. Harps on sale during June. Hours from nine until five. Blue Marlin Inn and Tavern is having a special all this week. Pence ales and all you can eat of meat, bread and cheese. Rooms at special rates for overnight stays. Marlana Cherill proprietor. ```*+*```*+*```*+*``` |
And Found Lost: Book of Poetry by Henry Duvall....Property of Paris Moore Lost: A set of sculpting tools, contact Keriann Frasier if found. ??? Question Corner ??? 1. Someone very close to you is in pain, paralyzed and will die within a month. He begs you to give him poison so that he can die. Would you? What if he were your father? 2. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else? What did you sing? If you would like to reply and have it published in next month's issue, please submit the question with your answer to Lahoneee. Monthly Horoscope Gemini (May 20 - June 21) -- You must, for the moment, get accustomed to how powerful certain people are in your life. Many kinds of power exist, and you may sense a variety of negative potentials -- they're always present, however, and fortunately they rarely manifest. Your cosmic mission (I like that better than 'lesson') is to become comfortable in the presence of what you perceive as so much strength of will, force of belief and the idea that you'll have to somehow submit. That is merely a concept. From the willing space of awareness and acknowledgement, you can negotiate your way into a position of what we might call equity. You may notice that most arrangements, no matter what the power-sharing deal, have a distinctly voluntary quality. What you would be experimenting with here is, for one thing, your flexibility. Another is your propensity to attract extremes. A third is witnessing just how well you can guide your destiny when it seems most unlikely. -- submitted by Velvet MacShire See Planet Waves for other months. Where To Find It - Services Offered Want to better your business? Place a listing here!
Flowers -
Lisette McTiel Frasier, Heathfield Commons.
Jon McAndrews Lumber Mill, Ballicastle.
Wines - Mike McAndrews Vineyards, Heathfield; Darren McCullen Vineyards, Ballicastle. Leather, Beef, Horses - Maurice, Joseph and Rory McDonough, McDonough Ranch Heathfield. Wool, Yarn & Cloth - McCormick Sheep Ranch, Heathfield. Cider, Flour, Grains, Apples, Milk, Eggs, Vegetables - Draven MacShire, Ravanna of Heathfield. Potcheen - Sean DeBurgh, Rhett Shawnesey, Dunshire of Heathfield. Baked Goods - Teri's Sweets Shoppe, Ballicastle. Shipping, Trips by Sea - Rhett Shawnesey, Dunshire, or Bovee Shipping, Heathfield. Kennels - Meadowland Kennels, Patrick and Edward McAndrews, Ballicastle. Pottery - Devon DeWinter, Heathfield. Shipwrights - Collin McAndrews and Thomas Douglas, Heathfield Port.
Imports -
Xandar McDonough and Garath MacShire, Heathfield Port.
Linen and Lingerie -
Marcy McGuire, Heathfield Commons.
Candles and Crystals -
Kathleen Cleary Frasier and Samantha Golden, Heathfield Commons.
Tea House -
Iwakura Sachiko, Heathfield Commons.
Clothing -
Seamstress -
Acacia Sterling, Heathfield Commons.
Fortune Teller -
Nataliya Andree, Heathfield Commons.
Hospital -
Gates Barrington, Sara Devonshire, Heathfield.
Clocks -
Aleric and Niklas Traugott, Heathfield Commons.
Horse Shoeing, Swords, Daggers -
Lochlan Kearney, Ballicastle; Brian McAndrews,
Heathfield Commons.
and Sheaths -
Moncha McAndrews, Heathfield Commons.
Surveyor -
Robert Frasier, Ballicastle.
Herbs Shop -
Sara Devonshire, Barrington Hospital Lobby.
Book Shop
- Mariah
McCormick, Heathfield Commons.
Orphanage -
Henna Barrett Suex, Heathfield.
Archeologist -
Kitavari Griffin, Heathfield.
Apothecary -
Sinead NiAhearne Frasier and Aislin NiFaelen,
Ores -
Joseph McAndrews, Ballicastle.
Smelter -
Eddie McAndrews, Ballicastle.
Private Investigators
- Joseph McDonough, Jacob Anderson, Mercy
LaCorte and Clark Davis, Heathfield.
Furniture -
Sean MacGrath.
Veterinarians -
Donovan and Katherine McKnight.
Frasier Signs -
Kyle Frasier, Heathfield Commons and
Sweet and Sassy Candy
Carienn and Corina Turlough, Heathfield
Certain Somethings Shop -
Sorcha Beirne, Heathfield Commons.
Leather Goods:
Dairy Products:
NorthStar Dairy run by Allan Cleary
Glass Maker:
Isolde Fitzpatrick, Heathfield Commons
Blue Marlin Inn and
Tavern: Marlana Cherill Proprietor,
Barrett's Bay
Ceol m'anama (Music is
my soul) Music Shop: Lorelei Barre,
Heathfield Commons
Many thanks to those who contribute to this newspaper. Any additions, corrections or wishing to run an ad please contact Lahoneee. |
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from the Wharf All gossip that comes in through the port, and places least expected, you can be sure that Matty and Pearl know every little tidbit and then some added. Embellishing is a way of life to make the tale far more colorful. If something is not certain nor clear, it is easy to fill in those gaps; there is nothing like assuming. They will make sure all gossip gets around come rain or shine and the sharing of a tea biscuit. There is a place for Drama Queens. |
**The shipwrights have also been a favorite for Pearl and I and I had to wipe the pout off her face as two became attached and not to us! There is some good news on this otherwise sad note, there's a new one in town and unattached. Brothers are good. I'm going to help Pearl get dolled up and get her to strut herself when he's out working on his ship, shirtless. He better notice too or I'll have to put the whammy on him. **Speaking of falling like flies, another takes the bite and quite the upset considering this particular Captain. If he can settle after all his wild ways, surely Pearl and I can find ourselves one. The woman a quiet one. Maybe that's the key, we can keep our traps shut if it meant getting a man. Right. Pearl is coughing hard, I think her giggler got stuck. **There's the moody kingsman we've been keeping our eye on. Seems a few other wenches have been too but does he have an eye for any with eyes? Now Pearl is finally giggling saying something about they better have eyes. Speaking of kingsman there is the outgoing charmer that has an eye for a good cuisine that isn't always food related. **Has the Flower Garden gotten the royal seal of endorsement? I could become a Petunia and Pearl a dandelion! **Talk about hot flashes and getting the sweats, both Pearl and I had to visit the lake after watching the moody kingsman face off with hot pants. One too hot to handle, besides being off the market and the other had the earth tremble beneath our feet. Pearl fell flat on her bum and I atop. She had breathing problems for a while but I think it was watching such hunks. If we test the gauntlet next, will knights come to our rescue? We don't care if they are in shinning armor or rusty gear, we're damsels in menopause and willing to take risks. **We overheard one lass saying that for every woman there is a man. We would like to know where ours are! We've been impatiently waiting and until then we have our hopes and dreams along with everyone else's. **There is one lass who gained the nickname of Kissy. We have it on good authority, and the fact Pearl can still get up a tree while I stood below encouraging her when branches cracked not to pay them no mind, that our little friend has been in trees and K I S S I N G. So much so she fell out and took a splash with her lover. If men grow on trees then I'm going to find a way to get up one and wait. **Couples, couples, everywhere but not a single man for us. Storms, storms, aplenty of late and many around a certain male. We may get out in the pouring rain yet. **We're wondering on where our Rawhide stud has been lingering, no wonder he heads the PIs for he's like a shadow in his ways. The more the challenge to catch him in the shade in a secluded place. Isn't that right Pearl. She's nodding and giggling again. **Sign maker, sign maker, give me a sign, color my world, tile my thighs. Pearl is writing a new song, if only she can stop giggling she might get it done. We've heard he's hired a cook using his very own kitchen, will she be soon doing his laundry and taking care of his bed? **The green-thumb lass seems to have more than plants around her. Those from the lands of sands right down to our moody kingsman again. He is certainly getting notice, well our notice. Rumor has it hot pants is having a baby, this I want to see! Will it be a fireball or just a smokebomb. One lass got herself a written script that included a man. Can we write a petition for one too? I can do Juliet from the ground. Pearl can be my handmaid. Any volunteers? We can skip the death scene. **What about the Frenchman, Pearl is asking. Well, what about him? Seems he is spreading his natural charm with an o-la-la. We're thinking about inviting him over for some French toast and make an impression. The princess and the pea, well, duke we discovered, have been hot and heavy kissing in the Thistle but claim to be like brother and sister. That's a new tactic we might try. At least she isn't going around kissing frogs. **Who was the lady in red? One that certainly turned a few heads. We'll have to wear that shade next time out publicly. Pearl keeps telling me we need to come out of hiding. Just so much can be garnered when no one is watching. Well, except us watching. **Close to home again, we've been keeping an eye on another drop dead good looking Captain, one still single. His gunner too. All the ladies around the port wouldn't mind getting stranded with either. It must have something to do with bodies and water as we have it on good authority that the lake has become the romance arena of the lands. Never know what you'll happen on there. Screams. Growling. Purring. Birds taking flight in fright. **I'm trying to get Pearl to start gambling for there are two that I'd gamble on. We should start taking our own bets of who will hook up next. There are a few in the running, a few possibilities, even a few long shots. Pearl just discovered we lost our list of eligible males but its been outdated except what we updated. We'll just have to make a new one check it over twice with two columns of naughty and nice. I'll do the naughty one. I'll end for now being I have a rebellion on my hands. |
WANTED 500 Gold Pieces Offered on Black Doom ... Dead or alive. Crimes: Murder, Plundering and pillaging innocents, Thievery, Arson, Kidnapping, and Rape. Slavery. Reward is high for any who brings this scoundrel to justice |
((Disclaimer: any pictures used of actors/actresses is solely for how that fictional character may look, no claims made. This is a fictional newspaper created for entertainment in the role-playing world. Articles from books, websites, etc., are credited. If any author has a problem (as it is a form of advertisement for them) with their credited works being depicted, please contact me and they will be promptly removed.))