Prince of Ballicastle

Ballicastle Lumber Mill
Jonathon James McAndrews

He stands at 6' 5", 240 lbs with dark sandy blond hair and steel blue eyes.
"JJ" was a rascal and a rogue.
One of ten princes born of King Chadrick and Queen Mary McAndrews of Ballicastle
Fidelity given Heathfield.

He made many a mistake in sowing his wild oats until it finally caught up with him and he took a few years to find his own way. As much as he shared a lot in common with his brothers, he had his own personality and demons. Those demons chased him to the four corners of the Earth until he finally came home where he belonged. He discovered the demons were within and it took discipline instead to conquor them.

It took him 27 years to finally come to terms with most, still having a few. His family, his home meant more to him now than when it was taken for granted.

He had amends to make and mostly those were to his mother and brothers. He was home.

It was hard growing up as one of ten boys and when mistaken for this brother or that one. He was a skilled fighter and intelligent enough to accomplish various intrigues that now drew his focus.

Sixth born son of ten. Father Chadrick McAndrews I (deceased) and mother Mary. Brothers: Chadrick (39), Seamus (37), Liam (36), Joseph (35), Edward (34), Himself (33), Brian (32), Michael (31), Patrick (30) and Collin (29)

(Mature player with no tolerance for immaturity, NO IM roleplay or recruiting.)

Jon McAndrews

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