Resident of Heathfield
Strawberry curly hair past her shoulders
Light green eyes watch you with no recognition
Married to Allan Cleary
Blind since the age of 9, she is accompanied by her guide-dog
Jasper, her only companion. Strong of mind and spirit, having
courage beyond her 26 years, Devon likes to make people laugh
and enjoys the company of good friends. She inherited her mother's
talent for playing the violin, as well as her singing voice, and
even used it on occasion to sooth a crying child. Despite her
blindness, Devon has become a gifted potter by trade. Loves going on
long walks with Jasper, always enjoying nature, having a real
affinity for animals, and . Devon has an innate ability to know how
people feel, catching hints of emotion from their voices, her loss
of sight having heightened her other senses.
A lot of good could
be accomplished in this world if nobody cared who got the credit.
(Only mature RP please, no IMs)
*No claims made to pictures used to represent