Heathfield Museum Proprietor
Dark hair and
dreamer's dark eyes
She has the darker looks of her brother Adrian
Single * Twenty-three
Sometimes much older for her years while other times a
Was Married Once -
is no longer
Wisdom adheres not
to age but experience. Some say it is brought along with you from
past lives in accumulating. Inborn knowledge that continues to
Thwack! The sharp
sound of a ruler hitting the wood of her desk would jolt her
back to stare blankly upon the Schoolmarm for a few moments
before the flush of heat could be felt and seen upon her cheeks.
Scolded for daydreaming once more. It wasn't something she set out
to do but only found herself being caught doing it. Dark eyes would
take on faraway look as scenarios would dance with her imagination.
She was gifted of hand and mind to become a sculptor in time.
Marble, stone, clay, wood, bronze, any media that would be
worked to bring her active imagination to life. Her biggest feat was
keeping her feet in reality enough not to become a burden on others
or socially inept. She gradually learned the balance once she took
her hand to sculpting. Shy and reclusive by nature didn't mean she
could not be bold of heart if needed.
It was with a
heavy heart she received the news of her father and once her
contract was up she refused to sign another, much to the chagrin of
Miss Bennett. She headed to the lands of Heathfield instead to be
with her family and cousins. Possibly find a position there.
Once settled in,
she picked up her sculpting once again. Life at Falkirk was never
dull as once taking over the Heathfield castle Museum she moved into
the castle along with her cousin Abigail who took over the Library.
It was during this time she met a man, the graveyard caretaker -
Michael Saxton. Theirs was a whirlwind romance that ended in
heartbreak when he disappeared without a word. At first it was
wondered if there had been foul play. There had not, he had packed
up and left the lands for good. Or so thought. Life went on but a
part of her had closed off, she wondered if it had even died. Just
when she thought she could move on, he showed up in the Thistle.
Hurt and furious,
she would not listen to any excuse for leaving without even a word.
Love spurn could turn to hate than absence having the heart grow
fonder. In time, her anger subsided enough to at least listen to
what he had to say. It was a fantastic story but one that held truth
in him being possessed. In time Michael McAndrews was able to
discharge him of the evil entity that had taken hold of him. Love
grew, finding it had never really died but this time it was far
stronger than the first. More true for them both. Perhaps what
happened, happened for the best. They married along with two of her
brothers in a triple wedding aboard Adrian's ship The Wasp.
two months she discovered she was pregnant with their first
child. Twins were born: Samuel Michael and Carolyn Ann. Michael
decided they would move back to Scotland. She wasn't certain why but
as a good wife she went where her husband needed to go. She found,
however, she was pretty much abandoned once there and after a few
months, completely abandoned. Lonely and heartbroken, she packed up
the children and headed home. At least home she would be
in the company of those who loved her. She sought a
quiet divorce based on abandonment. It was granted and she started her
life anew. Luckily she was able to get back her job as
proprietor of the Museum along with her twin sister who wished to
work with her.
*Limited ooc on
roleplay. No play in IMs. Actress used only to show how Keriann would
look. No claims made to said picture. Character created 02-12-07*