NorthStar Dairy Six Foot Three *
Twenty Seven Summers One With Nature Originally he stayed at GoldenDawn Manor, Ballicastle, home of the Clearys. Residing there is his cousin Victor, brother Michael, sister Roseannm, sister Diane and Aunt Samantha - or so adopted. Allan felt mostly at peace with the lands and nature. He is quiet on the norm which could well be taken as brooding. Sometimes he was brooding. Easy enough to get along with but there were certain things that could stir his temper, slow burn but if it flared, anyone around him knew it immediately. He was given lands and a dairy built to supply the three castles with milk. He now resides there and the start of a new life and destination. --Older player. FreeForm. OOC extremely limited. Childish writing and attitude ignored.-- Heathfield
Webpages No claims are made to the pictures used - they are only used in representing how this character would look.