Fortress ***************************************************************************** THEME FOCUS EVENTS
and DICE NOTES Although we are RP focus we also help members level as needed. We also do mog runs and if one wants to get members to do a present level dungeon/raid, that is fine too. Just we are not a 'raiding' guild as some have their focus. We have a Story-board on our Discord where you can record something of your character for development purposes. Sometimes they lead into events that are more story than ruled by dice like the duchy rival story which is basically being done by three players presently. WARNING: Anyone caught removing items in masse from the guild bank will be removed. As it stands now I had to change citizen to have no bank access for one coming in and was taking out the limit on all tabs allowed every day. There are stacks of cloth, for example, if you needed 50, take 50 out, not all 200. Same for other stacks and only take what you need to level a profession, etc, not sell on the AH or give to others. That is not what our guild bank is for. Most have respected that until recent. So now, once you prove your membership, you will be advanced to loyal citizen and allowed so much per tab, but with discretion.
OOC on the Setup of the Duchy of Crestwood Although the Guild is a setup under the structure of nobility, we are not playing the nobility structure as some other Houses do, it is just a backdrop of the O'Brian family. The Duchy, located on the islands between Westfall and Northern Stranglehorn is expansive, including an outer wall and an inner wall. The outer wall encircles the Village, comprising of streets, shops, taverns and multi-story row type homes and the Keep. The Whole of the Duchy. The inner Wall separates the Village from the Keep which houses the Royal family as well barracks for the Guards and military. Other noble born and those taking on employment such as the ladies in waiting. There are rooms within the Keep for the personal bodyguards. Other royals have rooms in another section of the Keep. Outside the Walls (and a far rougher area) are the docks, drydocks where the Merchant (battle equipped) ships are ported. The constant flow of ships in and out of the bay. Shops and taverns along the docks and even homes up behind those. Goods transported out include, fish of all types, shell fish of all types (there are fishermen boats as well), seashells for trinkets, objects made within the village including weapons and gear from the blacksmiths. Goods from the Estate include various grains, cotton and vegetables if kept in chests with ice and ported to areas not far from the Duchy. Mostly gold is brought back but also exotic oils and materials along with objects custom to the area of trade, such as exotic birds, parrots and such. This is left open to the imagination. Goals: Character development through roleplay. I'm willing to help anyone asking within the guild - I have alts that can suit such interaction. Stories open to all who wish to get involved and even some outside the guild. Getting involved with other guilds and individual in the course of roleplay - those of like minded. We may hold events within the Stormwind area but we will also use the area of isles (barren) or our proxy Theramore which has a lot of how the Duchy is setup. * Please Note: If you leave the guild under one toon and have no alt toons in the guild, you well also be removed from the guild Discord as well - it only stands to reason and nothing personal. The Royal family of Crestwood includes
the Duchess Caiome O'Brian (Caiomelle), (GM) her two sisters, Concessa and
Misha. * Any final say in any matter with the guild is law by the O'Brian sisters (Caiome, Concessa, Misha). Although I do my best to be fair, the setup is a monarchy, not a democratic structure. I am not the type to manipulate others, backstab or drive you out by being unkind ooc over ic stuff and ruin your fun here in this rp world. There are some I will no longer bother with, for the above. The guild as a whole may have someone or other guild we'll not interact with on a whole if such reasons arise. Although if asked oocly, I will honestly give my opinion and why. Most of you have been there unfortunately. I only bring this up because of things asked of me in conversations with others and decided to just put my standing here. * My background experience is: I ran a castle on aol for 17 years, a very successful one until rp on aol died out. It was called Heathfield Castle. The layout was different and I had to adjust coming to WoW in rp but the basics of writing and creativity doesn't change. I came on WoW about half a year before MoP. I found WR about three years later. It seems the good and the bad are here as well and probably everywhere in MMO. So keep close the true of heart and treatment and banish the nasty drama queens from sight and mind and continue to have fun in rp in spite of them. * The most important thing here is to have fun. That is why we are here. Keep OOC and IC separate but certainly a degree of positive ooc rapport about the game with others is helpful. Be kind and considerate. * Everyone gets a com
when they join (assumed or played out). It is to locate anyone if needed
by Officer Chat (IC), while Gchat is OOC. * We are a focus on roleplay guild that accepts most walks of life, not discriminating race,
color or creed but deeds could have it you don't fit in this guild. We are
not a dark guild. We are a serious roleplay guild that promotes stories
from anyone who wishes character development or even adding to another's
story. We have members from demon hunters, death knights to
paladins and priests. * All members are welcome to submit a guild event on our guild Discord they would like to run with the approval of Caiome. Time and dates coordinated with other events if necessary. As you would like your story/event promoted please do the same for others as one can participate barring the demands of RL. * Events should run a maximum of two hours, otherwise it gets strenuous beyond that. If needed the event can be done as many times as to its conclusion. It gives a chance for players who could not make the first episode to make the next and get involved. There will be a Message Board tab made on our Discord guild page to put the stories there, not in general chat. * Although the Duchy has an assume regiment of soldiers, sailors and guards (npc and played) we are not a military guild (something I've been asked a few times). There may well be events that will include soldiers, guards or sailors npc'ed as needed to fight, but our structure is not military. * Invites will be only through the heads of the guild. If you know and trust someone that wants to join, contact one of the heads for an interview. Be sure to give this link to our setup and rules in the interim. We will try to be timely in seeing to any wishing to join barring RL. * If you wish more than one of your toons in the guild, it is permitted, let me know to invite them in and put in their tab whose alt.. I don't have a set number requirement. Each toon will be treated as individuals and possibly a situation where one toon is asked to leave ICly for behavior while the others stay, provided the trouble is not with the player. Ranks - do not mean the same as in most guilds that have leveling up in stations. They may change again if a new one is needed. You are not judged by your ranking here, just a formality. +Duchess: GM - Caiome O'Brian (Caiomelle) +Consort: Only one can be Caio's consort and is considered the Co-GM. +Elite: Those of the royal family and council members. +Loyal Citizen - those who have proven their citizenship and allow gbank privledges. The main populace with varying skills, stations and positions. +Citizen - Those newly coming into the duchy. Positions pending as well dedication. * Inactivity Notice: If you are not online within three months or so without letting Caiomelle know, you will be removed from the guild. If you happen to log on after being removed just message Caiomelle to be reinstated if you wish. * This guild is background based on a nobility structure. Although for their story, the O'Brians sisters are not the typical nobility having not been raised in the Noble structure. (why it's not really nobility played as some might think for the guild name.) * No favoritism will be shown if your toon ends up with a higher level toon in the guild. If your toon is with another that is of another guild, be sure you can spend time in this one as well. It is understood both will want to juggle commitments to satisfy both guilds. * Gchat is not to be used to harass another player or make such jokes that cross that line. If you have a problem with another player, first try talking to the player in a whisper without harassing them and try to resolve it as adults (both sides) If that cannot be done then talk to me about it. * What a person does under their toon privately is their business and should not be the business of anyone else making comments publicly or in gchat. Although that person should not be tucked away so much of their time that they are not out roleplaying with others of the guild. There is a reasonable balance that should be maintained when in a guild. If that is all you do (known as erp) and little to no participation - as much as I would hate to remove anyone, you well be removed. If you do such things in public that would represent the guild in a negative way - you will be removed. * The Duchy of Crestwood is an above board kind of guild. Decent toons and players - staying drama free (as humanly possible) and only those who represent us in a good light by their actions and deeds. * Anyone coming into our group only to cause trouble in any manner, shape or form - for there are many ways this can happen - will be dismissed and taken out of our group. * Do not take noticed things OOC to IC or things IC to OOC (both known as blending). Granted we all trip up on this at one time or another, apologize and move on. Don't continue such. If you wish to use any ooc information such as in another's TRP, then get permission of that person, otherwise is it considered very bad roleplay and one can rightfully ignore that rp. As with everything there is a 'reasonable' exception to the rule. Such if you have two characters involved in the same story, you can assume what one learned was told the other. * Rules subject to change or be added to at the GMs (Caiomelle) discretion. |