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Tournament Rules |
Our Tournaments are run Free Form for these Reasons: Know the complaints of dice and the Online Host? Of writing well and being defeated by one who puts ::slashes:: or by a child pitted against a great warrior and wins by biting them? Of waiting hours online during a tourney to find someone to spar with plus a proctor/judge and only find yourself the victim of "dirty underhanded tricks" finding (excuses) everyone is tied up or has to leave - end result is you don't get to make enough spars to win? Or the rules set up in such a way there are loopholes in favor of the "guild" running it? Of sparing against another who expects you to acknowledge all their hits but doesn't yours (moding)? Of stalemates between two who neither can be touched because of their god-like characters? Everyone cries for justice and fairness in role-playing but are these very same players willing to try a new way that demands maturity and respect between players and their characters? For this new method to work.. to fail or succeed.. is not weighed so much in what I have put together but whether there are players out there ready for what this will demanded of them (maturity). I personally would like to see a lot of the "bad habits" here broken and right ones put in their place. Note: Everyone will be judged by all four same judges for fairness, why logs will be sent instead. The conducting of the "Tournament of Champions" proved that the method of free form judging I came up with works. In fact it far exceeded my hopes and expectations. There are logs of these spars on our Message Board. Procedure To Follow On The Actual Conducting Of a Spar
1. Coin toss to determine who goes first (1d6).
Winner of first strike marks rounds in the room, honor strike logs and sends it to
the judges: -Determined at the time
of a tournament- (you
can correct spelling and take out excess sns - Message board style, but not
alter the moves or general flow of text. Such should be posted in the room if
something was left out or incorrect in < >) The
die should be cast first, soon as both contestants are in the room.
Note: For moves you can use a combination to achieve one goal, but not have a series of just pummeling the other opponent before they can react - that is not fair play. A goal for example would be the moves to get the opponent down to pin him, but not more 'goals' such as butting his head, elbowing his side, etc. Also too, you can make a move (or combination of moves) to say pin the other but you cannot "move" the other player's character as saying for example: *he is pinned and cannot move*, actions and reactions are that player's to make of his character. I know there is a fine line, so go with what is reasonable. The other should go by the move made on their character in conjunction with how they get out of it or how much the goal of the other's move had effect. It is advisable to print this section out for the contestants to follow, keep it handy. Better to write it Message Board style too. No :: :: but " " for anything said. 6. When spar is done, shake hands.. or other due respect of another warrior after a spar is completed. Put ~end of match~ (one doing the rounds) as only that part be needed to send to the judges. Honor strike contestant sends the log off to the four judges. Hand to Hand - No weapons nor armor except leather padding type. Normal moves but not karate acrobatics (overkill). Swords - One sword of choice and shield, steel armor worn to protect body and head. Jousting - Steel body armor, helmet, lance, shield and a horse also with armor on the head. No OOC in the room, except "afk/bak" by the contestants only, not the spectators. If a judge or myself is there (one qualified) and there is something done "out of line" that person can end the spar (ooc comment) as disqualifying the one. I will try to have Honeee at as many as possible. If none is present and the one contestant feels something is done 'out of line' they can halt the spar and have a ruling done before it is picked up again. I hope none of this occurs and feel it should not be a problem. Only IM for a link, do not be distracting the contestants by chatter in IMs as a courtesy to them. If a contestant is unsure of the move written by their opponent (unclear) they can (if they want) write "HALT" in the room to clarify with the other in an IM. PR (AIM) rooms will be made for an event to be used then linked to "legit" spectators who ask. These will be created and sent to the contestants. GROUND RULES The only dice that will be use is just "the toss of the coin" (1d6) to see who goes first. The idea is to have fun, show off your writing skills, knowledge of sparring, creativity and quick thinking. Being these will be a friendly spars, and not the enemy, blunt weapons will be used. A contestant can get hurt as in bruised, pulled muscles, a good punch to the nose could have it bleed but lets keep from "broken" of any parts. The tournaments are designed to find skilled warriors, which will also include contestants conducting themselves in the codes of chivalry. A clean fight. Blows can be "pulled" as to not really wound but show what they "could do". There will be a limit of six contestants for any given event, being they all have to spar each on of the others it leaves each with five spars to do and thirty matches for the judges to judge. They will be chosen on a first come, first qualifying basis with the return of applications. The events will be logged and sent to the four judges, the winner pending once the 'choice/vote' is made by the four judges and posted on an ongoing score and schedule sheet here. The duration will be 6 rounds for any hand to hand or sword events, 3 rounds for the jousting event, each round consisting of a hit given and response to a hit by each contestant - both (hit and hit taken) taken into consideration equally on how well written and realistic they are done. Rule of thumb, although they should be descriptive one need not write a book - a good paragraph including both strike and hit should be sufficient (but not one liners). How much written would depend on the moves needed. Hint: some write a paragraph what another can say just as effectively in one sentence. Try to avoid words that on the norm, one has to look up in a dictionary or too many of such ones. Do use ones that others "should know" even if not real common. This event is not to show your knowledge of words rarely used but more how well your character moves and reacts and still written well in this depiction. The spars will be held in AIM PR rooms, if anyone wishes to watch ask for a link from those sparring. There are rules for the spectators too. Many guild spars don't allow posting by spectators during the spar itself or the coming or leaving of the room as such could affect the "online host" and dice roll. This will not need to be a consideration as dice will not be used except the initial coin toss. In taking into consideration of those times, spectators would cheer and jeer the contestants on, I wish to keep this quality for this tournament but yet do not wish it to get out of hand. There is no need of a judge of the tourney to be present as the log will be sent. The conducting of the spar itself and the room is left to the two contestants... to be followed as set up in the "procedure for the spar". Tournaments conducted with other realms. Variation will be a process of elimination. In the initial line up ones will be paired off with only one other. From there those winners will be paired off until there is only one winner. This is to save time if there are many. If only a few then it will be conducted under the regular setup. Judges will be taken from each realm involved that wish to participate. Ones chosen that are known to be fair and not prejudice to their own realm in determining a winner of a round. Judges will not be allowed to have a character of their own in the tournament. This should be taken into considering if accepting the role of a judge. APPLICATION You will need to send in an application to participate in any tournament run. There will be different ones run so follow any particular rules in their setup. For example one tournament might be for 'human types only' while another might be for mages. It is not fair to pit a magic user or one with extraordinary abilities, or weapons, against a character that is mere human and ordinary weapons. Some events may have separate categories for males and females. JUDGING Four judges are chosen (I will have permanent ones and some alternates), those I feel not only recognize good writing and context/skill but are fair in those judgments. There will be only one kind of event run at at time. In the case of a Realms Tournament, judges will be chosen from each if willing otherwise some outside, unprejudiced, writers I know will be asked if they would do the judging. The idea is to be fair to all involved. Judging will be based on this criteria: 1. Writing skills <wording>. 2. Skill of the fight itself in both offensive and defensive
moves (equal credit). 3. Conduct of the character as in chivalry and respect of others. A "champion" would need to show both skill and chivalry. 4. Adhering to the rules as set up. 5. A contestant who first uses an original idea gets credit for
it. If others then use the idea, it will not be given the same credit. I feel this fair being spars will be watched by others and ideas gained for their own. Reasons for disqualifications: Not adhering to the rules as set up on this webpage: lethal strikes, discourteous conduct (blatant just to disrupt), ooc in the room and arguing, trying to use super human powers in a human event, dirty fighting as in shots to the groin, etc. In short immature and childish antics will not be tolerated. ~Stick to a clean fight and there should be no problems. One of the purposes of this way of conducting spars without dice is to promote maturity in handling things and conducting oneself instead of relying on a proctor to reprimand. SPECTATORS The rules are for spectators: Posting should be a response to the spar going on, not socialization, flirting with others, other SLs they are in should be kept out as a focus, nor preening (as in going on about their appearance/motions to try and draw attention to their character, having nothing to do with the spar they are supposed to be watching. Now, for example - a person could slap their hand over their mouth in a muffled laugh or scream for something that happened in the spar. Jump up and down but motions as a result of the spar they are watching. Comments on the spar made too should not be just rude - out of context.) Posting by spectators should be limited in duration <short and sweet, not paragraphs - a line or two>.. the idea is to respond but lets see more of the ones sparring. Wait after a round is done and before the next (which is once both contestants write out their moves - not between these. An * is placed at the end so its your cue too). You can have a favorite and cheer him on.. and jeer the other but keep it from becoming disrespectful.. Chivalry and respect should be conducted by all. If you come in after the spar is started, wait and catch up first before posting - make sure its after a round and before the next. If there is a problem with a spectator, they will be asked to leave and if they do not.. it will be announced to put the one on ignore as to not continue to disrupt by the contestants. Either of the two contestants have the right to reprimand any spectator there OOC on their behavior and ask them to cease or leave. SCHEDULING Scheduling of each event with each contestant should be made ahead of time for the convenience of RL times and circumstances. It also gives others the chance to be here to view an event as a spectator (posted in the webpage under that event for times-dates). If one cannot make a scheduled time it can be rescheduled. This even is not conducted to punish one for things beyond their control as in an automatic forfeit but continual 'no show' can result in disqualification from the event. An event will take as long as needed for all the contestants to get in all their spars with each other, there is not a real time limit but more a reasonable time allowed. If one is rarely here or unable to schedule time then they should honorably step down from the tournament, as stated before this should all be conducted with maturity. Send scheduled times of both contestants (sns) and event to whom the event is set up under. |