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Heathfield Castle Dice Aid Levels

After experimenting with using dice even to accommodate skill by changing dice in levels, it still posed a few problems. To address these problems and the fact we had moved away from being a dice based game many years ago, and wish not to return to such, it is decided that dice are best used as an AID to roleplaying certain skills such as archery and daggers. The dice setup below can be used by anyone wishing to do such roleplay with another and not have to decide the outcome OOC, leaving some margin for Murphy's Law and Fate. So, players would decide realistically which level their character is at, agreed upon before starting any match and use the dice setup below accordingly. Note: if we have any games of archery or daggers using one set of dice for all in such a contest for fun, it is best one not play a character that is setup as being excellent in the area, for the dice may well not fall that way.

This is an ongoing project in perfecting as well as adding more games/rules.

Dice Aid Levels  *   Jousting  *  Hand to Hand  *  Swords  *  Highland Games  *  Gauntlet & O'Gawd-let

Free Form Tourney Rules


Target has eleven rings,  outer two are white, next black, next blue, next red and inner three are yellow with the bullseye. The bullseye is used to break ties.

Players first decide realistically which level their character is at, agreed upon with those participating before starting any match and use the dice setup below accordingly.

Regular Match: consists of two  contestants taking turns shooting three arrows at a time for 3 rounds. Dice is 1d21  //roll-dice1-sides21, a 1d2 is used for a coin toss to see who starts //roll-dice1-sides2 (1=heads, 2=tails). This is optional if ones just decide without the need.

Group Match: same as above but if position is required then use a 1d100 for positioning players turns.

You may wish to keep your own running tab on wins and losses amongst those that make use of these skills in ongoing play.
This setup of dice to accommodate skill levels is copyrighted by Lahoneee



1st Level (White - A)

2nd Level (Black - A)

3rd Level (Blue - A)

4th Level (Red - A)

5th Level (Yellow - A)

Dice roll Pts Dice roll Pts Dice roll Pts Dice roll Pts Dice roll Pts
01-03 Miss Target 00 01-05 Outer Wht Ring 01 01-03 Inner Wht Ring 03 01-02 Outer Blk Ring 04 01 Outer Blue Ring 05
04-06 Nick Rim 00 06-10 Inner Wht Ring 02 04-06 Outer Blk Ring 04 03-04 Inner Blk Ring 05 02-03  Inner Blue Ring 06
7-9 Outer Wht Ring 01 11-13 Outer Blk Ring 03 07-10 Inner Blk Ring 05 05-06 Outer Blue Ring 06 04-05  Outer Red Ring 07
10 -12  Inner Wht Ring 02 14  Inner Black Ring 04 11-13  Outer Blue 06 07-10  Inner Blue Ring 07 06-09  Inner  Red Ring 08
13  Outer Black Ring 03 15  Outer Blue Ring 05 14-16  Inner Blue 07 11-13  Outer Red Ring 08 10-13  Outer Yell Ring 09
14  Inner Black Ring 04 16  Inner Blue Ring 06 17-18  Outer  Red 08 14-16  Inner  Red Ring 09 14-18  Inner Yell Ring 10
15  Outer Blue Ring 05 17  Outer Red Ring 07 19  Inner Red Ring 09 17-19  Outer Yellow 10 19-21  Bullseye 12
16  Inner Blue Ring 06 18  Inner Red Ring 08 20  Outer Yellow Ring 10 20-21  Bullseye 12    
17  Outer Red Ring 07 19  Outer Yellow Ring 09 21   Bullseye 12        
18  Inner Red Ring 08 20  Inner Yellow Ring 10            
19  Outer Yellow Ring 09 21  Bullseye 12            
20  Inner Yellow Ring 10                
21  Bullseye 12